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NPC Approval

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:24 pm
by Oliver Hartwick
Putting up for approval :) Thanks for all the hard work <3

Name: Headrig Hartwick
Age 57
Race: Human
Relationship: Father & Fishing Teacher
Arcana Hydras
Stats: Story NPC
Appearance: A huge six foot, burly man with bright ocean blue eyes and a head of long unkempt silver hair that is tied back to keep it away from his face. Covered in scars, one reaching from just beneath his eye, almost reaching to his ear and another series of slashes down his arms and torso; Headrig can appear frightening to those who meet him.
General Personality Overview: In spite of his intimidating appearance, Heardrig is a gentle giant with a gentle hand. Either found at work or at the side of his beloved Lorelai, there is not a dull moment in his eyes. Whether it be laughing at the latest gossip among the lads of the shipyard, fishing or mending a broken boat; he's always got his nose stuck into something.

Eager to live in the moment, Heardrig very rarely brings up his past, retirement or time serving the navy. His focus is solely on what can be done right in front of him and has very little vision of what might be in the future. Albeit a touch reckless, Heardrig thinks on his feet and lives for excitement.
Background: Born from a family of middle classed sailors, Heardrig grew up in a simple home with his ma and pap. Being the middle of three other brothers and a sister, Heardrig learned quickly how to compete with the others when it came to dinner time. What he really wished for though, was a woman who would bring him a plate of food he could call his own with seconds on its way and a life of adventure. Bright eyed, unscarred and brimming with mirth, young Heardrig aspired to and achieved all of his childhood dreams. Starting with his beautiful wife, Lorelai and his enrollment in the Navy.

A lover at home and a sailor at sea, Heardrig has travelled far across Noar fighting pirates, delivering trade goods, seeing new lands and making friends in exotic places. Alas, as exciting as being out in the world had been, as Heardrig grew older he learned home was where the heart was. Retired from the navy by the age of fifty, Heardrig was happy stay home with his wife and child.

Like any seasoned explorer though, the trivialities of staying in one place bored him. He had to do something. Adamant to halt his internal madness, Heardrig came out of his retirement to create a shipyard dedicated to sailing and fishing.

Name: Torim
Age: 20
Race: Human
Relationship: Friend & Shipmate
Stats: Story NPC
Appearance: Taller than Oliver by a small margin, Torim stands at 6'2 with a bulky stature, pale skin, fair hair and deep dark brown eyes that are shaded by his pronounced, perpetually furrowed brow. Not the most austere person, Torim's complexion is very smooth, the ridge of his nose is very straight and pointed at the tip. He has stern, thin lips and a thick unkempt beard that runs down his neck.
General Personality Overview: As keen for cooking as Ma Hartwick, Torim often likes to experiment with the taste of fish to see what new recipes he can fish up to discuss when he's back on shore. More fond of the quiet life, away from prying crowds, Torim quite is happy out there on the waves with his brother, a small chuck of wood and a knife to carve with. He has a keen love of cooking, carpentry and sailing.
Background: In a strange city with nobody to speak of, Torim was the son of tailor who travelled from Kingdom to Kingdom in order to make coin enough for them to survive. Although he didn't have a mother to speak of after she died giving birth to him, Torim lived a happy life. He joined his father on his adventures across the sea and helped out here and there. Until that one fateful day in his teens where his father turned gravely ill. Killed by his affliction, Torim's father had little to leave the lad other than a small coin pouch for a couple of days food and shelter.

Days and nights went past, the money startd to run thin and the nights began to grow harder for young Torim. He was hungry, cold and wanted so badly to be warm. A few days after he had wished it, the gods had answered. Found by a young boy who went by the name of Oliver, Torim was welcomed from the streets into a warm home where Mr and Mrs Hartwick took him in, fed him and treated him like one of their own children. From that day on they were like family to him and he never left.

NPC Approval

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 12:22 am
by Rune
☙ Approved ❧