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Falling Leaves

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2023 6:58 am
by Elyna
10th Harvest AOK 22

‘It doesn’t have to be this way,’ Emily watched her friend as she clutched the newborn to her chest. Elyna took a deep inhale of breath, taking in the sweet milky scent of her son. ‘You don’t have to do this.’

‘I do,’ she replied. Voice so soft it was a whisper. ‘Otherwise why have I been here all this time, not at home.’

‘Then just come home,’ Emily cuddled her own bundle of joy. Was there a time that she’d ever been so tired. ‘I know that’s what you’re longing for…just bring him home…please Ely.’

Elyna shook her head, bowed against her baby she sobbed silently. She pressed her arm against her eyes to soak up the burning tears.

There were few arguments that Emily hadn’t tried over the past few seasons. She looked down at her daughter, tiny nose wrinkled in sleep. Even at five days old she didn’t approve this plan.

‘The only thing that will see me through,’ Elyna managed to gather herself, ‘is knowing he is safely home. Back with the twins and Malcolm…if he’ll have him.’

‘Of course-‘ Emily fell silent as Elyna looked up at her, features puffy from a lack of sleep red from crying.

‘Rowan,’ Elyna pressed a kiss to her son’s downy head. ‘Rowan River Bennett.’

‘He and Rose will be the best of friends,’ Emily offered a faint smile. For all her own joy, her heart broke for Elyna.

‘Travel safe, my loves.’ Elyna stood then, she bent to kiss Emily, Rose and then Rowan once more before easing the sleeping babe into her friends’ arms. It was then that she slipped down from the wagon and nodded to Liam. The Knight was ready to drive, his face stern with determination. It was a warm, moonless night with the stars looking down at the small party in the Temple courtyard. Elyna eased herself down onto the paving slabs and drew back. She waved then, watching as Liam clicked his tongue and set the wagon wheels rolling. A guard of Sisters flanking the wagon as it moved before slipping into the shadows so they’d be harder to spot. Only when the wagon had trundled out of sight, did she finally find the strength to turn and make her way back inside the temple walls.

21st Harvest AOK 22

With news returning that Emily had arrived safely in Renmere, Elyna settled herself in part of the outer temple, where male visitors were permitted. It was a simple room, with scrubbed wooden floors that smelt of varnish. Wooden side tables, beautifully carved with leaves and curls that reminded the woman of the sea or the bubbling of a river. There was a large fire set into the white stone wall, crackling gently. Beyond the door she could hear the consistent whisper footsteps up and down the corridors. After so long living in the temple these were familiar sounds, comforting as she sat, twisting her hands in her lap. Elyna wore an elegant dress, simple but expensive. It had a high waist and a loose fit. Her hair had been curled and pinned, a small gold tiara perching in the center.

One of the Sister’s guardians stood at the door to the room. Luna, a commander who had traveled to Renmere and back with Billy Cain to deliver a message. Whatever Luna thought, she kept her council to herself. Her armour was polished till it shone, catching the golden light that filtered through large windows overlooking the lake. Heavy blue curtains had been pulled back, so the most amount of light could flood the space.

Tea had been set out on a round table. Two long sofas were set out on either side of the fireplace. The only items that suggested any kind of luxury, they were comfortable and upholstered with a pale blue fabric, decorated with yellow flowers.

Elyna thought she was going to be sick. All her insides seemed twisted in knots. She sat upright, shoulders back and forced herself to look up and face the world. There was quiet commotion in the courtyard and she found her feet. Luna lifted a perfectly arched brow before moving to open the door.

Sure enough, Garrett entered the room. His gaze swept over the furniture before he turned and signaled to the man behind him. Stepping further across the boards he looked back at Luna. The guard bowed, ‘I’ll just be beyond the door, if I am needed,’ the woman promised and slipped from the room. The door closed with a soft click and Elyna alone with the crown Prince.

‘Good morning, Lady Elyna,’ he began. He crossed the room towards her, extending a hand.

Elyna swallowed her nerves, forcing a smile as she presented her hand to him. He bowed, pressing a kiss to the back of her fingers before releasing her. ‘Good morning, your majesty.’

‘Just Garrett, please when we’re alone,’ he chided gently but there was a resolve in his gaze that she recognised.

‘Of course, Garrett,’ she retreated behind the table and settled on the sofa, making sure to sweep her skirts gently. ‘Can I offer you some tea?’

‘Tea I’ll accept,’ he sat opposite her, but lent forward folding his hands between his knees, ‘but I’d prefer an explanation.’

Focus Ely, she told herself, one thing at a time. Elyna concentrated on pouring two cups of hot liquid before setting the pot down, out of the way. She looked up at the man. Breathe, she reminded herself, breathe. ‘I-’

He interrupted quickly, ‘you don’t need to explain about the baby,’ he fixed her with a look, ‘it was a risk I took…given that you had been previously entangled with another,’ he shrugged, ‘though I might have claimed the child as my own and saved you some time and bother.’

Shocked, she stared at the man. So he knew about Rowan, but had left her in peace? She wet dry lips, his suggestion was something she had been afraid of. Rowan needed to be home, in Renmere with his father. Her heart gave an uncomfortable lurch.

‘What I don’t understand is why I have been summoned here, rather than receiving you in Aramane? I believe I was clear in my latest letters, I expect us to marry urgently.’ His gaze landed on her middle, ‘it’s my understanding that a recent mother has a good chance of becoming pregnant again, without trial.’ He glanced at her face, ‘it could save us both some trouble if you fell pregnant quickly.’

She sucked in a breath then, struggling to fill her lungs. ‘I won’t be marrying you,’ Elyna spoke up.The urge to vomit rose again and she gripped her hands tightly, nails pressing into the flesh.

Garrett stared at her, unmoved. Finally, he reached forward and collected his tea, adding honey. His spoon clinked against the porcelain cup as he stirred. ‘Darling girl, don’t waste your time in trying to pick an argument. You gave your word. You promised me an heir.’

‘And I cannot give you one.’

He rolled his eyes, lifting his tea to sip.

Elyna gripped her hands tighter, pinching the flesh as she struggled, ‘you’re right…I have been here long enough to bear a child…it’s meant long hours to fill. I’ve spent those hours reading, and reading and pouring through the lore of Renmere and Aramane. I cannot be your wife, Garrett. I never could be, whilst my husband still lives.’

‘Your parents confirmed that the records had been destroyed, you did not have their blessing to wed the man. You broke your agreement with them.’

‘None of those things make my marriage to Malcolm invalid.’ Elyna forced herself to meet his gaze. It was the truth, and nothing could take it from her.

He scoffed, the spoon dropping onto the saucer with a clang as he stared her down, ‘you signed your own divorce.’

‘Which would not be accepted in Renmere. We do not allow divorce.’

‘Your husband cannot want you back, silly girl.’

‘Maybe not,’ she almost choked, ‘but even if you were to force my into marriage, it would be untrue. It would be false and make a mockery of your customs. Your Nobles would never accept it.’

‘And what do you know of nobility here?’

‘A great deal, seeing as I’ve spent the last few years in Aramane. Garrett,’ she reached out to him. ‘I’m trying to help you. So long as my Husband lives, I could not marry you, nor give you what you ask.’

‘Then he won't live much longer!’ Garratt was on his feet, teacup smashed on the floorboards.

She flinched, but remained seated as she looked up at the man. He stayed on the other side of the table. It was a threat she had anticipated, expected even. Elyna sent a silent prayer to whatever gods might exist and were listening, that Emily had been able to warn Malcolm, that he might take precautions to protect himself. Her eyes were hot with tears unshed.

‘I know that you have a lover,’ she held her ground. Garrett glared at her.

‘That’s none of your business.’

‘It was, when I was going to be your wife,’ Elyna warned. She stood up slowly and smoothed her hands over her skirts. ‘You love her enough, that even married you would not have given her up? I understand that much.’ The woman swallowed her nerves once more, ‘why can you not marry her? Marissa…is it?’

Garrett glanced at the doorway then, he turned and strode across the floor to the windows. Staring out across the lake he sighed, ‘she is not of noble birth. She holds no title.’

‘And what if she did?’ Elyna studied her own hands, they trembled. Please she sent her silent prayer to the Seven. Please let me find a way forward.

‘I cannot bestow her a title, nor would one be accepted with Araname now even should-’

‘Even should your Father grant one,’ Elyna nodded. ‘What if it was a title from Renmere? Recently uncovered?’ She stretched out her fingers, hoping he wouldn’t see how desperate she had become.

‘What are you suggesting?’ Garrett turned back slowly. He was handsome, caught as a silhouette against the golden light.

‘That you promised me Burhan, and that is still within your gift. What would then be within my gift…is title to a long lost relative. Especially with my family ranks so thinned.’ She bit her bottom lip then, ‘I’ve seen sketches of your Lady Marissa…we’re not dissimilar in our appearance.’

Garrett stared at her then, ‘by maintaining my half of our promise…and you providing me with a wife…I still do not receive any ships.’

‘Ten,’ Elyna steadied herself, lifting her chin, ‘ten within two years.’

30th Harvest Aramane
‘I take that Malcolm has not yet approved your offer of title?’ Garrett stood with his arms behind his back.

Elyna steadied herself, ‘I am still waiting for a reply,’ she admitted. Though Malcolm would grant it…hopefully. They stood in the Palace of Aramane. It was a bright and airy room with walls that were painted with scenes of the sky and Griffins. There was a wall of low bookshelves and an array of comfortable furniture. One of the rooms that Elyna had been encouraged to use. The floors were carpeted, a luxury that she didn’t think she would get used to. Confident that Garrett would keep his word, she had been convinced to return with him to the Capital, whilst the paperwork was completed.

Garrett wore the long coat of a gentleman, his hair swept back from his dark features as he studied her. ‘I admit, that I do not feel it is in Malcolms’ ability to grant your offer,’ his mouth twitched in a small smile. ‘I received word from him in Bloom, he made an offer for your safe return though nothing approaching the worth you have offered instead.’

Elyna held her tongue, she wasn’t going to argue with Garrett about what Malcolm felt she was worth. Though her heart had started to race, the pulse flickering in her neck. ‘Why do you not believe it is in his power to grant?’ She forced herself to ask.

Garrett crossed the room to a table, lifting a small brass bell to summon the servants. There was a troop of them, dressed in a deep navy blue. Simple clothes that marked them as serving staff of the palace. A mixture of six men and women entered the room carrying a pair of wooden boxed between them. The boxes were set down in the center before the staff retreated, standing in a line at the back of the room.

‘What is this?’ Elyna lifted her chin, though she could feel her certainly slipping away like the sand beneath the tide.

Garrett simply gestured with his arm to the smaller of the two boxes.

Elyna watched his face as she approached, hairs lifting on the back of her neck. The sense of dread growing with movement. She knelt, placed her hands on the lid and pushed it back. It was the smell that assaulted her first. Rotting meat, even though the box was packed with ice and straw the package within had started to decay. But the features were unmistakable, twisted as they were in agony. She stared down at the decapitated head of her lover, dark spots clouding her vision.

‘I’m afraid you left me no choice, Elyna.’ Garrett spoke softly from where he stood. ‘The marriage is set for tomorrow, along with the days of celebrations in the city. You will be my wife.’

It felt like a spike being driven into her skull, pain lanced through her body and she scrambled on her knees to the second box, throwing the lid off. Two small figures lay, like dolls. She didn't’ need to stare to recognise her babes, her twins. They were far to still, too quiet. Their mottled skin the color of ash. She wasn’t sure when she screamed, or when she moved but she threw herself at Garrett, only to find her hands caught by two of the man servants. She twisted, throwing them off as the Prince only laughed at her feistiness. She lunged again, and a pair of maids moved to close the boxes hurriedly.

Elyna twisted, ‘No!!!’ It was a moan, she stretched, casting off her attack of Garrett she tried to grab hold of the boxes but found herself restrained once more. She screamed, agony wrought from the center of her soul as she scrabbled and thought, and found herself increasingly subdued and powerless to move. There was white hot fury, and pain, both fighting for dominance as Garrett knelt before her.

Only two of the footmen remained, pinning her till she knelt on the ground,her arms pulled behind her back. The Prince extended his hand, placing his fingers beneath her chin.

‘You left me know choice, with your insistence that your husband must die. You will marry me.’

‘I’ll die first!’

‘No,’ he shook his head, ‘no you won’t. Because your youngest still lives,’ he warned, ‘Rowan was it? Has returned to Gwayne with your dear friend Emily…and they will live for as long as you live. Their lives will be untroubled, so long as I have your cooperation my dear.’

He had stolen all the air from the room and she screamed at him, though it pulled the socket from joint, she managed to free her arm. Her fingers caught around his eye and she gouged without mercy. Until the footmen hauled her back again.

Garrett pressed a hand to his face, fingers pressing over the wounds surrounding his eye. Blood trickled through his fingers. He stared at her, ‘you are overcome,’ he said finally and stood. ‘Tomorrow, we marry.’ He left then, at a hurry to find a healer and have the wound closed up.

She was pulled to her feet, she kicked out at the pair but no sooner than she was hauled upright, did the blackness truly descend. Overcome, Garrett had said and he hadn’t been wrong.


In Renmere, a young black dragon rose suddenly on its rear legs. It let out a roar of fury, of the agony of a broken soul. It twisted and writhed leaping into the air with a blast of uncontrolled fire. He decimated the copse of trees he’d been sleeping beside. Pain. Pain was the sensation shared from across the great distance. He lifted, beyond all hope to control or summon him back to the ground and flew, bent like an arrow towards the ocean. He had waited long enough to seek out his mistress. No Ocean or King would stop him now.

35th Harvest Aramane

The ballroom shimmered with candlelight and even though Harvest had settled on the landscape beyond the Palace and the City of Aramane, the doors to the main hall had been thrown open to the gardens beyond. In honour of the new Queen-in-waiting, the Prince’s beloved Bride, the walls had been hung with large banners in deep Burhan blue. It was convenient after all, that the royal color of Aramane was a similar shade and matched the opulence of the room that held so much gold.

On a raised dais, four thrones overlooked the celebrations of a suitable marriage. King Aron, Queen Cecila flanked their eldest son Rune Garrett Aramane and his bride Elyna Burhan of Renmere. A sign of the near future, when Rune, more commonly known as Garrett would lead the country. Aron was pleased, long fingers tapping along to the melody of the band. Beside him, Lady Elyna looked every part a Princess. She sat with her back straight, chin lifted as she surveyed the dancers as they spun past. She’d had very little to drink, something he had approved of. Something he had noted during her visit to Court the year before. There was something sober, something quiet within Lady Burhan that led him to believe she would be a gracious Queen. Much like his own, beloved Cecilia.

Caught between Aron and Garrett, Elyna looked over the dances and wondered if she envied them. Behind her, the simple wooden throne was draped with a deep blue cloth emblazoned with a gold embroidered Griffin, clutching a bow and arrow in its front talons, a nod to her past as Skyrider. It was encircled with the sign for a compass and so her sigil was complete. Burhan, Aramane and the privilege of something that was her own entirely in the weaponry afforded. No sign of a wolf. The man who had claimed her heart and fathered her children. It was a past life, something that no longer existed.

Numb, she had delighted her in-laws with her quietness. In reality she had nothing to say. She was taken from room to room, washed, dressed, fed. Her hair glittered with diamonds. Her dress layered in a rich golden satin that shimmered with every breath. Taught to her body, the corset made no allowance for the baby she had carried so recently. Rowan. Elyna lifted her chin higher, each breath she took now, would be for him.

Garrett had been watching his wife and extended a hand, resting his heavy palm over the back of her fingers. He squeezed, hard and unforgiving as her fingers pressed into the wooden arm of the chair. She remained staring forward, half a dozen of the nobility had approached the dias throughout the evening to give their best wishes to the pair. After five days of feasting and parties, this last spectacle was the most intimate opportunity they were permitted to know their future Queen.

‘Smile,’ Garrett whispered to her, and she forced the reflex into her features. Lips tilted into something that could be read as shy, or perhaps coy. A blushing bride and her gorgeous groom. Yet she could barely look at the man.

Instead, she bowed her head to speak to him, ‘are we required to dance?’ Her voice was soft, she’d not risk angering the man so soon after his threat on Emily, Rose and Rowan. Who would protect them with Malcolm… Elyna swallowed her agony and forced herself to listen to the response she had been given.

‘Just one, towards the end of the evening. Now, greet your admirers.’

Elyna lifted her gaze to study the party who approached the dias. She scanned their clothes for familiar sigils, and saw nothing of Aramane. Her heart flickered, as though stirred to life, before hope failed once more. They wore nothing of Renmere either.

‘Your Royal Highness,’ it was a tall man, head shaved bald who led the party in their bow. ‘He addressed Garrett with a nod from the King, ‘my congratulations on your marriage. Truly, you have chosen a beautiful bride.’

‘My thanks, Sir. Please, introduce your charming companion? I am not so familiar with the higher clans of Ecrede’ Garrett still had possession of her hand and lifted it, pressing a kiss to the back of her knuckles.

Ecrede? Faint curiosity pulled Elyna’s attention to the tall, fair woman who stood beside the man. Did she recognise the woman?

‘Of course, allow me to introduce Lady Ashan,’ the man gave a gallant sweep of his arm. The Lady bent in a curtsey.

‘I have the privilege to claim knowing your Bride in advance,’ the woman smiled, ‘I am afterall, Lady Sa’ra Ashan.’

Elyna shifted, and managed to free her fingers. She met Sa’ra’s gaze as recognition dawned. ‘I’m afraid, if that is so, I cannot place you,’ she lied. What would happen if she admitted even a passing acquaintance with the woman? Would she be added to the list of targets for Garrett ‘I hope that you can forgive me, Lady Ashen?’

‘Of course, your Highness,’ Sa’ra curtseyed once more, ‘after so many days of celebrations, I would be surprised if you had remembered one face amongst the others.’

‘You still have my apology.’

‘Then you are most gracious,’ Sa’ra’s smile was warm as she and Cecelia exchanged pleasantries.

Later in the evening, as promised, Garrett led Elyna down from the dias. They took up position in the center of the ballroom and danced in time to the music. A romantic dance, it forced them into close proximity, Garrett’s arm looped around the small of her back.

Time had moved differently for the last few days. Every moment dragging on, endless. Promising only more of the same. Elyna didn’t know when the terrible numbness would end, didn’t want it to. How would she survive if she could feel again? The darkness within was terrifying. The dance was no different. Each moment etched like acid onto brozen, scored into her memory. Leaving a bitter aftertaste. She wanted to claw his eyes out. Her only satisfaction from the last few days was the scar she’d left below his eye. It spoiled his perfection, even if the healers had closed the wound and seen that it turned silver.

The dance came to an end, and a man from Rhode approached and requested her favour. Garrett nodded his approval and she moved on, dancing with several members of the noble families of Aramane. Watching from the corner of her eye as Garrett danced half a dozen turns with the woman Elyna knew was Marissa. Each time the man spun his lover, Elyna could see Aron’s jaw clenched with distaste.

After so many dances, Elyna excused herself. She had no desire to continue. However, without the menfolk taking up her time, she found herself surrounded by a number of fluttering debutants. Bewildered, she looked up as Sa’ra joined the group.

‘Ladies, allow your Princess a reprieve,’ Sa’ra smiled, ‘she has charmed a Kingdom, a difficult fear. Your highness, shall we take in some air?’

Elyna nodded, excusing herself. The pair skirted the room. Finally, Elyna felt the weight of the room’s gaze falling away.

‘Sa’ra Warrick?’ She asked softly. Sa’ra took up a seat at a table, and Elyna sank down beside her.

‘I go by Lady Ashan here, but yes - we met in Renmere. I am Lady Warrick. And I am most surprised to find you here your Highness,’ Sa’ra still smiled.

Elyna extended a hand, if Sa’ra had been in Aramane instead of returning to her people, the Ecrede then she must not have heard. ‘I don’t have long…’ she interrupted quietly, ‘but I have terrible news, you must find a way to create an audience with me. Please,’ Elyna met her gaze. ‘Please?’

Sa’ra closed her own hand over Elyna’s, ‘of course.’ She promised. But the Princess was already leaving.


52nd Harvest Aramane

It was a fortnight later that the opportunity to talk came again. The cost, had been attending any number of tea parties and luncheons around the city. It felt as though every noble family was determined to host the Princess in an attempt to know her better. Elyna wasn’t sure what they thought of her, the judgements they had made, she didn’t care.

Lady Ashan hosted a garden party in the house of Lord Maverick, where she was staying. Autumn leaves had dried out but not fallen. So the trees were coloured red, orange and gold. Long tables had been set out on the grass, laden with hot soups and delicate treats. The ladies mingled, moving from crowd to crowd. At long last, after what felt like a year of waiting, Elyna found herself alone with Sa’ra Warrick. She perched on a white wooden bench, an arch of late orange roses blooming overhead.

‘My Lady,’ Elyna didn’t know how to begin.

‘Your highness,’ Sa’ra inclined her head before sitting down. ‘You must tell me how this came about? I had heard a rumour you were engaged to Malcolm Krome?’

Elyna closed her eyes, ‘I’ll tell you everything,’ she promised, ‘whatever questions you have, I’ll explain it all—but if you just want me to leave, please just tell me.’

‘My dear, you’re worrying me,’ Sa’ra squeezed her hands, ‘it can’t be that bad.’

Elyna bowed her head with a sob. She drew a breath and forced herself back to composure, ‘I’m afraid it is…Sa’ra, I’m so sorry…they sent messages for you. It’s Laura…she has died.’ Elyna swallowed her own agony, ‘she was killed, by order of Marcus Krome.’

Sa’ra stared at her with icy shook. She pulled her hands away and was on her feet. She turned away, fingers to her lips. Her head bowed a moment as she smothered a soft moan.

‘Lazuli?’ She turned back, the name a whisper.

‘Safe,’ Elyna stood, ‘last I heard…I’m so sorry.’

Sa’ra closed her eyes again. Silence extended between the women, broken only by the distant chatter of the party. Finally, Sa’ra returned and bid Elyna to sit. ‘Tell me everything,’ she demanded. She took her hands, ‘start from the beginning…’


Elyna took her time, probably starting too far back at the beginning as she explained of her happy engagement to Malcolm, and her Mother’s interference. When she admitted her first pregnancy, she couldn’t see any sign of judgment in the woman before her and found it easier to breathe.

‘I tried to contact Malcolm from Aramane, but then it was reported that he had passed.’

Sa’ra nodded then, ‘I know the report, I investigated it myself,’ she admitted, ‘I’ve known Malcolm since we were little more than children. I was devastated to think he had passed.’

Elyna looked down then, ‘he had become King Regent…when heard about the pregnancy he came here…’

Sa’ra was quiet then and Elyna collected her thoughts. She explained about their wedding, how the twins had been born before she had been taken to the grasslands by Yvan Yilmaz. She studied her hands, explaining how Emily had found her, then returned home to find Malcolm, Jared, and Ben imprisoned. Elyna wasn’t sure how it had happened exactly but she’d heard Marcus had taken a potion to age his appearance, he had seized power in Malcolm’s absence and ordered Lei’lira’s death.

The women both took pause then.

‘But how are you here? Did you never return home?’ Sa’ra asked eventually.

‘We did, I took our twins…there’s a great civil war…it’s very hard to get good information…’

‘Indeed, I have found it hard to keep track of who might be in power in Renmere. News that crosses the ocean and gate seems unreliable…’

‘I…’ Elyna closed her eyes, ‘my father drugged me, and took me back to Burhan. The Prince was there with his army…he threatened to level Renmere, if I did not fulfill my family’s promise of marriage and an heir,’ tears lined her lashes, ‘I agreed, on condition his army left Renmere…and so here I am…I was with child again. He was born at the start of Harvest.’

‘But Malcolm still lives? There is no divorce?’ Sa’ra frowned then.

Elyna shook her head, ‘I tried offering other solutions…I thought we had reached an agreement and that I would be returning home, back to Mal…’


Elyna bowed her own head then, ‘he killed them…’ she whispered.

‘Them?’ Sa’ra set her hand on Elyna’s shoulder.

‘Malcolm and my babies, my beautiful twins,’ she could barely breathe.

‘You married him?’ There was no disguising the horror on Sa’ra’s voice.

‘My youngest,’ Elyna hardly dared breathe it, ‘so long as I live…so long as I behave…my son lives.’ She looked up at Sa’ra then and the elder woman found herself trapped in the gaze of someone who lived within a nightmare, with no hope of escape. Not even that could be offered by death.

Sa’ra was back on her feet, scrambling away. ‘I have to go back to Renmere, and find out what’s going on,’ she pressed trembling fingers to her lips.

‘Please stay,’ it was a quiet plea, little more than a moan. ‘Please don’t leave me here alone any longer…’

61st Harvest AOK 22 - Aramane
Sa’ra had promised to stay, until she had carried out her own investigations. Elyna had left the party, uncertain how she felt. Still numb, she reasoned. There was little that could change that sensation.

Invitations to garden parties and afternoon tea faded away as the leaves started falling from the trees. Elyna lost track of the days, and her nights she actively tried to forget. Locking them away in a part of her mind that she would choose to access.

Harvest sunshine had faded quickly to endless dark clouds and rain. No wonder there were no garden parties. She mused as she sat in the long parlor. The room that Garrett had given her for amusement. It hadn’t changed since the day he had presented her with the bodies of her children and the head of her lover. She hated every part of it, but had quickly discovered that even in a Palace, there were few places it was deemed appropriate for her to go.

She perched on a window ledge. Feet placed firmly on the carpet in dainty slippers. A coronet around her dark hair that shone like a mirror. Elyna sat, still and silent and waited. Each hour passed like the last. She was called to meals and attended, she made polite conversation and returned to her rooms. She waited through each endless day, with growing terror of the night to come. As the darkness chased away every beam of light, sunlight died and a starless sky lingered over the city. Thick clouds blocking out any sense of time or place.

One morning, as she watched the shadow of rain on the far walk, a servant entered. A woman her own age, she curtseyed.

‘Your Grace?’ She offered a hopeful smile, ‘an offer has come for you to join a hunt?’

‘A hunt?’ Elyna blinked.

‘On horseback?’ The girl folded her hands behind her back. ‘Shall I send your acceptance?’

Yes. She wanted to shout it. Instead looked down at her hands. ‘When is it to be?’ She asked quietly.

‘Tomorrow,’ the girl confirmed.

Time enough to ensure Garrett wouldn’t be infuriated. Elyna nodded to herself. She looked up, a faint smile easing her features before they settled into the familiar mask the servants had come to expect.

‘Please could you ask his Majesty?’ Elyna asked quietly. ‘He may not wish me to attend…though I would like to.’

The girl hesitated, as though she had something to say. Then instead held her tongue and curtseyed upon her departure.

Garrett had come to her not long after. Asked, crudely if she had any reason to suspect she might be with child. Elyna shook her head, silent as she hardly dared to hope. He stared at her before shrugging. ‘Then go. Enjoy, try not to break your neck.’

Elyna had risen long before dawn. The girl from the day before arriving so quickly, that she wondered if the woman had been waiting for any sign of movement. She dressed hurriedly in the dark, rather than risk disturbing Garrett in the adjoining room. She slipped through the castle like a shadow, yet as she mounted up on the demute dun mare, was dismayed as a number of Knights mounted onto horses alongside her.

They rode out of the gates, through the city to a park set aside. Seeing Sa’ra again, she felt tears burn the backs of her eyes.

One of the knights was a dark haired officer, he nudged his mount close enough to speak. ‘We can turn back, your Highness? If you’re not feeling up to it?’ He suggested kindly.

She shook her head, kicking her horse into a canter to join the rest of the hunt as it set off.

Halfway through, she found herself alone with Sa’ra. They slowed their horses to a gentle trot between the underbrush before slipping to a walk as the hunters raced ahead after their quarry.

With no guards in earshot, Sa’ra extended a hand to take Elyna’s gloved fingers between her own. Her gaze fixed resolutely forward.

‘Malcolm isn’t dead,’ she said simply.

Elyna’s horse stumbled and she gripped tight with her knees. She turned, white faced to stare at the woman.

‘Don't sell me lies,’ she pleaded.

‘I…share a bond with him…Elyna…he is alive.’

Without giving herself time to think or worry over what connection, or how, Sa’ra had forged with Malcolm. She extended her arm like a shot from a bow, gripping hold of Sa’ra wrist. She pulled the woman’s attention to herself.

‘I want to go home…’

85th Harvest AOK 22 - Aramane

After the hunt, Elyna had offered to lend Sa’ra a book from the Palace library. It had been returned, diligently read a few days later. Along with a work of fiction from the noblewoman’s borrowed library.

It was dusk. Most of the trees had been stripped of their leaves and stood bare, waiting for the approach of Frost. Elyna had spent her last few weeks studying the history and geography of Aramane. Something that had pleased her inlaws. She’d copied out maps of the landscape with diligence, beautifully crafting them with the finest materials and paints available. It was something to keep her occupied, and her mind busy. It also meant that she had drawn out the streets of the city over, and over till they were etched into her mind. It didn’t matter that the streets were dim. Starlight hidden behind heavy clouds. There was no moon, and a light rain fell over the city. For which she was grateful.

Elyna slid through the shadows, keeping the map at the front of her thoughts. First, she had to get there. Then she could start to think beyond… She hadn’t tried borrowing breaches, a shirt or a tunic so she wore her riding clothes. The most practical option for what she had in mind, and the darkest. They were skirts that allowed her to run with a formal long coat that kept off the worst of the rain. The fine mist soaked into the wool and coated her lashes. She wore a hood over beautifully braided hair. She hadn’t expected to be so lucky, but Garrett had announced at dinner that he would be out for the evening.

As she picked her way through the city, scanning the shadows for danger as she traveled unarmed, she almost dared to hope. Breathless, she stood before the Gate house. A large, impressive building that had been built around the ancient monument. Post and parcels were sent most regularly between Aramane and other cities, so it was organized as a sorting office, with a large hall for parties and even horses and carriages to move through if needed. Two guards stood at the entrance, neither of them paying her any notice as she slipped between them and through the enormous painted door.

It fell shut behind her with a click and Elyna ran forward. The portal rose up before her, encircled in stone. She could pick out Sa’ra silhouette, framed by the swirling magic as she hitched up her skirts. In one hand, she gripped the smooth stone that Malcolm had given her the year before. Held tight to her palm, she wasn’t going to drop it now. The man she had often seen her with, stood a little to the side, his hand resting on his sword.

Lining the hall on either side was a row of tall stone pillars, wide smooth columns that stood like silent sentinels. Elyna sprinted down the halls, feet slipping against the polished stone floor. The columns flicked past her as she closed the distance. Her gaze was fixed on Sa’ras face and she watched as the woman’s cautious smile turned to a frown, before a look of outright alarm.

Elyna didn’t dare slow down. She closed the distance to the portal before looking back. From the shadows, a half dozen guards emerged. Garrett stepped out closest to the portal itself and Elyna found herself skidding. Her feet slipped from beneath her as ice coated the stone floor. She landed with a crack on her side, winded and scrambled back to her feet.

‘Go!’ She shouted her warning to Sa’ra. The tall blonde hesitated before her companion grabbed her and pulled her through the portal.

Back on her knees, Elyna stumbled forward, only to fall into Garrett’s embrace. He gripped her by the shoulders as the guards took up position alongside them.

‘No!!!’ She struggled, kicking out at the man before dropping and trying to twist. The riding clothes made it all too easy for him to find a grip on her skirts and the thick wool of her jacket. She steadied herself, swinging a punch at the man that sent him sprawling. She dived toward the portal, only to find the way blocked by three of the guards.

‘Please,’ she begged the men, scrambling back to her knees and trying to find a way through the barrier that their bodies made. Their armour shone in the mage light that had been lit above the hall. If any of the soldiers felt for her plight, they would not disobey their future King as he turned and took a hold of his errant wife once more. Something small fell away from her hand, skidding across the stones and into the darkness as it was lost. She screamed, turning to struggle against the Prince as he dragged her back by the hair. Her legs kicked out behind her as she struggled to pull against him. Frustrated, the man shouted, turned and struck the woman across the back of the head. Limp, she fell against him