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Words on Dreams

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 4:46 am
by Elyna
73rd Day of Blaze AOK 21

The ballroom was decked in extravagance. Hung with blue gauzes that ranged in colour from bright sky blue to a midnight ocean. All the glasses and silverware had been polished till they shone in the previous days. The Duchess was exacting, precise and her word commanded attention. Music filled the room and dances drifted in a lazy, circular waltz. She heard the rustle of skirts, could smell the bitterness of alcohol on the air, along with the strange dry scent of wax. Candles were hung from every available perch but with the early cool weather it was still cool enough to appreciate the warmth they generated.

She peered at the gathered assembly, watching as the most beautiful woman she’d even seen, was spun around the dancefloor. Elyna couldn’t take her eyes off the princess, tall and fair with striking features. Each step she took landed with precision. Her posture was beyond fault, and peering out from beneath the drinks table, Elyna couldn’t help but sigh with envy. Until a stranger lent down, grinning as he spotted her.

‘I don’t think you should be under there…miss?’ His voice was warm and melodic.

‘Bennett,’ Elyna replied.

The man frowned at that, offering a hand down beneath the table eves.

Cautious, she accepted and was helped to scramble to her feet and out from her hiding place.

‘What’s the matter?’ She asked, staring up at him.

‘It’s just that it’s my name too,’ he shook his head. With a glance towards the dancefloor he then turned back with a smile. ‘Will you dance with me?’

‘Always…’ her smile was automatic, as was her connection to the other Bennett. He was tall, dark and wickedly handsome. She had to lean back to look up at him. Elyna knew that she was older than she had been at the start of her dream and she stepped closer to the man. It was the scent of him that told her who he was.

‘Mal…’ she murmured and nuzzled in close, forgetting the rest of the room.

‘Ely?’ His hands dropped to her sides and his smiled warmed. He lent in, as though to kiss her until a hand landed gently on his arm. At which point he broke away as if scolded, staring at her in confusion before he turned to his beautiful wife.

‘If you’ll excuse my husband?’ Vanessa’s smile was hard as Malcolm took a bow and turned away. Leading the princess onto the dancefloor without a single look back.

Elyna tried to swallow the lump in her throat and found that she was choking on it. First love. Nothing could compare really, could it?

‘Of course not my dear,’ a familiar hand slid around her waist. Her heart shuddered and she looked up at Yvan. His hair was longer, beard untamed and his pale eyes carried a danger she had once found attractive.

She tried to step out of his embrace but he laughed, ‘I’m never far away my love.’ His voice whispered past her ear and jolted the woman awake.

Elyna sat up, panting as she stared into the unfamiliar room. Malcolm lay beside her and she reached out, gently touching her hand to his shoulder as she let out a slow, uneven breath. With the curtains pulled, the room remained dark and cool in the first touch of morning and Elyna slid carefully from the bed.

Dressed in a loose skirt and with her shirt tucked into the waistband, she moved back through the rooms. Tidying their discarded clothes from the night before. She took the time to light the small cooking fire and set water to boil. After the late night, she was sure that no one would expect her and Malcolm to be awake so early.

With tea brewing, she found herself a perch on a window seat. The wooden frame was warm beneath her frame as she peered out through the foliage at the gardens that lay between them and the main house.

Finally, Elyna moved to check the small bag that had been left for her, hanging by the door. Fresh clothes, some herbs that helped settled her stomach and a few personal items. Smiling, she pulled a notebook and pencil from the depths and returned to her window. Emily had definitely packed the bag.

She turned the pencil over in her hands. Contemplating the risk of her words. Finally, she drew a breath and set the words to page, balancing the book against her knees.

Dear Yvan,

I wonder sometimes if you might be proud of me.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 7:26 am
by Malcolm
They handed him the babe in a white knitted blanket crafted from wool so fine it looked as if a spider had spun it. The silky gossamer wrap kept the newborn from shivering, fresh from a warm bath taken only minutes after delivery. “Your son,” the nurse said.

Malcolm looked down into the boy's eyes, surprised by his calm state of being. The glance was brief, the duke kept spellbound only for a moment before asking after his wife. “Will she see me?”

“She will send a summon for you once recovered, my lord.” The nurse turned to leave, only to stop and look back at the duke. In a small voice she added, “there was a lot of blood.”

The boy began to cry and Malcolm was left in the hall, pacing back and forth with care as he rocked the babe. His mind raced. A lot of blood? Was blood not normal? Had that not been the case with any delivery? Anna came up the stairs then and froze where she stood, her face lit up. “Oh my, is that—“

“It’s a boy!” Malcolm said, beaming.

Anna closed the distance between them with haste, eager to hold the newborn babe. She held her arms out and Malcolm stole another look at his son before giving him up. “How is Lady Krome doing?” Anna asked.

“Well, I expect. She’s requested some time to recover before we all rush in.”

By dawn, some six hours later, the nurse came down to the library where Malcolm was sitting by the fire, nodding off. “She’s asking for you,” the woman said.

Malcolm was on his feet and taking the stairs two at a time. He opened the door to the room and slowed as he stepped inside. He sat down on the bed beside Elyna and leaned in, pressing his temple to her’s by way of silent greeting. She was holding the baby, full of love and wonder and awe. He closed his eyes, so very tired. As were they all after two days up. When he opened them again, it was to a sea of red, the covers soaked with blood.

Malcolm started awake, the room flooded with warm morning light. Elyna, where was she? He sat up on his elbows and turned to find her not far from him, working away at a letter. A bad dream… one that did not belong to his new wife. He fell back against the pillows, his hair wet with sweat at the nape of his neck and around his ears. He was anxious about the pending birth, he reasoned, which was not to take place in Renmere or Mayce for that matter. He breathed out, casting the awful nightmare from his mind. Reliving the past anew, even in dreams, was not something he wanted to dwell on.

The man snoozed for a time but found it impossible to get comfortable after the unsettling dream and the heat of the day gradually intensifying. He threw back the covers with a sweep of his leg, the corner keeping him decent, lying flat across his hips. He had no plans for the day, yet his own twisted subconscious had made the bed an unsettling place to be. For a time he watched Elyna in silence, offering a slow half smile any time their eyes met. “I don’t want to get up,” he admitted. When had he ever had the luxury of sleeping in? “But I should.”

Words on Dreams

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 11:09 am
by Elyna
Dear Yvan,

I wonder sometimes if you might be proud of me, and the woman I have become. It seems a lifetime ago that I sailed with you from Burhan to Krome. The girl you knew then was innocent and afraid of her place in the world. You always understood all of my strengths and my weaknesses. I think that’s why we fell together in the end, because you had hope that I could be better than a privileged girl playing at being a Knight. You made me work harder than anyone else, to try and be faster, stronger, more skilled and ruthless. You pushed me and encouraged my ambition beyond the small world I had carved for myself. In some ways, it always felt as you were punishing me also. That I deserved in part, to suffer for the privilege of my birth. I’d never gone hungry, so you made it so. I’d never been forced beyond the point of exhaustion, so you exacted that from me also. Scars and bruises and discomforts.Your demands were endless and exacting. I bent to your will because I believed in your love. I wanted to be enough.

Malcolm started awake, and her pencil lingered above the surface of her page. Elyna looked up at the man, tilting her head as the sunlight danced on the window pane behind her. She smiled at him, though couldn’t help but feel guilty at the subject of her letter. She had wanted to write her thoughts down and cast them to the flames. Anything to rid her of Yvan’s memory. It had been a long time since he had claimed any space in her heart, and so she wanted rid of him in her dreams.

Mal fell back against the pillows and the woman relaxed against the curve of the window, watching him and the uneven rise of his chest. It seemed she hadn’t been the only one to suffer for her slumber. The pencil spun through her fingers, languid as she watched the man. Could she write any further? With Malcolm’s stirring, the past seemed far less important. She could smell the distant murmur of voices from the main house. Everyone was rising for breakfast. Elyna could almost imagine her Mother’s reaction to finding her Father there, that she and Malcolm were now married. She bit on her bottom lip and set her letter down on the table top. Grateful that she didn’t have to witness her Mother’s arrival at breakfast. Hopefully the family would be kind, and not reveal where she and Malcolm were staying.

The morning light had pushed away the last of her lingering darkness and the woman stood. Padding around the kitchenette, she poured two cups of tea. She added honey to the boiling water. The spoon tinkled against the ceramic mugs as she watched a distant cloud moving across a blue sky in the distance. It promised to be another scorching day. The scent of summer jasmine drifted through the window Malcolm had opened the night before. Elyna glanced back at her man, tilting her eyes as he seemed to come around again.

They had never had this, a morning together. She glanced at the tea she’d made and wondered if he would even want it. Elyna set her hands on the worktop and drew a careful breath. The uneven grain of the wood was warm to her touch and it steadied her. He spoke and Elyna turned, forgetting their drinks she gathered her skirts and crossed the room, returning to the bed. She eased onto the side of it, an open hand stretching to smooth over the sheet that lay dangerously against his hips.
Smiling Elyna bent to press a kiss to his cheek, her eyes searching with quiet questions.

‘Why should you get up?’ She asked, her nose drew the path of his ear to his jaw before she withdrew. She lifted her hand, thumb gently smoothing over his cheekbone, ‘when was the last time you had any real rest, Mal?’ As far as she knew, there were no plans, or at least nothing worth rushing for. Emily had mentioned seeing them at lunch after all.

Elyna dropped her gaze from his and found her mouth turned dry. It was hard not to stare at his chest, his arms and muscled middle. It was hard to deny the spark of desire that was quick to reignite. She’d admitted the night before that she’d had no other lovers. Had he? Elyna couldn’t help but wonder. The pulse in the base of her neck, quickened and she told herself that it was none of her business, and she really shouldn’t ask. Her hand lay against his chest, ring proudly in place and she chewed on her lip once more.

‘You were already having the ring made…and seemed to have arrangements for a wedding in place…’ Elyna forced herself to look up, ‘that was…it was for me…wasn’t it?’ She asked quietly, ‘I’ve not forced something that…that you weren’t already preparing for…right?’ He had never really answered her questions the night before, perhaps there was a reason for that.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 12:32 pm
by Malcolm
Elyna set aside what she was doing to return to the bedroom and with one stroke of her hand, made a king a slave to desire. It was almost embarrassing, he thought, with the ease at which she bewitched him, causing his blood to pool and his mind to snap out of whatever train of thought had taken hold of his consciousness. A deep grunt of approval was his first response to her question. His eyes had traced the path of her own, teasing a thread of guilt from him, both at his sudden discomposure and lack of comprehension. What had she asked? He searched the depths of his awareness, attempting to grasp at a satisfactory answer. “What troubles you?” He asked instead, sure the strange question and early morning letter were linked.

Had she been writing to him? Disillusioned by their binding already? Panic and passion, he decided there and then, were quite the sickly pair. They had been engaged some time. If certain events had swayed an early wedding, what reason did that give her to threat? Sooner or later the desired outcome would have come to pass, perhaps a year from now if it were not for the child or his crown. Malcolm failed to comprehend what dissatisfaction one might pull from such. Was Elyna not elated as he? Had he failed to make her happy in his rush to see them bound for the sake of their child? To be born out of wedlock when one might instead be raised a prince or princess, blessed with security instead of shrouded in shame? Bastard was one title he could never allow a child of his to carry.

His brow pinched. All of the sudden he understood her uncertainty. Malcolm sat up, one hand planted behind him on the mattress, the other against her thigh over the skirts. “I love you,” Malcolm told her, “and I would move mountains…” Hell, he had already forsaken a kingdom in the infancy of his reign, entrusting that matters of state would be well taken care of in the hands of his second. “Where does this doubt come from?” He asked, in a gentle tone. Had he not proven she was all he wanted, all he cared for? “Come here,” he mouthed, closing the small distance between them with a kiss.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 3:31 pm
by Elyna
It was hard to miss the stir of his passion, though Elyna worried it could be just as fast to fade given her incessant questions and doubts. Guilt again sat smugly in her middle. Curling like a cat who had caught hold of a mouse. He was so good at sliding away from her questions. At providing an answer of devotion without ever truly giving himself away. No wonder he was going to be a wonderful king.

His kiss was met and returned. It was hard to hold onto such doubts when met with such sweetness. Her hands lifted to slide through the curls at the nape of his neck. Holding him close, reluctant to let their gentle press come to an end. What had he said? Elyna found it difficult to give her thoughts creedence yet the kiss broke.

She feathered her lips against his neck once more before drawing back. He had asked her a question, and she was often frustrated to be denied answers. Elyna tucked back a strand of hair behind her ear, sure it had been tickling his shoulder.

‘Doubt…’ the Skyrider mused quietly. ‘In that… it feels so unreal that in all the world you would chose me…that for you, for anyone I am enough.’ The woman swallowed the persistent lump in her throat. ‘Doubt because…in the past lovers have been unfaithful,’ her gaze drifted once more, taking in the rumbled sheets. The curtains shifted in the light breeze, sign that the weather could be changing and the endless heat could waver. ‘If my husband was unfaithful…perhaps I would deserve it.’ She wet dry lips then, ‘if you should long for another, then please tell me.’ She would find a way to silence her jealousy.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 4:43 pm
by Malcolm
Elyna’s self doubt rose again. He had seen it before, sensed it in the line of questioning she chose both last night and now. He had been wrong to bring Vanessa up, a topic he would avoid in future for his wife’s peace of mind. Hearing his own words from her mouth strung, and though he did not recoil, whatever desire had held him for a moment, was doused for the time being. Did she not trust him, had he made it seem as if he did not trust her in asking the same? That had not been his intention and, if it was her understanding, he wished to correct it. “Elyna I don’t believe you will be an unfaithful wife. I have never questioned your loyalty. Forever—for the rest of our lives—has the potential to far exceed our love, so sweet and consuming in its infancy. I’m sure we both have traits that will be tested by this partnership, those which cannot be tested outside of marriage. You may not love every part of me as thoroughly as you do now. Time has a way of revealing things we never intended to seek out.”

There was a pause and, as if to lighten the mood, Malcolm teased, “I can be dreadfully dull you know. I like my books, a nice glass of wine of an evening, to be smothered in basic comfort.” He chuckled, embarrassed to admit such things. “I saw myself as far too boring for you, this beautiful young woman who wanted to travel and fight and find out what the world had to offer beyond the confinements of political, social and noble endeavors. Who could blame a woman like that if she grew tired of a man like me? It is honesty I value above all else, for I too grew up in the world that had kept you captive for so long.”

Words on Dreams

Posted: Tue May 17, 2022 5:50 pm
by Elyna
His tone held her enraptured. Unable to quite meet his gaze, her own lingered on his shoulders. He spoke with wisdom, and the experience of a marriage that had already come to pass. Though she couldn’t help but smile at the suggestion she might love each part of him so thoroughly. Forget wisdom, that had to be madness. Still, it was strange to truly take stock of the weight of their vows to one another. Forever, or for the rest of their lives.

A life that he thought she had imagined so differently to herself. Where she was off exploring the world, reckless and free. It was that recklessness that led her to believe she would deserve for Malcolm to stray. Hadn’t she willingly been the mistress of a married man? She’d known Yvan was out of bounds and yet she had still fallen to his bed. She had set aside each of her morals, her hopes and dreams in a pursuit of selfish freedoms. Her time with Yvan had been heady, brazen and filled with exotic pleasures. She hated the memories she had of herself. Hated the man who had manipulated her. Hated herself for allowing herself to indulge, to do all of the wrong things. With so much past, how dare she cling onto such a rosy future? How could she hope for it?

Because it was coming, because it had already arrived and she was only standing in her own way.

Malcolm found himself boring and she shook her head at that. He was grounded, he knew what he wanted from his life and remained true to himself.

Elyna shifted closer to the man once more, her skirts hitching to her knees as she edged across the bed. Her fingers slid across the bare skin of his torso before she dipped to follow the touch with a feather light kiss.

‘What good would all the adventures in the world, be to me, without you to share them with?’ She looked up at her lover then fierce in her sincerity. ‘Malcolm…in a ballroom or on a battlefield, with you I find something I experience no where else,’ she flushed, determined to tease him, ‘aside from abject lust,’ she giggled quietly before her severity returned, ‘I feel peace. At your side, I belong…so I better stay at your side?’ Elyna nudged his cheek gently with her nose, ‘right? Whether you want to spend your evenings drinking wine or playing cards, reading books or if you’d like to watch a sunrise with me…I will be content at your side.’

Elyna hesitated a moment more before smiling, ‘you know I’m rather good at needlework? And I love to draw, and paint…’

Words on Dreams

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 7:04 am
by Malcolm
All noble pursuits for a lady,” Malcolm jested, only to then smile. He understood what she had meant and felt heard in turn. Elyna was so very dear to him, perhaps he did not do enough to make her aware of how much she meant to him?

He bowed to kiss her again, lingering in the embrace for a time before he drew back. “Come, we should join your family for breakfast or your mother will think me a beast,” he said, “ravishing her innocent and easily influenced daughter all day and night.” He kissed her again, unable to hide the amused smile that followed.

He almost let her leave the bed, only to pull her back into his embrace. On second thought, Caelin was going to think him a beast either way.

Later after lunch, Pavoo called Malcolm aside to speak in private. A few minutes turned into an hour and before they knew it, the dinner bell chimed. At dinner, Pavoo appeared in good spirits and even Caelin let the odd smile grace her lips. Malcolm, on the other hand, seemed troubled, going as far as to serve himself a small helping of this and that, only to let it go cold on his plate, instead entertaining questions by way of distraction.

“Can we expect to see more of you in the coming days?” Beatrice asked, having set the seating arrangement just so, in order to place herself on one side of the king, with Elyna to his right. Malcolm was quite sure the woman intended to talk his ear off, which didn’t appear to bother him too much.

“I’ve plans to join my cousins in Rhode. It would not be right of me to finally make the trip to your fine country without seeing family in the process.” Malcolm explained.

“Not before we go hunting tomorrow?” Pavoo asked.

“Most certainly not. I’ve yet to run the idea by my wife.” Malcolm smiled and gave Elyna’s hand a squeeze below the table.

Caelin looked across at them, only to turn her gaze on her husband once more, pleased he was near to keep her in good spirits.

“With the season drawing to a close. It will not be long before we pack up and leave for Welles. You’re more than welcome to join us later on at the estate,” Beatrice said.

“Thank you. I’d love to see more of Aramane,” Malcolm replied. It was a half truth, but perhaps an invite just tempting enough to accept.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Wed May 18, 2022 10:39 am
by Elyna
It was impossible not to smile back at Malcolm. The moment passed with an easy acceptance between them. They understood one another. Her maturity at taking time to process his concerns was rewarded with a kiss. Her fingers curled over his shoulders and she sighed when he withdrew. The promise of breakfast seemed so far away. She would much rather stay in the little cottage with Malcolm.

Elyna grinned in reply as she stood, ‘ravished by my husband,’ she replied with an undeniable twinkle in her eye. Would she ever get used to calling him that? She hoped not. She squealed with delight as he gave up the idea of leaving, just as quickly. Laughing she fell against the man and was all too eager to resume the passion that had been so often teased and promised between them.

They entered the house hand in hand, and Caelin greeted them quietly. Even if she failed to smile at first. Elyna’s grip on her husbands palm released a little and she found herself able to breathe, enjoying the meal. She smiled as he was borrowed by her Father, but by the time the first hour had passed, found herself restless in the company of the other women. Time slowed to a relentless ticking of the mantel clock. The shadows inched their way across the room as her needle pricked in and out of the embroidery hoop.

She would glance at Emily every so often, questioning. Though the Skyrider would only shrug in response. She had no idea what was keeping Pavoo and Malcolm in such deep discussion.

When he returned, the woman all but jumped up from her chair. Her sewing discarded in a tangled pile of thread as she moved to greet the man. Finding little time to speak to him, she satisfied herself with a kiss to his cheek as they were led into dinner.

Her furtive glances were not returned and she found herself looking between Malcolm and her Father. It was impossible not to notice that her lover had little appetite, something she told herself was only due to the weather.

Ben provided good company, having stayed at the house the night before. He told stories of his adventures in Nejem, tactfully leaving out any of Elyna’s involvement. The woman felt as though he balanced a careful tightrope, at risk of dropping her into trouble with her Mother at any moment. He teased her with those moments, but was wise enough not to divulge any unlady like behaviours. Something that had Emily giggling over her wine, and left Caelin marvelling at how wonderful Ben must be in his service to the Iron Hand. Her Mother was elegant in Burhan blue. As though nothing had happened the night before, as though her daughter hadn’t married a King. Her feathers were unruffled and her demeanour polite, warm even when it came to Malcom’s adoptive brother.

‘Surely you are an esteemed officer,’ the Baronness toasted.

Emily coughed, and Billy looked between the party with a sly smile.

‘I am but a humble soldier,’ Ben bowed his head and Elyna struggled not to roll her eyes.

‘Nonsense,’ Caelin shook her head, ‘you must be from one of the oldest family’s in Krome.’

‘A hunt?’ Elyna glanced to Malcolm, looking between him and her Father. Her attention caught. Empty plates were collected up the serving staff, cutlery rattling as they were carried away. The room smelt like baked apples and sugar. Little pastry tarts were set before them all, begging attention.

‘As long as I can come too?’ She dipped her fork into the dessert, sampling the softened texture. They were sharp on her tongue, the sugar mixed with a hint of lemon.

‘I admit, I could do with a stretch beyond the city walls,’ Emily added. Benjamin also voiced his assertion to attend. Afterall, he was there to keep the King safe. How could he do that if he didn’t go?

Elyna found herself studying her Father, wondering when the last time the man had hunted had been? She certainly couldn’t remember him ever riding out. Could he even ride a horse?

Surely that hadn’t been what kept him and Malcolm all afternoon? It certainly couldn’t be what had stolen Mal’s appetite. Which was just the weather, she reminded herself and forced herself to attend to the conversation.

She took a careful sip of lemonade and squeezed Malcolm’s hand in her own. Her thumb traced back and forth over the back of his skin. Their morning indulgences had seared passionate memories into her mind and she shifted on her seat, eager for the meal to end so that they could return to the cottage together, alone.

Elyna looked between Beatrice and Malcolm then. ‘Well, I would assume I would be accompanying you to Rhode?’ Was she not going to be at his side, for every precious moment available? At least until he had to return to Renmere. ‘We could travel from there to Welles, easily enough?’ She suggested. It would be a nice way to explore some of the country.

‘Will it be cooler, away from the city?’ Elyna peered around at Beatrice. The matriarch had piled her hair into a bun at the top of her head, always sophisticated.

‘Much cooler, especially back in Welles. Most of society will follow us there at some point before Harvest to make use of the lakes and pools.’ Beatrice smiled, ‘you’ll get to meet the rest of the Cain family too.’

‘I look forward to meeting them,’ Elyna smiled. She supposed that at some point there would have to be the Aramanian wedding.

‘Cards at your cottage this evening?’ It was Emily who interrupted.

‘Yes, you youngsters enjoy yourselves,’ Pavoo encouraged.

Elyna glanced at Ben, Billy and Emily and hid her grimace. Perhaps they wouldn’t be going back to the cottage alone after all.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 3:57 am
by Malcolm
“Indeed,” Benjamin agreed, casting a dark look about the dinner table. The girls giggles and teasing had not gone unnoticed by him. “Beaumont was among the first to settle Renmere. We have been knights since the Iron Hand was first formed.”

“What an honour it must have been for you to grow up in such a distinguished family,” Caelin addressed Malcolm.

He meant to reply, but was cut off by Caelin and then Pavoo.

“You’ll do no such thi—“

Pavoo raised a hand and Caelin fell silent, not quite able to finish her sentence. “What your mother means to say, my dear, is that you should not resume riding until,” he glanced about the dinner party, not sure who else was aware of the not-so-secret, secret pregnancy. “Until the season is done.”

Benjamin looked up from his plate, thoughtful for a spell before finishing off what was a second helping of buttered potato. “Do the two of you mean to go hunting alone?” He asked, once he had finished chewing.

“I doubt there will be much hunting,” Pavoo suggested. “I would appreciate,” he paused and looked across at his daughter, speaking directly to her, though his reply seemed intended for Benjamin, “the chance to get to know my son in law.”

Malcolm offered a polite smile at that and gave Elyna’s hand a gentle squeeze. “I look forward to it,” he said.

“And I would appreciate it if you would accompany us to Welles,” Caelin encouraged. “It’s so rare that we do anything as a family and I’m sure the king,” she made a point of not saying the man’s name, “won’t be too long in Rhode.”

“Not long at all,” Malcolm agreed, forcing a smile. These were things he would prefer to speak with his wife about, rather than the decision being made for them. “Elyna and I will agree on what’s best,” he added.

Caelin’s face went sour and it wasn’t on account of the apple.

Malcolm did not touch his dessert but instead folded his napkin and set it beside his plate to inform the maid, without words, that he was done. She cleared the setting with haste and topped up his wine, which he did decide to taste.

A game of cards was suggested and Pavoo proposed they take it to the cottage. Malcolm almost protested the idea, but thought it would be a chance for them all to have some fun away from Caelin’s cutting glances, something Elyna might appreciate.

“If you’ll excuse me everyone, I might make a headstart and tidy up a bit.” Malcolm said. He looked at Elyna as he rose, she would see right through his excuse, no doubt, as the cottage had remained all but untouched, except for the bed and bath.

“See you bright and early,” Pavoo said.

Malcolm made no reply, taking his leave of the party to cross the garden and disappear into the cottage.

In the cottage Malcolm picked up the odd item of clothing and made sure nothing was out of place before going to the kitchen to check that they had enough glasses and drink to entertain. He set an extra two chairs at the table and clumsily knocked over the inkwell Elyna had been working from that morning. It fell across her letter, painting most of it black, including part of the name of who it was addressed to.

Dear Yv—

—girl you—was innocent—that’s why we fell together in—d

The unfinished sentences jumped off the page at him, most of the letter ruined otherwise.

I bent to your will be—in—our love. I wanted—.

Malcolm picked up the pot and poured what was left of the ink, only a few drops, over the address, blacking out the name that could be none other than Yvan’s. Had Elyna known he had saved the man from certain death? Were the pair in contact all this time? The knight washed his hands and set the pot on the windowsill to dry. He was too tired to make anything of the letter, he convinced himself quickly, and went to bed.

When his head hit the pillow, he lay there with his eyes closed for a time before blinking awake. “Fell into bed?” He tested. No, there had been something else. “I believed in our love? I wanted…” What had she wanted from him? No! He scolded himself, angry that he had even entertained the thought. Elyna was his wife, pregnant with his child. Yvan was… Yvan could have been anywhere. Malcolm frowned. No. It was impossible. The only way the child could be anyones but his was if… Yvan was a famed sailor. Had he sailed with them from Renmere.

Malcolm twisted on the bed, uncomfortable all of the sudden. What if Yvan was in Aramane? His skin crawled as if he could sense the man in the room. He had looked so thin and sickly and unlike himself the last time Malcolm had seen him. He closed his eyes again, sure he was wrong about it all, sure his busy mind chose chaos by way of distraction. He saw her then, just as he had the very first time, only this time, Yvan lay beside her. Malcolm stared up at the ceiling and blew out a breath.

Someone opened the door to the cottage and he sat up. “I’ve got cards and brandy!” Ben called out.

Malcolm got out of bed and met Benjamin in the living room. “You had me at brandy,” Malcolm teased.

“Well let’s pour a couple of fingers and get this game underway!” Ben suggested.

“Where are the others?”

“Changing after dinner I imagine?” Ben shrugged.

Malcolm sat down after collecting a couple of glasses for the pair of them. “You ever find out what happened to Yvan?”

“That old dog?” Benjamin said. “He left Renmere, that I’m sure of. One of our people reported seeing him in Nejem. Said she saw him working at the docks restoring boats.”

Malcolm nodded. “You trust that intelligence?”

Ben shrugged again. “If he returns to Renmere, we’ll know about it. Hurry up and deal,” he jested, then adding, “your majesty.”

Malcolm smiled and threw a card at him.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 5:35 am
by Elyna
Elyna felt as though she were watching a sporting match as she looked between her parents and Malcolm. Go with them to Welles, rather than with Malcolm to Rhode? Definitely not. She opened her mouth to protest, when Malcolm squeezed her fingers again. She let out the breath she’d held and instead smiled at her husband. They would make their own plans. She gave a small but firm nod of agreement.

‘Afterall, Mother,’ Elyna responded after a while, ‘We’ve spent all Bloom and Blaze together, you can’t say we never do anything together.’ She looked hopefully at her Father then, ‘perhaps it would be nice for the pair of you to spend some time together?’ The skyrider encouraged.

‘I don’t know if it’s a good idea for just two of you to ride out alone,’ Emily cautioned, looking between Malcolm and Pavoo, ‘this isn’t a country we know well enough.’ She turned her gaze on Benjamin then, challenging him to stop the King doing something dangerous in order to please his in-laws.

There was little time to discuss further as the meal concluded and Malcolm made his excuse. Elyna rose to follow him but found Beatrice reaching out to take her hand. ‘I was unable to help you last night, but lets see if we can’t work a little magic this evening?’ The matriach grinned.

Elyna glanced to Emily, hoping her friend would help her escape, but Emily merely smiled and lifted her brows in suggestion.

‘Of course,’ Elyna forced a smile, ‘I’d be delighted to accept any…guidance you might offer.’

‘Come…’ Beatrice stood from the table and led the two skyriders back to the rooms they had shared since their arrival.

Caelin had moved around the table to join her husband. The pair determined to finish the last of their wine before calling it a night.

Upstairs, Billy sat cross-legged on the bed, pouting because her Grandmother had forbidden her from playing cards with the four service people from the Iron Hand. Beatrice being quite certain it would not be an acceptable evening for her to attend.

Elyna stood, forcing herself to patience as her hair was sprayed with perfume and she was encouraged to change her clothes into something which might entice the king. She held her tongue, refusing to explain that she’d never needed such help to encourage Malcolm. Such things were best kept privately. She dressed in a slender nightgown of deep purple, with a cowl neckline that threatened to fall dangerously low. To protect her own sense of modesty, she wrapped herself in a silk robe, decorated with flowers and embroidered vines along the sleeves and cuffs.

Emily winked at her, helping her carry a small bag of fresh clothes down to the cottage through the garden. Elyna inhaled the scent of jasmine again, the air cooler than it had been the previous day. She smiled, looking forward to spending some time with her friends, even if she would rather be alone with Malcolm.

The pair ducked beneath the door, kicking off their soft slippers as they took in the two men at the table.

‘You’ve not started without us?’ Emily protested and set Elyna’s bag down at the door. The petite blonde pulled not one, but two bottles of wine out from their smuggling place between Elyna’s clothes. She grinned at the pair and scooted around the table to fall into a chair. She lent forward, sniffing Ben’s empty glass before grimacing.

‘Ugh, no. Wine for me,’ she popped the cork and started to pour, offering the drink to the others whilst Elyna rolled her eyes. With a wry smile she fetched herself a drink of water from a fresh pitcher that had been left out. She tilted her head, studying Mal as she took a sip.

It was moving around the small room to sit beside him that she realized her notebook, and the letter pages had been moved. She turned slowly, scanning the surfaces before spotting the ink-stained page. With a sigh, she set her drink down and moved to collect it. Peering at all the splodges before she shook her head. She edged around the room, before kneeling and feeding the paper into the fire. What had she even written? She could barely remember. It hadn’t been finished though, and now she had the horrible feeling that she would have to start again. The flames turned green and black as they licked the ink, before resuming their usual cheery red and amber.

‘What was that?’ Emily lent back on her chair as the cards were dealt.

‘Just a note really, the ink pot must have spilled over it. It doesn’t matter,’ Elyna shrugged and reclaimed her drink. Easing back around the edge of the room, which was filled by the other three people around the table, she reclaimed her water and added a slice of lemon. Finally, she took up her seat beside Malcolm and smiled across at him.

‘Well then…what are the wagers for tonight?’

‘Wagers?’ Ely giggled, her friend was unstoppable, ‘I’m not betting money against you, you’re terrible at cards. I’m not going to steal all your money.’

‘When did you learn to play?’ Emily stared, mock indignant as she took a sip.

‘When you weren’t looking,’ Elyna winked to her friend.

‘Then we’ll play for another currency.’

‘Such as?’

‘Truth,’ Emily's smile turned wicked, ‘I still have more than enough questions for you and Malcolm that are dying to be answered, right Sir Beaumont?’ She nudged the blonde man gently in the arm.

Elyan could only laugh then, shaking her head. It could be fun, but it could be dangerous. She glanced at Malcolm, ‘I’d love to know what you and my Father were talking about all afternoon,’ she opened gently but was prepared to start another conversation if he was uncomfortable.

‘And I do agree with Emily…I don’t think it’s safe for you and my Father to go off hunting alone.’

Words on Dreams

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 7:07 am
by Malcolm
“Oh, Elyna, that was me!” Ben admitted, “I pulled a chair over to the table and knocked the ink.” He had gathered from Malcolm’s lack of interest in the subject, and so little eye contact, that something had happened.

Malcolm seemed to wake up all of the sudden, unsure about how he felt. It was not like him to let someone else take the blame, especially when there had been no harm done. “It’s just a letter, Ben—Elyna can rewrite it.”

Benjamin smiled, sure he had done the right thing then. Whatever dark cloud had been looming over his brother, appeared now to have lifted. “I’ll get you some more ink,” Ben promised, smiling across at Elyna.

Emily teased him about something, which soon had the man’s full attention, she was rather attractive after all, Benjamin had decided. He remembered once bringing her up in frost after seeing her at the ball. Malcolm had turned his nose up, of course, and Owen had not been surprised by his newfound lust. “You like anything with a heartbeat,” his younger brother had teased.

Malcolm held out his brandy to Elyna to offer her a sip. “It won’t hurt,” he said. Vanessa had often accepted a shallow glass of brandy to cure everything from nerves to a headache. When Elyna broached the subject of his discussion with her father, Malcolm offered a smile and said, “business in the capital mostly.” He did not want to say too much in front of present company, but nor did he want to blow off his wife’s question after the pair had been dictated to most of the night.

“I’m game,” Ben smirked, as he collected up all of the cards to deal them out for a fresh game. “I’ll give you the truth for free. That was the most awkward dinner I’ve ever been to.”

Malcolm laughed at that, the sound bursting out of him unrestrained, a type of laughter that might sound strange to Elyna, one reserved for family. He could be himself around Ben and now her. He closed his eyes and covered his mouth as if to stifle anything that might follow, clearly stuck on an amused little thought. He shook his head, slow, quite sure it had passed. “Benjamin,” he said, “you—“

“I know!” Ben said, as if he’d heard the next line far too often in his life, “I have a big mouth.”

“And a big heart too.” Malcolm smiled.

“What’s with your mother?” Ben asked Elyna. “I’ve never been so scared that I felt strangely aroused before. I thought she was going to grope me under the table or write a secret message to me on her plate with cheese sauce.”

Malcolm lost it, forced to spit his wine back into the glass. “Ben!”


“There are ladies present.”

Ben scoffed. “Couple of smelly cloud sniffers. No ladies here.” He winked at Elyna and beamed at Emily.

Malcolm just shook his head, amused.

The first round went to Ben. He had a clever poker face, wearing a look of mock confusion whenever he arranged his cards, that threw everyone off at least once. The trick was difficult to use a second time, once they knew his game. “Do I get to ask everyone for a truth then?”

“Just one,” Malcolm replied, “don’t be greedy.”

“I say we should be greedy,” Ben countered. “We’ll call the game Greed.”

Malcolm shook his head but it did little to hide the sly smirk he wore.

“Emily, what’s Elyna’s biggest flaw?” Ben asked, “you can take a moment to think while I torture these two with the best truths.” He tapped his chin, trying to think up a good one. “Malcolm, does Caelin scare you stiff? And Elyna! Does Malcolm’s new title make him better in bed?”

Malcolm replied in haste, his tone calm, “absolutely not,” he said, regarding Elyna’s mother. He then laughed, “you don’t have to answer that!”

“She most certainly does!” Ben challenged, “in the game of Greed all truths must be answered with the truth!”

“Or else?”

“Or else!” Ben said.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 8:55 am
by Elyna
‘Honestly,’ Elyna waved away Ben’s apology, ‘it really doesn’t matter.’ She smiled at the man. With a wriggle to get comfortable on her chair the woman stretched out her back with her hands above her head, ‘it wasn’t important.’ Satisfied that she would be able to sit comfortably during the game, Elyna lowered her arms and reached out, curling her fingers around Malcolms. She squeezed his hand, reluctant to be parted from him any longer. The letter had been an attempt to put Yvan from her mind, her life and her past once and for all. It had always been intended for the fireplace, she only wished that she could have finished it. She hated leaving things part-done. Another time, she promised herself, she’d say everything she wanted to say and then turn it to ash, just as it deserved.

The woman lent forward, taking the smallest sip of brandy that was offered. Her eyes lifting to Malcolm as she did. Her nose wrinkled in a grimace as the alcohol burnt the back of her throat, ‘it just doesn’t sit well with me, at the moment,’ she confided and lifted her drink, wriggling it back and forth before taking a larger gulp. Watering down the brandy that still threatened to sting. She hoped that the spirits wouldn’t leave her feeling nauseous as any previous attempt in the season had. Emily had become adept at switching her drinks without anyone noticing.

Business in the capital? She tilted her head, and realized she would have to be satisfied with a vague answer. At least until Ben and Emily made their excuses. Conscious that she didn’t know Malcolm as well as Ben did, or as well as his first wife had, Elyna would have bet all her truths that it wasn’t simply business that had cost the man his appetite. Instead she weighed her response, patted him gently on the arm and retrieved her hand so that she could take up her cards. ‘I’ll look forward to hearing more about it,’ she smiled across at him before surveying her cards.

The cards were terrible, but her grimace was hidden by her laughter at Ben’s truth. She hid her giggles behind the fanned-out cards as Emily tilted her head back to laugh.

‘Shame you missed out on dinner the other night,’ Emily grinned. She tucked some of her short blonde hair behind her ear before tousling the fringe with her fingers. ‘Poor Godric decided to leave.’

‘Fredric,’ Elyna corrected, still smiling before she shook her head, ‘or was it Godric?’ She looked to Malcolm for confirmation. She felt lighter than she had all season, looking around at her companions it was hard not to keep smiling. There was something infectious and light hearted that encouraged a good mood.

She ran her fingers between her cards as she sorted them, nose still wrinkled with thought, ‘Mmm…Mother,’ she bit her lip, trying to form her response until Ben continued. Eyes wide, her mouth dropped open and she stared at her friend in horror. Aroused? By Caelin? She shuddered, ‘urgh,’ Elyna felt her cheeks starting to flush, ‘I think she’s always been a little of a flirt,’ her gaze shifted sideways to the man sitting beside her. How could her Mother be so opposed to Malcolm? He was gorgeous. Dark hair curling at the nape of his neck. ‘Anyway…but uh…she would never be unfaithful to my Father. So you have nothing to fear Ben,’ she teased lightly as Emily made gagging noises beside the man.

‘Mother likes to be in control,’ Elyna struggled to find an explanation that she could share.

‘Ain’t that right,’ Emily scowled at her own cards, ‘In control of you, particularly, Elyna.’

Elyna shrugged.

‘But Ely’s quite right,’ Emily turned her warm blue gaze on the man beside her, Caelin hates all the services really, cloud-sniffers, dirt-munchers, salt-lickers and she would never stray from the Baron.’

‘Dirt munchers?’ Ben returned her gaze.

‘I’m sure you’ve been called worse,’ Emily teased.

‘I know I’ve called him worse,’ Elyna grinned, still hiding behind her cards. She glanced at Mal then, how strange that he had missed out on their time in Nejem. On all the silly memories that she, Ben and Owen shared. It was good to hear him laughing, something she resolved to do more often. More than anything, she wanted to make Mal happy.

As Ben won, Elyna folded her cards neatly and set them down. She sipped her drink, giggling as the rules of the game were finally agreed. Beyond the windows, light winds plucked at the trees, making them rustle.

‘Greed,’ Emily laughed, ‘an excellent name.’ She lent forward, conspiratorially as her question was given. Then rolled her eyes, it was far too easy to answer.

Elyna shuddered again, as Ben turned to Malcolm. Giggling once more, she held her fingers across her lips until she could control herself. Until the spotlight turned on her and she flushed. The heat that had started in her cheeks was quick to flare up on her neck. Her mouth was dry with embarrassment and she rubbed her hands together, before pushing them through her hair. She pulled a lock forward, stroking her fingers through. Strangest of all, was the open acknowledgment that she and Malcolm were intimate together. Although not as private as her Husband, it was something that had never been in the open before, despite the obvious consequences of their time together. ‘I uh-’ suddenly shy, she glanced between the two men before biting her bottom lip.

They were among friends, and she still couldn’t stop smiling. Her gaze dropped, embarrassed as she framed her response. Sure that her cheeks were the color of fresh summer beetroot Elyna forced herself to reply, ‘I have never been anything but wholly satisfied with Malcolm,’ she looked up at him then, lips pulling in a smile, ‘but I fear we’ll have to spend more time in exploration before I can give you an accurate answer,’ she teased without looking away, ‘as to whether the title of Husband has improved upon perfection.’

Emily whooped with laughter, clapping her hands together as Elyna struggled to hold Malcolms gaze before dissolving into embarrassed giggles. She hid behind her hands a moment, sure that she had never said anything so openly flirtatious in her life. Fanning her cheeks she cleared her throat. Emily gathered the cards, dealing them swiftly as she provided her own answer.

‘That was far too easy to answer, Sir Beaumont,’ she rolled her eyes, ‘Elyna’s greatest flaw is clearly her Mother.’

Ben laughed at that before protesting it wasn’t a true answer. To which Emily stuck her tongue out at him.

‘Well then, you can have your pick,’ Emily scanned her cards.

‘You don’t need to list all my flaws,’ Elyna took her turn to protest.

‘Quite right…but I feel it’s in the interest of the game. She’s terribly shy,’ Emily nodded towards Elyna as she looked at Ben, ‘did you know that? But she hides it well. She’ll believe every bad thing someone says of her,’ Emily’s smile lessened then as she turned to her friend, ‘and she refuses to see herself, the way that I see her.’ Emily looked finally to Malcolm, ‘or the way I believe your brother sees her.’

Elyna laid her cards on the table then, ‘I believe that victory is mine,’ she interrupted. She smiled across at her friend, determined to stop Emily from going any further in her praise. She surveyed the group then, making a show of leaning back as they checked her cards against her own. Emily threw her hand down on the table with a scoff of disgust, ‘she cheats at cards!’ Emily added for good measure, laughing as she took up her drink again.

‘Emily, dearest friend…’ Elyna folded her hands neatly on the table, ‘share with us all…what is your greatest fear?’

Emily groaned, downing her drink before setting the glass on the table, ‘continuing this game,’ she flashed a smile before murmuring something.

Ely tilted her head, cupping her ear, ‘we didn’t quite catch that,’ she teased.

Emily let out a slow sigh, gaze lifted to the ceiling, ‘...ants…’ she answered finally, her cheeks starting to burn pink.

‘Ants?’ Elyna grinned, ‘teeny, tiny, itsy little ants?’

Emily poked her tongue out again and gathered up the hands of cards whilst Elyna considered her next questions.

‘Malcolm…when did you first decide to marry me?’

Finally, she peered at Benjamin and her gaze narrowed a little. ‘Just how many lovers have you taken?’

Words on Dreams

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 6:35 am
by Malcolm
“Godric,” Malcolm corrected.

“How are the twins?” Ben asked. He was still smiling about what Elyna had said regarding Caelin. It wasn’t that she turned him on, he just hadn’t realised until that very moment at dinner, that he quite liked a woman who was able to intimidate him a little.

“Well I believe,” Malcolm said. “Godric plans to take over his father’s work. I think he’s had a little luck with some of the ladies this season and is courting one or two.”

The conversation moved on and Elyna finally gave her reply. “That was a very political answer,” Ben challenged.

“Very political,” Emily echoed before Elyna had a moment to elaborate.

Malcolm looked as if he wanted some magical void to swallow him whole. There was one topic of conversation that had always been off limits, even for his brothers, and that was his love life. He drank the rest of the brandy on one go. He made eye contact with no one, looking down at the empty glass in his hands as the trio went back and forth.

Ben scoffed. “Husband. I mean what’s it like to fuck a king, woman!”

At that Malcolm’s cheeks seemed to colour just a tad. If questioned, he would blame it all on drinking on an empty stomach. “No follow up questions,” he said instead, “not unless you win another round.”

“Just needed some clarification,” Benjamin teased. “I think the lady finds your game a little tame, brother.” Malcolm shot him a look and Benjamin laughed, “I best not forget said title or I’ll end up beheaded.”

“And quartered,” Malcolm warned, teasing.

“As long as you don’t leave any piece]/i] of me in Caelin’s garden, I think I’ll be all right.”

Malcolm laughed and his embarrassment was forgotten. He glanced across at Elyna, almost as if taking in what she was wearing for the first time. Did he bore her, he wondered, and just as easily set the thought aside. He needed to stop beating himself up. Doubt had the potential to destroy a man if he let it.

They were soon in fits of laughter again as Emily admitted her fear of ants. “You would do no good in my kitchen,” Benjamin said, “the place is always crawling with them in harvest, right before it gets too cold for them.”

Malcolm had to think on the answer to Elyna’s question, and Benjamin laughed at the one directed at him. “I’ve lost count,” Ben said. “What!” He followed up, challenging Emily’s sidelong glance. “It gets lonely on the road. I never see my wife and…” he paused, “I just can’t help myself when a lovely lady throws herself at me.”

Malcolm shook his head slowly. “The amount of trouble he gets in.”

Ben smirked. “Oh stop, I’m not that bad.” His grin was devilish. “And I jest. There have been one or two every now and then. Nothing serious.”

There followed a lull in conversation and Malcolm felt their eyes on him, all expecting him to answer. If he were being honest with himself, he had first thought to marry Elyna when he realised how trapped she seemed in her own life, when he thought he could offer her more and deemed their friendship enough if it never grew into more. He didn’t want to admit that in front of Ben and Emily, however, and instead chose to say, “I have always been my most authentic self in your presence. Whatever truth I gave you then, is still the truth today.”

“Ohhh, that’s code for wink wink, nudge nudge, you remember, if I ever heard it,” Emily said.

Malcolm smiled. “Elyna and I had become good friends first,” he admitted, “which I admired.”

Good friends.” Ben winked.

“Oh stop it!” Malcolm kicked him under the table and Ben barked a laugh.

Malcolm realised he was having no luck in winning or answering when Emily set her cards down. She turned her gaze on him first once all cards were compared, which did not take more than a few seconds. “I am curious to know how many lovers you’ve taken, seen as your brother has been so forthcoming, my lord.”

Malcolm scoffed, the answer was easy. “Lovers?” But was it? He paused for a moment, as if deep in thought or warring with himself. “I married both of the women I loved and love. Unlike Ben, I’ve no trouble keeping count.”

Benjamin said under his breath, “if you’re lucky he’ll bed you more than twice.”

“I heard that.” Malcolm accosted his brother.

“You made the complaint, not I.”

“What complaint?” Emily asked, trying to get the goss.

“The princess—“

“—Will not be discussed at this table,” Malcolm told him, in such an authoritative tone that even Benjamin did not challenge it.

Instead the man pressed his lips together and smiled. Even he was not daring enough to anger a king, brother or not. “Sorry,” Ben said, “I forget you don’t like me digging up the past.”

“Some comments have a time and place,” Malcolm retorted. “Some do not age well.”

“Understood,” Ben agreed. “We all mature over time and should not be so frequently reminded of things said in our youth.” He winked at Elyna.

“How very grown-up of you.” Malcolm teased.

“Why thank you,” Ben said, in his most snobby voice.

Emily turned her eye on Ben then and bit her lower lip before asking, “does your wife know you… sleep around?”

“Seven no!” Ben said, “she’d have my balls.”

“And the rest,” Malcolm added. “Hurricane Anna.”

Ben laughed. “By the gods… was there ever a more frightening woman to walk this earth?”

“Caelin,” they all seemed to answer him in unison and were in fits of laughter again.

“And suddenly I understand the attraction.” Ben teased.

“Elyna.” Emily grinned, what terrible truth could she pry from her friend? “How long is too long to go without s—e—x?” She spelled out the word silently rather than giving it breath.

“You two are relentless,” Malcolm said, shaking his head at Ben, who appeared most amused by the question.

“It’s been ten years,” Ben said, in a shaky old voice, mocking his brother.

Malcolm booted him again under the table and Ben jumped back with a laugh. “I need more brandy,” Malcolm said. “I’m about to send you all home at this rate.”

“You can’t send us back yet,” Benjamin said, “I’m having way too much fun!”

Words on Dreams

Posted: Fri May 20, 2022 11:56 am
by Elyna
Elyna laughed, covering her face with mortification once more when Ben made his outburst. She shook her head, why was everyone so concerned about Malcolm being a King? If anything, it could have been the one thing to stop her marrying him. She understood that perhaps she didn’t see eye to eye with the rest of the world, but she hoped Malcolm appreciated her sensibilities.

Political? Elyna shook her head, peering between Ben and Malcolm from behind the gaps in her fingers. She had told the truth. Malcolm was her life, the memories of their times together was enough to make her squirm, her toes curling with delight. She reached out to him when she felt brave enough, curling her fingers over his leg. Shaking her head when Ben teased him about being too tame.

Elyna tried to catch his eye then, ‘never,’ she mouthed, but wasn’t sure that he saw her. Relieved when he laughed she smoothed her hand over his thigh, beneath the table. Her breath caught a little before she drew her fingers back, picking up her cards again. They weren’t alone, not yet. The night would have to wait for them. She met his gaze then, smiling in return as she watched him take in the silken robe that was tied at her waist. The overlarge sleeves falling to her elbows as she sat. She edged back in her chair, bringing up her bare feet to set them on an overturned bucket, delicately crossed at the ankle.

At Ben’s description of the ants, both women squirmed, though Emily finished her wine and refilled it, Elyna grinned at her friend. Her expression turning more pointed as Ben answered. She hadn’t missed the way Emily teased the man, nor the playful looks she gave him. Elyna knew that Emily didn’t take love so seriously as herself, but wanted her friend to be clear about what she was getting into. Though her friend was just as quick to shoot a sidelong glance at Mal’s brother.

‘I can only imagine the trouble,’ Elyna met Emily’s gaze again. Which her friend returned, as though in challenge. Finally, the women turned to Mal and although Elyna smiled in reply, laughing as Ben and Emily resumed their teasing, she couldn’t help but be a little disappointed in the response given. Had it been so hard to answer?

She found herself thinking back, when had he first proposed? The first Frost ball she had attended, the moment he’d been told her true name…when he had been trying to stop her being a match for his son. Good friends… she pressed her teeth to the tip of her tongue, fingers sliding down the length of her nose. He had said that a lot. Though it seemed he meant it, Elyna couldn’t remember a time when she hadn’t wanted more. What did it matter, if passion had been a more recent development for the man? She had always suspect that…that he hadn’t been interested. The first time he had kissed her had been nothing short of a surprise.

Recalled to the conversation, she flushed at Emily’s round of questions, grateful that she didn’t need to share quite the same information that Malcolm and Ben had been called to answer.

So countless women for Ben and two for Malcolm. Elyna sat up a little, grateful that she wouldn’t have to share the memory of loving the man with any others. She was jealous after all, and she smiled privately, it meant he hadn’t been with anyone in the times between their partnership. An unspoken question he had avoided the night before.

Her expression turned to confusion as she shared a glance with Emily. Unpicking the words shared between the men, both women seemed to tilt their heads in a trait they shared. Emily took another drink, topping up Ben’s brandy. She’d had never suspected Malcolm might have complaints from his previous marriage. Always imagining it as an idealised, romantic story of a Princess and her Knight. Their love must have been strong enough for Malcolm to forsake his own sense of self, that determination that he would step beyond the role life provided him. She had always found it hard to imagine Malcolm bedding an innocent Princess before marriage, putting it down to the kind of fierce desire that ruled the pair of them when they were together. That was the kind of love to get a man in trouble.

Clearly it was a conversation that Mal didn’t want to continue, so she was relieved when the topic moved in again. She turned her empty glass over in her hands, fishing out the lemon slice to lick, it was the first time she had missed being able to drink. Elyna lamented that she wasn’t able to take the edge off her own embarrassment as the others indulged. She giggled as the taunting returned to her mother. The prospect of meeting Lady Anna again, and holding Ben’s secrets was not one she was looking forward to.

Emily’s question served it’s purpose and left the woman flustered again. She stood, moving around the room to collect the brandy and pour it for both men. Emily’s wine bottle was empty, so she also opened a second and passed it to her friend.

‘Come on Ely!’ Emily teased.

Elyna turned, resting her hands against the sink as she surveyed the group. Cheeks still red from their previous lines of questioning, ‘it depends on the circumstances,’ she protested.

‘Nope! Proper answer!’ Emily grinned and took a drink.

‘A season,’ Elyna swallowed. Had it really been ten years for Malcolm? She held up a hand before any conclusions could be drawn from her answer, ‘that’s in an ideal world though, isn’t it,’ she swallowed nervously, ‘because there have certainly been times when…when we’ve all waited longer. F-for the right person.’

‘Oh give over,’ Emily laughed, she edged back in her chair clearly enjoying the evening and the chance to truly relax. ‘Come on, we want the gossip,’ she glanced to Ben who only winked in agreement, ‘I demand the gossip,’ Emily raised a brow.

‘A season,’ Elyna laughed, still flushing, ‘that’s answer enough.’

‘When did you and Malcolm first…’ she wriggled her brows in conspiracy and Elyna shook her head.

‘No follow up questions,’ she protested and folded her arms across her chest.

‘Aha!’ Emily set her cards down once more, confident in her winning streak she glanced between them all. ‘All right,’ she smirked, ‘in the interest of fairness, the same question for each of you. Where is the most exciting place that you have ever made love?’

Elyna sighed, retreating to her seat she let out the slow breath. This had to come to an end soon, didn’t it?

As no one was rushing to answer, Emily fixed her friend with a pointed look.

‘Penultimate question,’ Elyna returned the look.

‘Last round of questions, one set each,’ Emily countered, ‘because Malcolm hasn’t had a chance to ask any.’ She threw her cards down, giving up any pretence of playing cards.

‘Fine,’ Elyna glanced at the window. Why was it so hard to come up with an honest answer? Because there are things she hadn’t shared with Malcolm, conversations they’d never had and perhaps never would.

‘Come on,’ Emily grinned and finished her drink once more.

‘On a borrowed ship,’ Elyna explained quietly.


Elyna flushed then, ‘temporarily stolen,’ she admitted, ‘we walked down the the docks one night in Nejem and…well it seemed like a good idea at the time.’ It had been a good memory. One she had locked away within herself to treasure. Setting it aside for the day they would part, little had she known that it would be the very next day that Yvan broke the news. The memory had soured then, but it had been a beautiful night.

‘That’s what too much wine will do to you,’ Emily smiled.

‘Too much whiskey,’ Elyna admitted.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 3:10 am
by Malcolm
He knew Elyna had history, having met her in the middle of its making, yet it was the first time he was forced to imagine an instance held dear to her, where he was not involved. Yvan, falling into bed, wanting more—what had that letter been? He cleaned the fresh glass of brandy in one hit, throwing back the top up Elyna had poured him.

Benjamin was the only one who looked a little taken aback by the sight he had just witnessed, having known his brother best. It was then he stretched and offered a mock yawn that sounded rather animalistic. “Not on my watch,” he said, packing up the cards. “You don’t win, you don’t ask! This is greed after all.”

Malcolm looked a little shocked by his brother's denial, then understood why—he was saving the man any further embarrassment. Ben knew perhaps that this wasn’t Malcolm’s kind of entertainment and that striking a few questions that were out of his comfort zone were only going to add to future disapproval.

“Go on,” he pressed, looking at Emily, “ask your questions and let us be done for the evening. You were the winner, after all,” Benjamin suggested.

“The same as Elyna’s,” she pressed, “most exciting place.”

“Is your room next door to Caelin’s?” Ben teased.

Emily sat with mouth ajar, “Benjamin!” She slapped his arm and the knight laughed.

“It was a joke!” Ben protested. “Favourite place, let’s see… Climbing the mountain in Venora one year for the annual festival, lost in a maze of grapevines.”

“I wondered where you had gotten to that night,” Malcolm said.

Ben laughed. “I don’t know what was in that wine, but I woke up naked the next morning with a bird under each arm and one—“

“You don’t need to elaborate,” Malcolm interjected, recalling how rude Ben’s retelling had been once upon a time.

Ben smirked. “Your turn,” he said.

Malcolm was quiet. “Can’t you ask me something else?” He protested quietly. He had told Elyna he was boring and his truth would only prove that point. After all, considering where they were, he had been quite tame, if not a little reserved.

Emily considered his request for a moment, only to shake her head in denial. “No, that seems unfair.”

“Here,” he admitted.

Benjamin bit his tongue, sure his brother wasn’t lying. The poor sod, he thought, and looked across at Elyna for any sign of disappointment or quiet embarrassment, something Emily seemed to search for in her friend too. Either of which Ben would find very telling. Perhaps she would be flattered, Benjamin thought, followed by the very abrupt realisation that this was what her life had in store now. No more sneaking drunk onto strangers boats or rolling in the sand. Just Malcolm, loving, loyal and absolutely unremarkable.

“Gross,” Ben said. “Remind me to wash my hands,” he teased.

Malcolm offered up a tired, rather lazy smile. “Go on, piss off,” he said. Something he wouldn’t dream of saying to anyone but Ben.

Emily was first to her feet and Benjamin soon went after her to escort the skyrider back to the main house. Malcolm followed the pair to the door to bid them goodnight. He closed the door once he had seen them get back to the main house and poured himself another glass of brandy. The first few had already gone to his head. This last one was just to shake his embarrassment he convinced himself.

Malcolm cracked a window and started tidying up a bit, setting glasses aside for the maid to deal with while they were out the following day. “You want to join me on the trip to Rhode?” He asked Elyna, his back to her. “I know your father would appreciate spending some time with you. He said something today about your brother joining them in the next few days. It might be nice for the four of you to spend some time together?”

He turned to look at her, brandy in hand. Malcolm smiled. She looked beautiful in any colour, but there was something so regal about the colour purple. “You look wonderful in that,” he complimented. “Between the late night, early start, long afternoon, and this evening, I’m not sure I’m quite deserving of the effort you’ve gone to.”

The knight finished his brandy and set the glass down alongside the rest. His eyes felt heavy, but he wore an easy smile for her. “I’m not sure I liked that game,” he admitted. The idea of Elyna and Yvan sneaking off to a boat, still fresh in his mind. “Remind me no more cards with Ben.”

Words on Dreams

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 3:40 am
by Elyna
It seemed that Malcolm was as eager for the game to end as she was. Hastening it to a conclusion rather than ask any questions of his own. Elyna grinned to hear Ben’s response, trying hard not to picture the scenario. When the question inevitably turned to Malcolm, she grinned at the man. It was a sweet answer, and it made sense. Elyna lent forward, pressing a kiss to his cheek. ‘We’ll have to see more of the world together,’ she promised. Expecting that the future held far more promise and excitement for them.

She hid her own yawn behind her hand, as Malcolm was uncharacteristically abrupt with his brother. ‘Emily,’ she stood back up, resting her hands on the back of the chair as she met her friends mischievous gaze. ‘Emily,’ she said again, a note of warning in her voice. Her fellow Skyrider merely winked before blowing her a kiss and sauntering off into the darkness.

Elyna let out a sigh. Her gaze dropping to her hands as a number of thoughts that had been slowly collecting, assembled and fell into place.

It was hard for Elyna to pinpoint the sensation. As though time stopped and at the same time twisted in on itself. She drew in a breath that seemed to encompass the last two years. All of her interactions with Malcolm replayed in her mind, coloured by the realisation that had stolen all the air from her lungs and left her feeling as though she had been kicked by a horse.

Most damning of all, were the words he had uttered that evening. That he had married both women that he had loved. The women, not lovers…he hadn’t married all of his lovers. The phrasing had struck her as a little odd at the time, but it had been his expression that remained fixed in her mind. Was she that much of a fool?

Elyna closed her eyes, every time they had made love…she swallowed and ran them through her thoughts, the memories that were so precious to her crystal clear. Had she initiated each one? She couldn’t breathe, because the answer was surely yes. She had baited him the first time, challenged him when he’d been engaged to another. Did he…why had he slept with her? Because he cared for her. That was true enough. Their engagement had been suddenly ended and she’d been upset. Had he pitied her?? The times following, Elyna knew that she had initiated.

Yvan had even warned her. Oh Seven, she thought. So everyone knew did they? If even Yvan knew…knew she had married a man who preferred men. She had long suspected that it was Owens’ truth, which was why she had refused his proposal. She pushed her hands through her hair. It would explain why he had not remarried, why he’d not been with another woman since the death of his wife. He turned to look at her, and she scrambled to remember his question. Would she go to Rhode? The way he had asked, hadn’t seemed like much of an invitation.

‘No I don’t…I didn’t enjoy the game much either.’ She felt sick, all the way through her bones. Her feet to her head were humming with thoughts that she could barely contain. That was madness, it was treason. Her mind was running away with her. But what about the night that he and Jared had left the table together? Where had her necklace gone…she expected some kind of animosity between them but what if it had been desire.

Elyna drew an uneasy breath and found she couldn’t return the man’s smile. ‘I’ll go to Welles.’ She told him quietly, unable to meet his gaze. Her world was falling apart beneath her feet. She felt shellshocked and she needed time.

Elyna swallowed, glancing down at the ridiculous outfit that she wore. She felt so stupid. ‘I’m… I don’t feel myself,’ she twisted a little to look around the cottage, what had seemed so cute and cosy was suddenly oppressive. There was nowhere to hide, no where she could go to gather her thoughts.

Her chest constricted with panic. ‘I’m just…excuse me. I’m going to get some air.‘ Elyna made her escape then, moving past the man before he could watch her unravel.

Stop being so silly Ely, she told herself and struggled to convince herself that she was wrong. But somehow, even if parts of her memory now deceived her, the woman knew in her heart that she was right. Jared was more than just a friend. The Wolf was in love with the Lion.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 7:08 am
by Malcolm
Malcolm stood in the kitchen alone. Elyna had not even been able to meet his gaze. He went over the night, the back and forth between the party, trying to pinpoint exactly what it was that had upset her. Perhaps that he hadn’t made the invite to Rhode seem more appealing. Pavoo had been adamant that he must convince Elyna to go to Welles to plan the big wedding she deserved.

There followed a moment of indecision as Malcolm told himself to follow her. But something held him back. Elyna had never been upset with him before, not like she was now, and he couldn’t understand why. He sat down at the table and had another drink. She had not been afraid to make it known, both in word and script, that her fondest memories had been made with Yvan. Maybe it had been his pathetic attempt to make her his own, for all the world to see.

Another drink disappeared. Then another. Stop, Malcolm thought. He stood up and wobbled on the spot. No. No he would not chase her. You promised to try a small voice reminded him. He got himself a big glass of water. Once it was finished, he powdered his toothbrush and cleaned his teeth. He changed into something comfortable to wear to bed. Lay down. Waited for her. Got up. Paced.

“Elyna?” He found her outside in the garden watching the stars. Malcolm set a light woollen blanket across her shoulders. “I’ve upset you?” He asked. “Will you come inside and talk about it?”

Words on Dreams

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 10:02 am
by Elyna
The stars remained silent in answer to her many questions. Able to breathe at last, Elyna perched on the edge of a bench and cursed herself and her foolish heart. Why should she deserve something that was too good to be true? The jasmine plant that grew beside the bench, lent the night a sweet scent. She lost her shoes again, wriggling her bare feet in the grass. At least it was cooler than the suffocating indoors.

Elyna examined the past two years again, with fresh perspective. She had come to decide upon three things. Her breath hitched in a hiccup, what if Ben had misheard that complaint all those years ago? What if Malcolm was frustrated at having to sleep with his wife…she screwed her eyes shut, but it had been their relationship that caused the rapid marriage, hadn’t it - Her eyes flew open. A problem that only Malcolm could help her with. The Princess…what if she had been pregnant? What if that had been the problem. Malcolm was a good man…what if the real father hadn’t been favourable?

Hot tears started to slide down her cheeks. She had married a man who had no desire to bed her. Elyna wiped her tears away, her hand rough against her cheek. So one, Malcolm was involved in a love affair with Jared. How many years had that been going on? She’d been so determined to prove her devotion to the man, embarrassing herself over and over in a desire to show him, to explain how she could only want him. All that time, being quietly confident that she didn’t share his bed with another woman, when he’d been with Jared all along.

Second of her quiet realisations was that Marcus probably wasn’t Malcolm’s son. After all, wouldn’t that also be why Vaughn had been such a surprise? Her hands curled against the bench and she shook her head. He and Vanessa had probably traded secrets, had that been his hope with her? That when she inevitably discovered the truth about Jared she’d not share it. After all, he knew all her secrets.

Elyna wiped away the last of her tears as she heard his quiet steps approaching over the grass. The third thing that she knew, was that no matter what, she loved Malcolm. She was angry with him, heartbroken by his betrayal and devastated that this wasn’t the marriage of passion that she had imagined it to be. But in less than a week she had discovered he was alive after mourning his loss for the season.

The blanket settled over her shoulders and she bowed a little under the weight. Elyna extended a hand to curl over his.

‘Please don’t ride off with my Father tomorrow,’ she pleaded softly. ‘If you’ll not allow me to come, take Ben, and Emily and Roland. I just…’ she looked across at him then, gaze fixing on his cheek, ‘I have a horrible feeling whenever I imagine it.’ She swallowed then and squeezed his fingers before releasing them.

Elyna edged back on the seat, feet brushing over the grass. What had Pavoo needed to tell him that was so important? Did she really want to go to Welles? The answer was no, but it would afford her some space and time to think and clear her mind.

She swallowed and stood then, this wasn’t the place to talk about such things. The Skyrider glanced up at the sky, longing to be carried away with the wind, though that had never solved any problems. Without looking back, she padded back to the cottage. Her blanket was removed and nearly folded up. She waited till the door was closed behind Malcolm, and wished that they could have stayed outside. But that would be dangerous. No one could hear what they needed to say.

Elyna forced herself to breathe, lifting her gaze to his neck.

‘I know about Jared,’ she said softly, her gaze drifted to the near empty bottle of brandy. ‘I suspect that I know about…Vanessa and the problem you helped her with.’ Elyna bit her lip then, turning the words over in her mind. ‘I’ll never breathe a word of such things again, Malcolm.’ She promised quietly, forcing herself to meet his gaze. ‘Your secrets are safe with me,’ her bottom lip wobbled as she wrapped her arms around herself. She stood then, at a loss of what to say or do. In truth, all she wanted was to run. To leave without looking back, at least until her broken heart had time to heal. ‘Friends,’ she forced the word out, ‘we will continue our marriage as friends, and be grateful for that.’ Her hands gripped tight against her arms, nails digging into the pale skin beneath the robe. ‘After all, it’s more than most people get. It’s why you’ve held me in such esteem…our friendship.’

The night before had been their wedding night and she had felt his hesitation. She’d put it down to the unfamiliar place, being tired, uncertain and wanting to be careful of the baby. Tonight, he had provided a list of excuses before they’d even made it to their bedroom and her ability to see the best had faded. For the first time, she looked across at Malcolm and saw a man, living, breathing, flawed and capable of deception.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 3:03 pm
by Malcolm
Malcolm made no reply, sure that when Elyna chose to return to the cottage that he had discovered the root of her anguish. She did not want him to ride out with her father and his logical mind filled in the gaps. She was concerned for their safety. She was also possibly frustrated that she had not been permitted to join them. Malcolm smiled, hopeful. These were all things that could be resolved before dawn, perhaps even before bed.

The door closed and Elyna said her piece. She knew about Jared. Malcolm looked a little confused by that. What did she know about Jared? “That his wife has fled the country?” Malcolm decided to ask. He had promised his friend that he would not give breath to such rumour and scandal, but he often overlooked the power of the noble grapevine and the speed at which rumours passed through it. “I think he had hoped to keep that quiet,” Malcolm said, “his family believes she has abandoned the girls and gone back to Clead.”

When Elyna made mention of the problem she believed he had helped Vanessa solve, he fell quiet. What did she mean she would keep his secret? It wasn’t until she mentioned her ability to remain devoted to him as a friend that Malcolm’s mind began to mull over something Jared had said in Frost. Elyna believed he didn’t like her. But why would that bother her… unless. What was it Yvan had called him?

The tip of his tongue traced the dull point of his right canine as his eyes fell closed, a hopeless smile tugging at his lips for but a moment. “You too, huh?”

Malcolm thought back over all the intimate moments they had shared, how it had felt to kiss her under the willow tree, unable to deny his passion for a second longer, even at the possible cost of her reputation. Had he kissed anyone like that before? Did she really believe the lies Yvan had been so desperate to feed? “You aren’t talking about his wife,” Malcolm realised, and gave voice to, having connected the dots. “Then I have betrayed a friend and myself,” he said.

Malcolm nodded, he didn’t need her to reply to that. “So the problem I helped Vanessa with must be…” he gave it a moment of thought, then laughed, despite himself. How could he not. How could he stand here with a straight face and let her say such things? “So you think the Princess and I had a marriage of convenience to hide my secret relationship with the Baron of Warrick?” Malcolm's smile grew wider, even as he closed his eyes and bit his lower lip with amusement, hands bracing himself against the back of a chair. “And you accused Jared of not liking you in Frost… because, you think you unravelled it all then?” He looked at her, really looked at her. “But you still married me… why?”

“You’re not wrong about one thing,” Malcolm said. “I love him. What life took from me at a very young age afforded me the rare opportunity to do something so few others find need for. I was able to choose my family and, from the moment I met him I knew that he would not only be my brother in arms, the family the Iron Hand makes of us all, but my actual brother. If the Baron and I seem close, it’s because he is the oldest friend I have. He loves without condition, Elyna—he… has only ever wanted what’s best for me—and what he thinks is best, is of my choosing, not anyone else’s.”

Malcolm hadn’t chosen to be a knight. They had been conditioned to take such a path, convinced there was no other for two orphans raised on grace alone. He hadn’t asked to be made a duke or a king, to raise a boy who was not his own, to keep everyone else’s secrets. If he had it his way, he would still be a common nobody, the exact same life his friend would have chosen, had confided in him that he envied. They had traversed adversity, leadership and making life’s tough decisions together. Jared had been his rock, a light in the dark. The baron had guided him through the difficult transition of knight to duke, of nobody to noble and, in turn, Malcolm had been a safe haven, a port in which no storm could do harm. Trust the world to punish them for leaning on one another.

Malcolm fell silent. He did not have to justify his lifelong friendship, and should not feel the need to. His mind fought him to throw his own accusations about Yvan at her feet, but love did not keep score, Malcolm reminded himself. Love was not self seeking. “How could I ever believe someone could love me for me after Vanessa,” he confided, “when I held a title many saw fit to exploit for power or money and more. The reason your friendship meant so much to me,” he said, “was because it made me feel like you saw me for something other than a match you could gain from, a step up for yourself and your family—which they have taken with both hands. I’m concerned you’ve used my words tonight against me.” His tone was gentle, calm, even. “To justify your fears. Trust me when I say you need not fear that.”

He moved to stand before her, reaching out to trace the lengths of her arms, unfolding them from their wrapped position about her frame. It hurt him that she could not meet his eye. His fingers slipped beneath the robe, peeling it back over her shoulders to reveal the wispy fabric and plunging neckline beneath. “A season is too long,” the man said. “I could not imagine the rest of my days spent in hope, could not condon or honour such a request.” He lifted her hand and held it against his chest so she could feel his heart quicken at just the sight of her.

Malcolm drew the pad of his thumb over her collarbone and traced the neckline of her garb. He pressed her against the wall at her back with a sudden but light jolt and leaned in to kiss her jaw and neck. “If you believe I do not love you, do not want and desire you with every fibre of my being—stop me,” he challenged, going to his knees before her. His free hand followed the shape of her curves and squeezed as he lifted the bottom of her gown to reveal and press a kiss to the swell of her belly. Malcolm looked up at the woman as he hitched her left leg over his shoulder and kissed over the fabric shielding her from him. He pulled the fabric aside with an undeniable hunger and made a feast of her.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 3:05 am
by Elyna
Of all the ways Elyna had imagined, or feared the man might react; his confusion wasn’t one of the possibilities. Followed by a revelation of the truth that had her own brow drawn in confusion. Well, she started to reason to herself, perhaps the Baroness had made her own discovery. Elyna dropped her gaze to her bare toes then, shifting her weight uneasily from side to side.

“You too, huh?”

The words were almost resigned and they pulled at her heart. No matter her frustration and feelings of betrayal, she didn’t want to hurt Malcolm. She closed her eyes, perhaps it would have been better to stay silent. To just let things unfold naturally between them. His continued train of thought summoned her attention and she forced herself to look up at him, her gaze only meeting his shoulder. She flinched when he laughed. The sound catching her off-guard. Elyna had been prepared for anger, denial, accusations or explanations but she hadn’t expected laughter. He set out those accusations, capturing some of the detail she suspected and Elyna squirmed. Part of her was surprised to hear that the Baron had told him about their strange breakfast party, but then why should she be? Elyna had told Emily.

She opened her mouth to protest though, it wasn’t quite as Jared had reported it. But that’s how gossip worked, wasn’t it? Half-truths and misunderstandings. She threaded her hands through her hair and turned away from the man. With her hand brushing along the wall, she tried to ground herself. Only to glance back, over her shoulder as he asked his own question.

His laughter left her feeling numb, queasy as she went over her conclusions again. Had she missed something? From what he said, or rather the way he said it, Elyna felt her certainty washing away. Like sands worn away by the tide.

He spoke of his losses and the family he had found, and Elyna found herself laced with guilt. She turned back to him, fingers gripping her sleeves once more. She had spent so long trying to escape the clutches of her own family, that she barely considered what it would be, to loose them. To truly lose her parents, and maybe even Edmund too. Part of her wanted to daydream what that would make of her life, but it was a terrible thought and not one she should entertain.

At long last, she found herself able to meet his gaze again. Not before her silent tears had returned. She had made such a mess of things, hadn’t she? Why was she so determined to sabotage their happiness? Why was doubt so quick to fester and blossom? How long till he stopped trying and walked away? She tried to rub them away, silently cursing herself once more. She trembled, feeling the distance expand between them in his silence. Did she believe him? He had effectively told her it wasn’t true…hadn't he? What troubled her most, was the suggestion that her family were making a bid for power. It lifted the hairs on the back of her neck.

‘It was just a silly game,’ Elyna murmured, struggling to maintain her composure. Her gaze fixed on his collarbone before she closed her eyes. Her arms felt stiff as he moved them, as though unused to moving. Fingertips brushed the silken satin and she shivered again. All the hairs lifting along her bare arms. What was he doing, what was he trying to prove? Her hand placed against his chest and couldn’t help but look up at him then. Her breath catching in an uneven gasp as he returned to her earlier answer. She hadn’t really been aware of Malcolm paying much attention at the time and flushed, quick to blush at his words. Elyna wracked her brain for other answers that she might have given. Only for him to push her back against the wall. Her fingers curled against his shirt, bunching in the fabric as she gasped.

All her thoughts were quick to flee then, his challenge was issued and she couldn’t look away from him. Stripped from her defences as he dropped to his knees? ‘Mal?’ She managed a whisper before her voice was also stolen. Lips eased over the swell of her middle and she tilted her head back, smothering a soft moan. What was he doing? He went further than she expected in the issue of his challenge and pulled a cry of pleasure from the woman. Her hand threaded through her hair, pushing back from the temple as she struggled to stay upright. Her free hand roaming blindly over the wall for something, anything to steady her balance.

She whispered his name again, she’d been ice, cold and numb and he had reduced her so instantly to a pool. If she’d been able, she would have fallen to his feet. Her fingers curled around a light fitting, one that had gone out. Warm wax slipped around her fingers as she clung to it, snaking down her arm. Her left hand dropped from her hair to her face, she bit her palm struggling not to cry out again. It was hard to think, to form any kind of thought. He was relentless and reached the conclusion that had been saught. In what world would she have wanted to stop him? In what world could she have ever believed he wanted another?

Panting, Elyna managed to kneel as he withdrew. Her knees astride the man she curled her hand through his hair and kissed his cheek, his neck, desperately easing her lips over his face before claiming his mouth. ‘I’m sorry,‘ she whispered, feverish with desire the woman struggled to relieve the man of his shirt. She didn’t care that she was kneeling on the kitchen floor. That the hours of night rolled on. Beyond the door, light rain started in the garden.

‘I’m sorry,’ she whispered again, ‘I’m so sorry that I could imagine anything else.’ She bent her head to press her mouth to his collar, ‘I’m jealous Mal…I can’t share you with anyone else.’

Words on Dreams

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 4:04 am
by Malcolm
The bottom of his tunic was trapped against her thighs as she sank to meet him, straddling him then and there on the kitchen floor. Malcolm undid his belt and pulled himself free of the tunic, casting it aside. He had never looked or felt as fit as he was now, something he feared, as king, he would never have again. I predict a lot of sitting in your future, Jared had teased, but was more than likely right about.

He met her kiss and indulged, letting her all consuming passion ignite his senses. Elyna was nothing like his first wife. It was not that he intended to draw comparisons between the two, but the stark differences were undeniable. With Elyna there was no smoke and veils. What she felt, she shared, often a lot later than he would have liked, but nothing was held back. He could not put it down to youthful exuberance. They were chalk and cheese.

“Don’t change,” he assured her. “I love you.” One day he hoped that love would be enough.

On his feet, Malcolm carried the woman to the bedroom, careful not to jolt her as he set her down on the bed. “What was that?” He asked, staring with a look of mock confusion. He pressed his ear to her middle and smiled. “Oh… you think your mother needs more convincing?” He said, “well, if you insist.”

Malcolm smiled against the woman’s flesh before kissing a path across her belly and north to her lips. “I will leave no doubt,” he whispered, meeting her gaze for a spell.

The dawn came too soon, but after so many late nights, Malcolm failed to rise at the promised time. He lay passed out on his belly, bare and wrapped in a sheet from the waist down. A knock at the door saw him stir, but only enough to find Elyna had already risen as the space beside him was empty. He heard but did not see her go to the door, a quiet greeting followed by the familiar voice of Pavoo Burhan. Malcolm groaned to himself and pulled one of the pillows over his face to block out the sunlight that streamed through the door.

“Good morning,” Pavoo greeted his daughter, “is his majesty decent?”

Malcolm stretched his legs but made no other attempt to get up. “Just a moment,” he called.

“Very well,” Pavoo said. “Do let him know the carriage is waiting.”

The front door to the cottage clicked closed and Malcolm rolled onto his back to look up at Elyna. The man appeared as if he were feeling a little sorry for himself after a bit too much to drink. “Won’t you come back to bed?” He teased, “what’s the worst that could happen?” His voice trailed off and was quiet then as he closed his eyes.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 11:05 am
by Elyna
With his clothes trapped beneath her, Elyna grew quickly frustrated with trying to wrestle the man out of them. She wondered if he understood what he did to her, with a single touch he could set her on fire. Their passion was powerful, all consuming and possibly dangerous. Like a wildfire that could spread out of control. Don’t change, he told her and she lent back enough to study him. Sweat slid down the centre of her back, staining the silken gown. Her hair she had swept to one side, and the wax still stuck to her skin. In that moment she read the amusement in his face and couldn’t help but smile back, shy and uncertain. Don’t change he said, and she had never felt more eccentric. Having half-pounced at the King to devour him in a kiss she’d never wanted to end.

Laid down on the bed, the woman tilted her head on the pillow. His cheek pressed to her middle and she couldn’t help but giggle, delighting in this less serious side of the man. She wriggled beneath him, before all pretense of play had faded and their eyes met. ‘I love you,’ she answered his determination with her own and the rest of the night was lost to desire.

Elyna rose with the dawn and the first brush of light on the far wall of the bedroom. It was musty between the walls, smelling of sweat, alcohol and sex. She flushed to remember some of their adventures from the night before. She reclaimed the robe over her bare skin and tied the belt at her waist. Padding around the cottage she finished the tidying, collecting Malcolm’s clothes and setting them neatly in the bedroom. She pushed open a window to coax a breeze inside. The rain the night before had left the air a little fresher.

She watched him sleeping for a while, lent against the doorframe. A smile playing on her lips. He was handsome, her King, her Husband, her lover. The sheet was pulled low across his back and she knew that it wouldn’t take much to coax her back into his bed.

She bit her tongue and drifted away to make tea, something that might soothe his head when he woke. Elyna added ginger and lemon and set it to steep, let him rest. She thought, this time was theirs. When would he next have the chance to lie in?

Elyna collected up her notebook and returned to her perch from the day before. A fresh page was pulled from the middle and her pen set to parchment.

She stared out the window before attempting once more to set her thoughts free.

Dear Yvan,

I seek a resolution, perhaps until I find it, I’ll have to keep putting my pen to the page. You were right about Malcolm and —- Though I regret our encounter in Mayce.

The knock sounded at the door, enough for her to smudge the line regarding Malcolm and —- so that the second subject was illegible. Elyna peered out. Her letter abandoned once more she moved to greet her Father with a smile. He made his intentions to go hunting clear and Elyna nodded, the door closing behind him.

She looked back through the rooms at Malcolm then and bit her lip. A devilish look crossing her features. Rather than return to bed, the woman opened the door and vanished beyond it.

‘Malcolm won’t be joining you today,’ Elyna caught up with her father.

Pavoo turned, surprised.

‘I’m sure you can spare him a hunt today,’ Elyna insisted. ‘I’m afraid I’m rather jealous of his time Father, after so long apart, I’m sure you can understand?’ She smiled up at the man.

‘Well, I -uh’ Pavoo struggled with the idea of confronting his daughter and was left, watching as she thanked him, bid him a good day and padded barefoot back across the garden to vanish into the cottage.

The door shut behind her and she locked it. Hitching up the skirts of her robe, she half-ran back to the bed and clambered on with the widest grin. ‘Just a day,’ she pleaded as she edged up to kiss him. ‘Let’s just have a day, just for us? Surely they can’t begrudge us that?’

Elyna drew her nose over his jawline before withdrawing, she smiled at him. ‘I’ve left you a drink in the other room,’ she touched a hand to his head, ‘it’ll help,’ she promised with a slight grin. ‘I’m going to get washed…and maybe then if you’re still in bed…’ she flushed and edged back again before she could get too distracted.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 5:48 pm
by Malcolm
Malcolm twisted to look up at his wife as she joined him on the bed for a moment to propose they take a day. His smile seemed to suggest he couldn’t see the harm in it. A maid came in to tidy up and help Elyna fill the bath. Malcolm shut the bedroom door and washed up a little from a wooden dish of cold water using a cloth. He dressed in a fresh set of clothes and packed away some of his things to keep the place tidy.

By the time he left the bedroom in search of the cup of tea that had been promised, the maid had already departed and the door to the bathroom was closed. He leaned back against the wooden counter and tasted the tea, his eyes going to the new letter set out on the table. Dear Yvan the man read before choosing not to go on. So she was writing to Yvan, he thought. How very odd. He busied his hands and set about polishing the leather of his boots, certain that if they were going to go out today, it was a job worth doing.

He looked back at the letter. No, Malcolm thought, it would not be right to read it. He scanned the first few words in passing, ready to dispose of the last of the tea. He saw his name and focused on the short sentence. You were right about Malcolm. His heart sank. Why had he read the letter? Ignorance was bliss, was it not? What could Yvan possibly know and why did Elyna feel it necessary to provide him assurance in the form of written word. Should he be concerned that each morning Elyna’s first thought was of a past lover? A sensation that struck her so keenly she simply must act?

Malcolm let out a breath. With him there was no need to fear jealousy. Yvan could have her. She would simply find her king disinterested.

He went to the bathroom door and knocked before entering. Malcolm pulled the footstool up alongside the bath. He sat down and leaned forward. “I know you would like a day,” he said, “but the sooner I get to Rhode, the more time we have at the other end of it.” Malcolm looked thoughtful, not sure what to expect by way of reply from Elyna. He tried not to look at her, instead watching his hands. “I’d like your blessing.”

Words on Dreams

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 1:13 am
by Elyna
Elyna lay back in the bath, submerged to her nose. She closed her eyes and imagined herself floating in the ocean, her hair swirling around her shoulders as she drifted. Her body looked so different these days, the swell of her middle growing more pronounced with every passing day. There would no hiding it anymore. She smiled, with Malcolm by her side she didn’t have to.

What could they do with their day? A precious moment stolen from his demands and responsibilities and her incessant parents. If she collected a hamper of food from the main house, maybe they could go to the beach? If it wouldn’t be safe enough for just the two them, maybe Ben and Emily wouldn’t mind joining them? Or they could return to the park, it promised to be a hot day so the shade beneath the willow trees would be comfortable. She smiled to herself, flushing at the memory of their stolen kiss.

Her eyes opened and she let out a slow sigh. Sitting up she finished washing the soap from her skin, splashing the water over her back. Each night, since Mal had returned to her life she had been plagued with nightmares. She shook herself and the feeling that somehow, she was being watched. The bathroom didn’t even have any windows. It was impossible.

With a knock, Malcolm entered to a smile. She sank beneath the soap suds in an effort to preserve her modesty, peeking out over the rim of the tub at the man. His suggestion was met with disappointment and for a moment she slid beneath the water. Hands slicked through her hair she tamed it before sitting up again. Elyna sat up, shoulder to shoulder with the man.

‘Do you not want me to come with you?’ She asked softly. ‘I know what I said last night but…’ but surely they had made past her foolish mistake. Elyna swallowed the lump in her throat, leaning forward enough to touch the tip of her nose to his shoulder, trying not to get him too wet. ‘You have my blessing,’ she assured him. ‘I’ll miss you.’

Words on Dreams

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 2:50 am
by Malcolm
Elyna had not waited too long for an explanation and Malcolm was glad he did not have to give her false reasons. Pavoo had been adamant that Elyna must accompany the family to Welles, along with Caelin and Edmund. Malcolm had not asked why, some things were better left unsaid.

He offered a small smile as she moved closer, granting him leave with love. Malcolm was just about to make a move when he decided instead to ask. “You’re writing to Yvan? Benjamin told me last night that he had last been spotted working on the docks in Nejem.” He wasn’t sure why he had offered up the snippet of information, knowing only that if she was in contact with the man and was considering reuniting, all he had done was shorten the steps in which it would take to do so.

Before Elyna could answer, there was a knock at the door. Malcolm started, so intent on hearing her explanation that he had not expected interruption. The maid came to the door and apologised for walking in on them. Malcolm stood up, explaining that she had nothing to apologise for as the interruption was slight.

“There’s a man at the main house asking for you, my lord.”

Malcolm looked confused. “I’m not expecting anyone. Did he give a name?”

“Lord Warrick.”

Malcolm smiled, hopeful. “Jared Warrick?”

“I’m not sure, my lord,” the maid said. “Should he expect to see you?” She asked.

“Tell him I’ll be with him presently.”

The maid offered a parting smile and left to return to the main house and deliver the message.

Malcolm was on his feet. “I’ll see you when you’re finished here?” He asked.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 4:06 am
by Elyna
You’re writing to Yvan. The words sounded aloud and Elyna recoiled. Too late she remembered her part-written note that had been casually abandoned. It was easy to understand why Malcolm had reached that conclusion, yet he remained her lover. A man who didn’t shout or make jealous accusations, but instead tried to help her endeavour. Elyna wasn’t sure that she could love him anymore than she did in that moment. He deserved an explanation though, and the truth.

‘I’m-‘ she was interrupted, startled as the maid entered the room. Her cheeks flushed instantly and the woman bowed her head. Staring at her knees in the water. The exchanged passed over the top of her, irrespective of the way each word made her cringe. She hated this, hated living with no privacy. In the cottage she had started to believe that there was a little part of Aramane that she could be safe. Could claim temporarily as her own space. She had been wrong.

The water chilled around her, leaving her in goosebumps as Malcolm practically jumped up to run and greet his friend, Jared. She felt sick, exposed and vulnerable and her thoughts slid away from her. Of course, Malcolm would be keen to go to Rhode with Jared. Her thoughts from the night before had certainly been squashed, but his excitement to leave her so soon, stung.

‘Just go,’ Elyna replied. Her arms wrapped around her knees she watched her feet beneath the water. Waiting for the man to depart.

As the front door closed behind him, she forced herself to breathe again. It wouldn’t always be like this. Their privacy so lightly take. But wouldn’t it? When she returned to Renmere she would be a Queen. Malcolm hadn’t really been clear in his expectations of what that held, but she assumed it meant living with him in the Palace. A whole army of staff would be there to wait on them, to watch, to judge…

Elyna scrambled from the water in a rush, panic threatening to close her throat. She bent double, gripping the bath rail as she struggled to breath. One hand grabbing blind for a towel in case someone else decided to walk in.

Breathe, she reminded herself, just breathe.

Her reluctance to join the main house was shown in the time it took her to dress for the day. She pulled on a blue dress, then a purple and a red before discarding them all and returning to the black gown she had worn to dinner a few nights previous. If she wasn’t going to have a day to relax on the sand, she may as well be sat in the stuffy parlour. She may as well be miserable. Would Jared think she was appropriately dressed for Malcolm’s wife? Would he think that she was good enough for the friend he loved so dearly?

She summoned a maid to pin up her hair in an elegant bun. She lined her eyes with Kohl in the Nejemese fashion. She contemplated painting her nails with gold paint before setting the tiny vial of polish aside, untouched.

There was a limit to how much time she could take. Even as she started up the path towards the house, she spotted Emily at the door; having been sent to fetch her.

‘You alright?’ Emily fell into step beside her.

‘Let’s just get everyone on their way, shall we?’

Words on Dreams

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 6:17 am
by Malcolm
Malcolm hesitated, confused by Elyna’s dismissive tone. Just go she had said. He paused at the door and looked back at her, something she did not seem to notice. Malcolm carried on to the main house then, taking his time as he considered Elyna’s words. He sighed. Lately he only seemed good at one thing and that was unintentionally upsetting her.

“What an honour,” he overheard Beatrice say.

Malcolm rounded the dinning room to pass into the living room and found Jared seated across from the woman, already with tea in hand. “I wasn’t expecting you,” Malcolm said.

Jared was on his feet in an instant, tea set to one side as he closed the distance between himself and the king. Malcolm embraced the man and smiled as Jared patted him hard on the back. “You’re married?” Jared asked, confused.

“That’s what I’ve been telling him,” Beatrice said.

Pavoo was quiet, something that did not go unnoticed by Malcolm. “Once Lord Burhan submits the paperwork,” Malcolm said.

Jared took a step back. “I hope I’m not interrupting?”

“I was planning to make the journey to Rhode,” Malcolm admitted.

“Right now?” Beatrice asked.

“Some time today,” Malcolm said, with a nod. “It’s probably better to start the trip sooner rather than later in the day.”

“But Lord Warrick has already been invited to dine with us tonight,” Beatrice said.

“I’ve rented a room nearby.” Jared smiled.

“In that case I will put my plans off a little longer,” Malcolm said. He forced a smile, lost in his own heavy thoughts.

Caelin flattened a wayward strand of hair against her head and tried her best to look as disinterested in the conversation as possible. However, she did offer Jared a big, warm grin whenever she caught his eye. Malcolm couldn’t help but wonder what her deal was. Perhaps, he thought, he would never gain her respect, being that he was not born to nobility.

“Tea?” Beatrice asked, her gaze set on Malcolm.

“Actually, I was hoping I could steal a moment of your time,” Jared interrupted. “Could we go for a walk?”

Malcolm looked about the room to see if any would protest the idea. “Very well,” Malcolm agreed, sure no one would mind, and followed the baron out onto the street.

By the time Elyna joined them in the sitting room, everyone was talking about what they wanted to do once they returned to the countryside in Welles. Billy greeted her with a warm smile and offered to make her a cup of tea with a touch ginger. Really she just wanted to catch the woman before Elyna joined the group, as she had come downstairs late and missed the baron's arrival. “Who was that devastatingly handsome man your husband left with just now?” She asked, curious and a little flush. “Is he single? How old is he?” She added quickly.

Emily grinned. “All the good men are taken,” she teased.

Billy pursed her lips, disappointed and suddenly the rest didn’t matter. “Oh bother,” she said, mixing the ginger into the tea with care. “How was your game night? I do wish I was able to play cards with you all.”

Words on Dreams

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 7:16 am
by Elyna
Elyna accepted the offer of tea, all too happy to be pulled aside rather than join her parents. She, Emily and BIlly settled in the far corner of the room, after she had paid her respects to their host and her family. Before she could answer the rush of questions, Emily stepped in. It was hard not to smile when surrounded by the two young women and she shook off some of her melancholy.

‘So it was Lord Warrick who arrived? Jared?’ Elyna confirmed with Emily who nodded.

‘Seven help the women of Aramane,’ Emily pretended to fan herself, ‘alas, my dear Billy he is married with twin daughters. As to our game…’ she flushed.

‘It was…enlightening,’ Elyna glanced at Emily who merely grinned in response.

‘Oh?’ Billy looked between them, hopeful for more information but found that the Skyriders were not forthcoming.

‘You’ll have to come with us,’ Elyna looked across at her cousin then, ‘when we go back to Renmere. Would your Grandmother allow you to come between Harvest and Frost?’

Billy’s mouth fell open in surprise before she nodded quickly, ‘I’d love to,’ she agreed with the eagerness of youth, ‘I’d love to see Renmere and the Volerean and the Jacadon - I’ll ask my Grandmother,’ she stood then, despite Elyna’s protest that it might be better to wait. Too excited by the prospect to bide her time.

It was then that Emily turned to her friend, edging closer so that she could lower her voice. Talking directly into Elyna’s ear, tickling it with her soft breath, ‘your Father hasn’t submitted the marriage register,’ she confided having been sat quietly in the room throughout the exchange.

Elyna looked up at her friend then, searching her expression before she took a slow sip of tea. She had always trusted her Father, but more than anyone in the world she trusted her true friend, Emily. She nibbled her bottom lip, thoughtful before glancing up at the tiny blonde. ‘Perhaps he forgot,’ she suggested. Their gaze met and held.

‘We should probably help him,’ Emily replied, her voice light as she picked a biscuit from the plate before them.

Elyna nodded, smiling as Billy returned.

‘She’ll consider it,’ the girl sank onto one of the chairs beside them. ‘At least it’s not a definite no,’ she was grinning with delight. Cheeks flushed with hope, ‘she said you’d have to look after me, ensure I don’t become embroiled in any unladylike behavior.’

‘We would do our utmost,’ Elyna struggled not to smile as she reached out. Curling her free hand over Billys.

‘Where did my husband go?’ She looked around eventually, having missed his presence since arriving. There was no point getting dressed up to make an entrance, if the object of her frustration wasn’t around to witness it.

‘Jared requested a walk…I’m sure they’ll be back soon.’

Elyna resisted the urge to shrug.

The afternoon passed as many of them had before, with the women engaged in their needlework in the parlor. Although Elyna spent most of the time staring out at the window and the gardens beyond. Whatever Malcolm and Jared were up to, it was taking plenty of time.

Part-way through the afternoon. The woman moved to sit with her parents, opening the discussion of the wedding that they wanted to plan. Caelin was eager to share all of her elaborate, expensive ideas, tempered by Beatrice’s knowledge of Aramanian tradition. Pavoo, pleased that his wife was happy, sat attentively, happy to read a book and look between his daughter and wife with an occasional smile. Crumbs lining his shirt from the cake he seemed to continually nibble.

The date of the 100th day of Blaze was cautiously set, with Elyna insisting that Malcolm would have to be consulted.

Emily had made her excuses while Billy sat with eager anticipation, adding her own thoughts. If anyone was surprised by Elyna’s sudden animation at the subject, they kept their own council and were pleased she was anticipating the event with some excitement.

How long did they talk about doves, and colours, dresses, invitations and suitable food? Elyna was quite sure her head was spinning by the time she managed to excuse herself. Returned to the cottage, she found Emily perched in the kitchen. A smug expression on the Skyriders face.

‘Did you get it?’ Elyna crossed to the table, pulling aside the sheets of parchment until she found what she was looking for.

‘Tada,’ Emily gestured, peering out the window she frowned, ‘you’d better be quick…I’ll go make your excuses at dinner.’

Elyna nodded, her wrap and sewing hastily discarded; she settled at the table and collected up the brushes, paints, pens and parchment that she would need for her task. Her fingertips traced the marriage registration, the paperwork that would make permanent her and Malcolms binding. It wasn’t too elaborate, thank the Seven.

‘Make sure Malcolm doesn’t come back to the cottage,’ Elyna added as her friend moved for the door, ‘at least, not before you’ve eaten. That should give me the rest of todays’ daylight.’

‘Don’t you want to say goodbye? He said he was going to travel to Rhode.’

She bit her bottom lip then, before shrugging. What could she say to Malcolm? He deserved an explanation about her letters to Yvan, but would he really want to listen? Did she have the energy to tell him?

Emily let out a slow sigh before vanishing from the cottage. True to her word, she ensured that no one would disturb her friend. Explaining that the day of sewing had left Elyna with a sore head and a need to rest. Any attempt to visit, was skillfully fielded until she was confident that Elyna would be left alone. It was only then that she returned to the cottage, and helped Lady Burhan clean up the efforts of their endeavors.

The pair shared a fierce embrace before Emily slipped away into the night.

Elyna rubbed her head. The table before her was cleared of paints and all the materials she had used. The letter to Yvan long since thrown into the fire. If it had been a ruse before, her head now ached something fierce, along with her neck and back. She stood, pouring herself a glass of water before moving out of the cottage and into the open air of the garden. The air was clearer at least, not as stuffy as the cottage after a day spent inside. She sank back down onto her bench from the night before. Had Malcolm already departed forRhyode? Would he leave without saying goodbye. She rubbed an ink stain on her left hand, trying to scrub it from her skin.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 6:49 am
by Malcolm
Jared and Malcolm walked along the street in silence. Twice Malcolm glanced at the man as if he had something to say, and twice he failed to say anything. Jared was dressed in black, his silk shirt boasting a deep v-neck, sported only a few small white buttons that held it together. It was tucked into a pair of high waisted leathers, which ruffled at the top of his riding boots. His leather weapons belt looked too loose for his narrow waist and held not a weapon in sight. His skin was dark, even for this time of year and his eyes were a strange mix of green and blue. His hair looked unkempt, wayward and golden, slicked back from his face and tamed with a heavy hand.

“So she knows?” Jared asked.

“I’m sorry,” Malcolm said. He was relieved to hear the man finally speak, but troubled to be the source of his woe.

Jared pushed his fingers through his hair again out of frustration. “This, I’ll remind you, is the importance of always kno—“

“—There’s no need for a lecture,” Malcolm assured him. He was a little tired of disappointing all those nearest and dearest to him.


The pair stopped in the street, the Cain residence already a couple of blocks behind them. Malcolm turned to the man, but couldn’t bring himself to meet Jared’s gaze. All his life, Jared had been so good to him, so steadfast. It troubled Malcolm any time he was the cause of disappointment for the baron.

“Malcolm,” Jared said again.

Malcolm looked at him then.

Jared set his palm against the edge of Malcolm’s jaw, his fingers tucked in the small nest of curls at the nape of his neck. “It’s all right. I’m sure Elyna will not say anything.”

“And if she does?”

“Do you have no faith in your wife?”

Malcolm sighed. “Of course I do.”

“Then all is well.” Jared's fingers combed through the black curls wrapped about them.

Malcolm blinked, startled by the strange sensation that went through him. He cleared his throat lightly. Elyna was in his head, he told himself, with her strange accusations. “Did they find her?” He asked.

“No.” Jared replied after a moment of thought. “But she left of her own accord. She had been threatening to for a while.”

“I don’t understand how a woman could just abandon her children,” Malcolm said, far too aware of the placement of the baron’s hand and the easy smile he wore.

“She knows they are not hers to take.”

Malcolm took a step back and Jared’s hand fell away. Had his friend really just said that?

“Don’t look at me as if I’ve wounded you,” Jared said. “The girls serve a higher purpose. They are not commoners. Would you have taken the boys if Vanessa had lived and you had wanted to go?”

“No,” Malcolm said.

“Then you understand what I mean?”

Malcolm nodded.

“Lazuli will marry Vaughn one day and House Warrick will step into the future, led by a man born to a commoner.” Jared teased.

Malcolm laughed. “You dare call your king a common man?”

Jared smirked. “Once, but never again.”

Malcolm nudged him with his shoulder as they continued on down the street, headed nowhere in particular. “What did you travel to Aramane to tell me?” Malcolm asked.

“I didn’t,” Jared admitted. “I just… missed you.”

Malcolm made no reply.

“Here,” Jared said.


“I’ve rented a room here.” Jared pointed to a white building at the end of the street. “Will you come have a drink with me?”

“I drank far too much last night,” Malcolm said.

“Just the one?”

“All right.”

Later at dinner, Elyna’s absence was keenly felt. Malcolm kept making eye contact with Emily and, as if by way of reply, Emily chose only to shrug and look about as if she expected the woman to walk through the doors at any moment. Beatrice sat at the head of the table talking to the baron while Caelin seemed to be chirping about something completely different and perfectly mundane, so dull in fact, that it seemed even Pavoo had switched off.

“And we will have flowers,” Caelin said, “as many yellow and red flowers as the kingdom can provide. I want gold,” she added, “yes, there must be more gold than the nobles have ever seen in one room. They must believe my daughter is every bit a queen.”

Jared met Malcolm’s gaze then and the two shared a knowing smile.

“And Lord Krome,” she addressed Malcolm, still refusing to use his name, “how many guests do you suppose you will want? There is a good three hundred to feed,” Caelin said.

Malcolm blinked. Did he even know three hundred people? “A handful at best,” he told her.

Caelin scoffed. “We will add another hundred just to be sure. Only the best for my Elyna.”

Malcolm looked around the room. Almost everyone he knew in Aramane was right here other than his cousins. Would they even care to attend the wedding after the show Caelin had put on for Godric? Malcolm very much doubted it.

“Will you be travelling with Malcolm to Rhode?” Beatrice asked Jared.

“I’ve not been invited,” Jared said, turning his gaze on the man once more.

Malcolm looked across at the baron and set his cutlery down. “You’re more than welcome to join me.”

“That settles it then,” Beatrice said. “I will see to it that housekeeping sets an early breakfast for you all.”

“Oh I won’t be staying here the night,” Jared said, “I’ve rented a roo—“

“—Don’t be silly!” Beatrice said, “It's no trouble at all.” As if she had suddenly noticed, or perhaps was finally worried, Beatrice spoke up. “Where is dear Elyna?”

“Busy.” Emily said. “I mean, she didn’t quite feel up to dinner.”

“Oh the poor dear. I’ll send you back with a plate,” she said to Malcolm.

“Most kind,” he replied.

When Malcolm found Elyna out in the garden he was carrying the plate Beatrice had got the maid to put together. It was a small platter of fresh fruits and crackers, toffee and what looked like some kind of dried vegetables. “You must be unwell,” Malcolm said, “because I know the woman I married isn’t half as rude as your absence at dinner suggested tonight.” He did not look impressed, yet stood open to her confirming just that. He wanted to scold her for making no effort to greet Jared, but after the night they had been through, part of him considered it all too raw and new. “Billy wanted to play cards. I told her I would pass on the message to you.”

Words on Dreams

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 7:19 am
by Elyna
Hearing footsteps, the woman looked up. Her smile formed automatically as she took in her husband, before vanishing just as quickly at his words. He was allowing her an explanation, but not without laying his accusations at her feet. In truth, her head felt tight with pain. She held a glass of cool water between her hands, hoping to ease the sensation with small sips. Stars threatened to dance in front of her eyes whenever she moved her head too quickly. With so little sleep in the past few days, and so much turmoil, Elyna knew that she had overdone things. Her eyes were shadowed with exhaustion and she simply stared at her husband for a moment.

Did he not believe that if she had missed dinner, if she had been rude - it was for a good reason? She swallowed the water that threatened to stick in her throat. Clearly she wasn’t high in his estimation. Her determination to explain her actions faded on her tongue.

‘Clearly, I have lost your favour, my lord. For you to think so ill of me.’ She replied. Elyna stood, with a glance at the plate of food she shook her head. She felt sick, not hungry. Perhaps it had been a mistake to go to such efforts, to secure their marriage. She lent a hand against the back of the bench, legs a little shaky.

‘I’ll send a note of apology to Billy,’ she glanced around the garden, expecting a maid would pass at any moment to help with that task. She was exhausted and tired of living within a circus.

‘Aren’t you supposed to be in Rhode?’ The woman lifted a brow, ‘surely then you couldn’t note my absence from any table,’ she swallowed then, ‘after all, you seem so eager to depart my company.’ After so long apart and so many trials between them his desire to leave as soon as possible stung more than she wanted to admit. His offer for her accompany him to Rhode hadn’t been at all hopeful. As though he had dreaded her acceptance.

She had wanted to explain about the letter he thought he had found. But instead pressed a hand to her temple, massaging the increasing pressure. Just go, she wanted to tell him again.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 8:10 am
by Malcolm
Perfectly well, she had thoroughly convinced him of that in far too many words. Elyna seemed to have this strange ability to get under his skin, fire him up in a way that saw him lose his cool far too quickly. He took a moment, not backing down from whatever challenge her stare proposed, meeting it with a look of utter disapproval. “Forgive me,” he paused. “For a moment there I thought I was speaking to your mother.”

Malcolm carried on to the cottage then and set the plate down inside on the wooden bench with a clatter. He returned a moment later, endeavouring to pass on Elyna’s apologies to Billy, seen as she could not bring herself even to muster the energy for that.

When he returned a second time, he was shadowed by Jared, who knew better than any when the duke was upset. “Malcolm,” Jared called, only to slow when he saw Elyna. He looked her up and down and stood spellbound for a moment, rendered speechless. “You’re—“ He bit his tongue, reminding himself he was in the presence of the future queen of Renmere. “That dress suits you,” he said.

Malcolm turned, catching the split second change in his friend and realised then and there that he had forgotten to mention the pregnancy to Jared. “Doesn’t it,” Malcolm agreed without hesitation.

Jared looked at his friend, his smile warm. “Congratulations. I’m sorry I missed the wedding. It’s good to see you, my lady.”

“Didn’t you hear Lady Burhan at dinner?” Malcolm teased. “The true wedding is to take place on the hundredth day of Blaze, with a guest list of no fewer than four hundred.”

“Five,” Jared corrected him. “Lady Burhan was just finalising a few things over dessert.” Jared smiled again, but he could sense tension between the newlyweds. As if by way of trying to ease said tension, Jared mentioned Rhode. “Will you be joining us for the journey tomorrow?”

Malcolm raised a balled hand to his mouth and chewed his lower lip. Could this night possibly get any worse?

Words on Dreams

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 8:45 am
by Elyna
He gave his barbed response and the woman met his gaze, unflinching. Her fingers curled tightly over the bench as she used it as support. She stole a sip of drink in his absence, and resisted the urge to curse his name. It wasn’t his fault that she felt unwell, but she felt misunderstood and undeserving of his ire. Was it purely because she hadn’t made a fuss of Jareds arrival? A man he loved like a brother, Elyna hadn’t wanted to rude. She bent a little, ignoring the man as he strode past from the cottage to the house. Returning shortly after.

Elyna straightened then, ready to apologise and to try and soothe the anger between them. If they were going to part, she didn’t want it to be on bad terms.

Once more her voice was stolen as she watched Jared approaching. She dipped into a curtsey, bowing her head in greeting.

The exchange between the men was not lost on the woman. She drew an uneasy breath. What would Lord Warrick think of her now? That she had tricked Malcolm into marriage?

The conversation between the friends was light, teasing but the content saw Elyna sink back onto the bench. She pushed her hands through her hair, staring into the glass of water. 500? It was hard to breath, even with the air so fresh in the garden. She shivered, despite the heat of Blaze and forced herself to look up, though all the colour had fled from her features, not that there had been much to start with.

She looked between the two men, ‘a pleasure, as always to see you my Lord Warrick.’ She finally managed to get a word in. Elyna set her glass down, afraid that even water might make her sick as her stomach turned again.

‘I will not,’ she assured the man with a small smile, ‘I fear my company would be most unwelcome,’ after all, Malcolm hadn’t said anything to contradict her concerns. ‘But I am sure Malcolm will be most relieved you are here…’ Elyna forced herself to stand again, breath coming uneasily as she struggled with a wave of dizziness.

‘I am sorry for missing dinner, my Lord. I only hope that my absence has not offended you.’ She met his gaze then, sincere in her apology.

Finally, Elyna glanced across at Malcolm, her gaze landing at his boots. ‘Perhaps you should stay with Lord Warrick this evening, rather than disturb me with an early morning?’ She suggested softly. ‘After all, I will have a lot of letters to write,’ she knew her words to be provocative but felt as though she had been backed into a corner. She wanted to escape and would strike out in any attempt to excuse herself. Elyna knew she would regret her words just as quickly as they were spoken and forced herself to lift her gaze to catch her Husbands. Let him leave if he was desperate to be free of her. Tears pricked the back of her eyes.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 9:08 am
by Malcolm
The lady’s displeasure was not lost on either man. Jared couldn’t imagine Malcolm doing anything to make his wife feel unwelcome, yet she was clear in begrudging her perceived exclusion. Both men were silent and quite clearly uncomfortable with the suggestion that followed. There was an accusation in there somewhere, Jared thought. How was it that a couple so recently married could wish to spend a night apart? He looked confused, but gave no reply.

When Elyna lifted her gaze to meet Malcolm’s eye, he looked away, arms folded across his chest in a rather defensive manner. “If that is your wish. I’m sure your letters can’t wait,” he said, unlike the rest of us, Malcolm thought. Just go her words from that morning echoed in his memory. He was quite sure Elyna would prefer he was out of the way so that she could write to Yvan in peace and later accuse him of some wrongdoing for going off with the baron.

“Help me with my trunk?” He asked Jared.

“Of course.” The baron agreed awkwardly.

They carried it out to the carriage on the street and Malcolm stood fastening it to the back while Jared went inside to inform Benjamin of their plans to spend the night elsewhere before returning early to collect him.

Words on Dreams

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 9:23 am
by Elyna
Elyna watched her husband as he turned away. She had lashed out, hurt, tired and feeling unwell she had done everything in her power to push the man away. As she had expected. regret at her words and actions was instant. Now she could only anticipate a lonely night ahead when it shouldn’t be that way. She should have been savouring the time with him. Especially when he was going away. Time was precious and tonight she had let her self-loathing win out.

She also felt embarrassed that Jared had witnessed a disagreement between the two of them. Something she always would hope to keep private.

Elyna waited until all the baggage was collected before silently making her way through the gardens. Jared had acted with all the grace she could expect of a born Nobleman. Malcolm too, had managed to contain what she imagined was his frustration. Even though his earlier accusations had hurt. Around the house, she could see him. Malcolm was busy, pulling the straps taught as she approached. In slippers, her footsteps were light. Stepping into the shadows of the carriage where he worked the woman extended her arm. Reaching up she lay a light hand on his arm where he had pushed his shirt sleeves up. Her own skin cool to the touch.

‘I’m not writing to Yvan,’ she explained softly. Elyna looked up at the man, trying to find his gaze in the dim street light. ‘I keep having nightmares,’ she tested her teeth with her tongue and persevered. ‘I wanted them to stop…I thought if I wrote everything out then perhaps I could be free. The letter has been turned to ash, as it was always destined to be.’

She swallowed, watching the carriage wheels. She didn’t expect any compassion or understanding from the man, but had wanted to be honest.

Elyna stood with the shadows of the night upon her back, heavy with regret. She wished she hadn’t sent him away, that they would have more time to talk. ‘I don’t know where he is, I don’t care…perhaps one day you and I can talk about what happened, as you seem to have made the same assumptions as everyone else.’ Elyna lent forward holding the carriage for balance as she lifted onto her toes to press a kiss to his cheek.

‘I am yours. If you don’t already believe that, then I doubt there is anything I can say or do to convince you.’

Words on Dreams

Posted: Fri May 27, 2022 3:46 pm
by Malcolm
Malcolm pulled his arm from her gentle grasp to continue his work. He had not lost his cool and for that he felt he could hold his head high. But for the first time ever, he did not allow her the chance to speak. “I don’t want to hear excuses. You’ve acted in a very unladylike manner,” he scolded. “I’m sure Jared was most impressed by the show and will believe we married for nothing but love.” He looked at her then, his gaze falling to the swell of her middle.

“I’ve sat through the worst dinners of my life in your mothers company, and tonight I did not only have to do it alone, but now find myself turned away by the person I’m in this awful country for. You’ve insulted my dearest friend as well as myself and choose to send me away with him after making the most distasteful accusations against us.” He did not want to punish her, but his next words came from a place of hurt. “When the child is born I will make the journey to Welles. I will then return to the kingdom I’ve abandoned for you both. Do be sure to inform your mother that her absurde wedding will not go ahead. Good day, Lady Burhan.”

He said his farewell with the utmost authority as Jared stepped out onto the street. There was no taking it back, even as he scolded himself in silence for losing whatever calm he imagined himself wielding.

“Lady Burhan,” Jared bowed his head and climbed up into the carriage, having missed whatever had passed between them.

Malcolm glanced back, all his anger worn at his brow, softened before he stepped up into the carriage. The footman secured the door before taking a seat alongside the driver. “Walk on!” The driver called and the pretty black horses did just that.