Beginner's Guide

Welcome to the wonderful, chaotic, and enchanting world of Omens In Ashes! We, Rune and Spire, are two peas in a pod who enjoy the full spectrum of writing and character growth from the pearls of fiery pits to the powerful and pitiless, and the high graces of the almighties that need not be trifled with!

Based on our own collaborative writing— we’ve woven together this setting and story as a way to expand our circle of friends and enjoy the forum role-play hobby with like minded individuals. While some of our systems revolve around a player’s writing quantity, we don’t place word count restrictions on posts. Our community focuses on quality over quantity and we encourage players to dive into the depths of their imaginations when brainstorming plots for their characters.

That being said, don’t be intimidated by what you see! We are always here to help. If you’re even remotely interested in joining the site and discovering what this hobby is all about, please sign up today!
The Community

Omens In Ashes is an Adult Medieval/Fantasy Forum Role-play that has a diverse group of individuals, all from various parts of the world, willing to help promote an active and creative environment for everyone to enjoy. We inspire and encourage creativity by allowing our members to make the most from what’s available to them, by helping them to develop their own plots to torment their characters, and by providing various outcomes through dice rolls determined by their own luck. However, we can’t pull all of these separate story lines together without knowing who is doing what and where.

The first thing you should do is read over the rules and introduce yourself to the community in the Welcome Board Forum. You can also join Omens In Ashes Discord, but we encourage all introductions to be posted on site.

Username: Your username must always be your character’s first name, though it is optional to include their last name as well. On site, the name must only consist of letters a-z and exclude any special characters, with the exception of apostrophes and hyphens. Discord is much more lenient on this rule. So long as people can identify your character’s name, you may style it however you please on the site’s chat server.

Read, Explore, Imagine

The Founders of Omens In Ashes have developed an extensive amount of information to build what we know as the World of Noar. That’s not to say that we have entirely original ideas, because we too enjoy our fan favorites. However, the lore is ever expanding and always evolving given what plots develop in role-play.

Once you’ve created an account and introduced yourself to the community, it’s time to read! Nearly everything that you need to know to help you make your character is up top in the navigation bar under the Lore and Systems tab.

It’s recommended that you start with the suggested lore material below before deciding what character you want to run:

Keep in mind that Omens In Ashes doesn’t adhere to ‘Character Archetypes’ or ‘Classes’. How you build your character is up to you.

It’s recommended that you start with the suggested system material below before deciding what character you want to run:

Once you’ve read over the material above, you can start to construct your character. This is best done in some kind of google document, notepad, word, or writing program by answering the questions below. Understand that the founders of OIA encourage you to daydream, imagine, and/or brainstorm either by yourself or with others as to what kind of character you want to run.

➼ What’s your PC’s full name? Race? Age?
➼ What caused them to be where you imagine them today?
➼ What is their goal in life and why?
➼ What is their greatest fear? Strength? Why?
➼ Would they promote the good in the world or spread evil? Why?

Imagine their reactions to these questions in a scene rather than from the perspective of writing one out. How would they act and why? Who is this person and what’s shaped them to be this way, look the way they do, and/or have the aspirations they have? Write in your document little blurbs, quotes, paragraphs— whatever helps convey the persona of your character and bring them to life. If you want to answer more character questions, feel free to visit the links below.

Additionally, you will want to read up on the material listed below before starting the Character Sheet.

Once you have a clear picture in your head of your character, it’s time to tackle the beast that is Omens In Ashes’ Character Sheet. The sheet itself is complicated to understand, which is why we’ve taken the liberty of designing a guide to help you complete and submit it for approval.

We understand that this might be a new experience for many folks. It’s alright to make mistakes! We check over sheets to ensure all information is correct and consistent with the lore. If mistakes are made, we will contact you to make the necessary corrections before putting it up in the PC Directory.

There are many people present in the discord and on the site who are willing to help you construct your character. Feel free to hop onto the discord or post a topic in the Q&A forum if you need assistance.
Character Sheet Checklist

Sidebar Information
(✔/✖) Character’s Full Name Listed
(✔/✖) Correct Race, Gender, and Age
(✔/✖) Birthday Lists Day, Season, and Year
(✔/✖) Arcane Discipline Listed
(✔/✖) Known Languages Listed
(✔/✖) Starting Package Coins Have Been Added
(✔/✖) 40 Stats Points Have Been Distributed
(✔/✖) Race Perk Has Been Added To Stats
(✔/✖) Total Health Has Been Added
(✔/✖) Armor Has Been Added
(✔/✖) Weapon Has Been Added
(✔/✖) Physical or Mental Inflictions Have Been Listed

Information Tab
(✔/✖) History is listed, including homeland, education, career, religion, and any significant deeds.
(✔/✖) Appearance is listed, including racial differentiation.
(✔/✖) Personality is listed, including mannerisms, traits, ambitions, hobbies, etc.
(✔/✖) Racial ability is listed.
(✔/✖) Talent is listed, including how it was discovered.
(✔/✖) House/Sleeping Area is listed.

Spell book Tab
(✔/✖) Backstory is listed.
(✔/✖) Approved physical changes caused by magic are listed.
(✔/✖) Tombs, Grimoires, Scrolls, etc are listed, if any.
(✔/✖) Enchanted/Spelled item or artifact is listed, if any.
(✔/✖) Starter Spells are listed.

Inventory Tab
(✔/✖) Starting Package items are edited and listed.

Relations Tab
(✔/✖) NPCs are listed, if any.
(✔/✖) NPCs are pending/approved.

Notes Tab
(✔/✖) Starting Package Type Listed
(✔/✖) Stat Points Ledger Listed
(✔/✖) Coin Ledger Listed
Face Claims

These are defined as photographs, digital paintings, and/or sketches of celebrities or characters in various programs or universes which will be used to represent the physical appearance of your own character. The OIA Team encourages Face Claim usage, but does not require it, since we understand that not all of our races will have appropriate images available. That being said, we do not allow the use of cartoon or anime/manga image usage on the site.

If you’ve found a photo you’d like to claim as your character’s appearance, first you must check the Face Claim Directory to see if someone else has claimed it already. Claimed images or celebrities will not be available for use unless that PC has retired. If no one has claimed the image or celebrity you wish to use, you must submit it with your character sheet to the Help Desk for approval. Once the approval is pending, feel free to set your avatar picture as the image you wish to use as a Face Claim. This will be the image used in the PC Directory.

Forms & Approvals


Once your Character Sheet has been approved, you can now start posting in the role-playing forum, Noar, as an Approved Character. Not only that, but your Character will be listed under the PC Directory with a link to their sheet. Before you begin writing stories with your new creation, you’ll first need to know where your character is within the world, where to post your threads, how to title your topics, and what goals we recommend you set to get into the game.

First, if you haven’t decided where to start your character, now is the moment to choose. The staff recommends new players begin in Clead, Renmere, or Nejem as these are the most developed country locations with a wide range of plots to sink your creative teeth into.

While our country information falls under its own directory in Noar, all role-play will be conducted within the Noar Forum and nowhere else. What will distinguish your character’s place in the world is the title of your topic, which must state the country/sea/realm the topic takes place in. For example, if you were starting in Clead, you would title your thread, ‘[Clead] My Beginning’, or whatever title you wish to give it. To better familiarize yourself with our posting rules, visit the link below.

If you’re unable to think up a story to write for your character, we recommend the Writer’s Block seasonal challenge, listed in the World Events Calendar. This challenge is meant as a fun activity to not only participate with other members, but to develop your character and the plots surrounding them. It’s also a great way to establish yourself within the community and earn a medal! Who doesn’t love medals?
Helpful Links