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NPC Approval

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:33 am
by Elyna
Hiya, please find the two story NPC's for Elyna below;

Name: Ser Alexis Fern
Age: 54
Appearance: A tall, slender man Alexis is just under six feet in height. Age causes him to stoop, shoulders hunched by years of hard work. He has narrow shoulders and hips but walks with confidence. More at home in the wilds of Burhan then in the cities, he is a man of few words. He has thinning grey hair swept back from his head. Cut close to his crown it sticks up in spiky tufts. A tattoo of a swallow marks the back of his left hand. He has steely grey eyes that are quick to observe.
Relationship to Elyna: Training Master
Background Information: Alexis grew up in Burhan. Much of his childhood was spent with Pavoo Burhan, the pair of boys getting into untold trouble and scrape before Alexis joined the Iron Hand as a squire at twelve. The boys would often write to one another, and remained friends as he served the country of Renmere for the best part of forty years, travelling around the country and working wherever his duties took him.
Although Alexis married young, his wife Lessie never bore children. In K10, Alexis requested to serve the region of Burhan, where his beloved wife had lived all of her life. Although the pair were happy enough, it was clear that Lessie suffered from a wasting sickness and she passed in K11. Alexis remained in Burhan, a respected and well considered knight. When Pavoo’s daughter, Elyna showed all the signs of wanting to be a Knight, Pavoo convinced his friend Alexis to take on the girl, and her friend Emily as Squires in K14.
Emily and Elyna outgrew the tutelage that Alexis was able to provided and left for Andaris in Frost of K18. Alexis returned to serving the barracks in Burhan as a training master, having enjoyed having squires to pass his knowledge onto, even if he would never admit as much out loud.
Magic Class: Rune Magic
Stats: Story NPC

Name: Ser Emily Le'Sark
Age: 21
Appearance: Emily has a small stature at five feet and three inches. A petite woman she has pale yellow hair that is kept in a bun at the back of her head. She has dark brown eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across her face. Although she tries to keep her appearance neat and tidy, her clothes often show signs of wear as she spends the majority of her time in the stables and mews of the Iron Hand.
Relationship to Elyna: Friend
Background Information: Emily is the daughter of Adrianne and Colin Le’Sark. Her father is a ship wright based in Burhan and Adrianne found employment at a young age working as an assistant to Caelin Burhan. A gentle soul, Adrianne works well with the Baroness, and pays no attention to any snide comments or sudden changes in temper. Born a year before Elyna, Emily was considered one of the few appropriate friends for the young noblewoman. It was fortunate that the pair have always been close and shared so many interests. Both girls were keen to persue a career in the Iron Hand, Emily has always loved horses, where Elyna has a tendency to collect a variety of strays. However, whenever Elyna rescued a small bird or rabbit, it was always Emily who had to take over their care.
A light-hearted individual, Emily was delighted that she was able to train as a Squire with Elyna and Ser Fern. Once old enough to gain her shield, Emily waited for Elyna before making the journey to Andaris to finish her training.
Magic Class: Air Magic which is so far undeveloped, as magic is forbidden in Renmere.
Stats: Story NPC

NPC Approval

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 6:57 pm
by Rune
Hey, Pix!

@Elyna All good with these NPCs, the only edit you need to make is Wind Magic should be Air Magic. Otherwise these two Story NPCs are approved.
oia team

NPC Approval

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:24 am
by Rune
☙ Approved ❧