Viewing character profile - Elyna
- Creation:
- Fri Sep 27, 2019 6:09 pm
- CS Views:
- 11950
- Story Posts:
- 293
- Total Word Count:
- 196091
- Average Word Count:
- 669
- Longest Post:
- 8221
- Name:
- Elyna
- Race:
- Human
- Gender:
- Female
- Age:
- 23
- Birthday:
- 1st Day of Bloom
- Alignment:
- Profession:
- Skyrider
- Arcana:
- Rune
- Languages:
Coin pouch
- Krowns:
- 10 142.95
- Blood Runes:
- 0.00
- Suk:
- 0.00
- Bahzi:
- 0.00
Stats |
Body | 15 |
Speed | 30 |
Fortitude | 20 |
Mind | 15 |
Casting | 5 |
Esen | 10 |
Combat modifiers |
Health | |
80 | |
Defense | |
0 | |
Attack | |
Elyna's Character Sheet
Name: Elyna Reyes Burhan
Race: Human
Age: 18
Birthday: 1st Day of Bloom
Born: K01
Height: 5’5
Weight: 126lbs
Hair: Long, dark brown hair with touches of bronze where the sun has caught it. Frequently braided to stay out of her way.
Eyes: Wide, doe-like, warm brown eyes that tend to remain a consistent colour.
Complexion: Elyna has the kind of flawless complexion that only money can buy. Having received the best medicine and care as a child, her features don’t show any signs of scarring. Her skin ranges from a soft creamy colour in Frost, to a warm fawn during the height of Blaze when it has been exposed to the sun. Her hands and arms are generally darker then the rest of her body as she frequently rolls up her sleeves. Her hands are rough from working with a sword and bow for long hours, calloused across the palm.
Build: Although physically fit and in perfect health, Elyna is well aware that she cannot rival many of her male counterparts with physical prowess and so hasn't tried to overly develop her natural muscle mass. Her shape is softer and more rounded but tell her that and you'll likely to find yourself eating dirt.
Identifying Marks: Perhaps the most tell-tale sign of her heritage, Elyna has no visible scars.
Facial Features: She has a straight nose and full lips set in an oval face. Despite her determined nature her chin is softly rounded and would suggest that she is more suited to a quieter life of sewing and dancing, rather than her preferred warrior’s pursuits.
Scent: Elyna likes to keep clean when it’s practical and enjoys a good bath. She likes to use a homemade blend of oil in her hair to soften it, which often leaves her smelling of vanilla and roses.
Physical Impairment: For someone who has chosen to live the life of a warrior, Elyna has a petite build which is often a disadvantage in her line of work.
Back Story: As a noble daughter of Burhan, Elyna has lived a sheltered life. Her mother, an ambitious commoner who married well, has high hopes for Elyna despite being disappointed by her determination to become a Skyrider. Caelin Burhan would have raised a princess, is fastidious about appearance, manners and correct behaviour for a noblewoman. Elyna however, has different ideals and interests and after an intervention from her Father, was permitted to train as a Squire within Burhan.
Once Elyna earnt her shield, Caelin agreed that Elyna could travel to Andaris and continue her training as a Skyrider, but only under the guise of Elyna Reyes to protect her noble house from the embarrassment of having a daughter that is Knight. The agreement was made under the condition that Caelin could begin searching for a suitable husband for her daughter; without Elyna making any objections to a match once found. Elyna was also forbidden from revealing her identity, in case there was any risk to her reputation and her mother’s efforts. She is known only as Elyna Reyes amongst the Iron Hand.
Elyna was often a solitary child, Cealin did not approve of any friendships formed with commoner children and there were few Burhan cousins in the region that were considered an appropriate playmate. However, Elyna grew close to the daughter of one of Caelin’s handmaidens a girl by the name of Emily who shared her dream of being a Skyrider. Emily is one of two people within the Iron Hand who knows Elyna’s true name.
The second person to know who Elyna is, is Yvan Yilmaz who was tasked by the Burhan’s to deliver Elyna safely to the capital. However, as the seasons progressed, Yvan found himself entranced by the girl and determined to claim her as his own. An innocent, Elyna was easily seduced by the Captain and fell head over heels in love with the man.
Mannerisms: A natural shyness, coupled with her Mother’s desire for perfection, has caused Elyna to be an awkward individual. Often afraid to say the wrong thing, or draw attention to herself, Elyna is quiet. Although she is polite and friendly she’s often lost in her own thoughts which gives the impression that she’s perhaps a bit slow. Between trying to appear normal and anxiety that everyone will see right through her, she can come across as being distracted and clumsy. When under pressure, Elyna will stammer before speaking in a rush of words that can be confusing to people who don’t know her. Always in motion, Elyna is a tactile person and enjoys touching the world around her. She has several nervous habits such as straightening her clothes and hair or running her hands over the nearest surface as an attempt to ground herself and bring her thoughts back to the present. She has a guarded-sense of self which makes it difficult for people to know her.
Education: Elyna was educated with other noble children in Burhan until the age of 15. She can read and write and carry out basic mathematics, although is by no means a scholar. In modern understanding, Elyna would be considered as dyslexic. For Elyna, this means that she someone who learns by action and visually. She struggles to concentrate for long periods of time, unless it’s a subject that she is passionate about.
Career: Elyna joined the Iron Hand as a Squire at the age of sixteen. However, she was the squire to a Knight Master, Ser Farn. This meant that she travelled as the Knight’s companion throughout Burhan and learnt all she needed from him directly. Having achieved the required skills to become a Knight, Elyna went to Andaris to finish her training and joined the Skyriders. However, within a few seasons transferred back to the Knights of the Iron Hand in order to work beneath the jealous gaze of her lover, Captain Yilmaz.
Religion: Elyna has been raised as a devout follower of the Creed of Silence. However, she is open minded and accepts that there are many things that she does not know. She would love to learn more about the gods that are native to Noar, although other than passing folk tales and rumours hasn’t had much opportunity.
Crimes: None.
Deeds: Elyna is one to stick up for the underdog, as she often feels like one herself. Elyna risked her life to save Emily’s cat from a well, and the girl has been forever grateful since.
Father: Baron Pavoo Burhan - the first born son of the Duke Bakoo, Pavoo is known as the Judge. A fair and honourable man he works as a law keeper within Andaris. He represents Burhan on behalf of his father, Bakoo who is enjoying semi-retirement with his much loved wife, Erelda. Pavoo loves his daughter very much, and is able to recognise that Caelin’s ambition has caused Elyna considerable pain over the years.
Mother: Baroness Caelin Burhan nee Reyes - born the daughter of a wealthy merchant. A beautiful woman she caught the attention of the local lord and the pair fell genuinely in love. Although Pavoo and Caelin have very different temperaments they remain fiercely loyal to one another and have a good relationship. Elyna however, causes them to regularly disagree. Caelin loves her daughter and wants the very best for Elyna. Her demand for perfection has caused a shy girl to feel that she is simply not good enough for her mother, and a poor noble.
Brother: Lord Edmund Burhan - Elyna’s older brother and only sibling. Elyna idolizes her older brother and the pair are good friends. When Edmund joined the Iron Hand with the intention of becoming a sailor, it only determined her own desire to join the ‘Hand herself and prove herself as a Skyrider. Edmund is a firm supporter of his little sister, especially when it comes to standing up to their mother. Caelin adores her son and will usually grant him anything he desires.
Enemies: None that she is aware of.
Friends: Emily Le’Sark
Lovers: Captain Yvan Yilmaz
Strongest Traits: (loyal, brave, honest, etc) All of the above. Elyna is loyal to a fault, brave to the point of recklessness and has a unique way of packaging the truth. Elyna will not willingly tell lies, however her interpretation of events might be different to others.
Determined and sincere are two of Elyna's positive character traits, however she has been accused of callousness because of her single-minded focus on doing the right thing, sometimes at the expense of a more emotive route. Those who consider her to be cold-hearted have failed to look beyond the professional and direct persona of the woman before them. With her family and the people she trusts, she is warm, friendly and can be as easily entertained and charming as any; however it takes a great deal for her guard to be lowered. Elyna takes honor and privilege very seriously.
Weakest Traits: A crippling lack of self-confidence. Elyna believes that as a noble, her only value is as the bride of someone her Mother chooses. With her recent lack of innocence, Elyna understands that she has lost that value, betrayed the hopes of her family and the promises she made to her Mother.
Ambitions: Elyna is a kind soul. She wants to help those less fortunate then her and believes that the best way to do this, is to put her natural talents to use. Although she's not a scholar, or a very good noblewoman, she is skilled with a bow, athletic and agile. Her deepest desire is to explore the world and see so much more then the forest of Burhan where she was raised and spent the majority of her childhood.
Hobbies: Her favorite way to waste time is working out her frustrations in the practice courts. On occasion, when they can drag her away from her duties, her friend, Emily will pull her into the city for a drink and a dance. What she would never admit, is that she also enjoys quiet days sewing fine embroidery onto clothes.
Fears: Elyna is afraid of being lonely, that nothing she does and no rank she achieves will ever be enough to prove her worth to her family.
Mental Impairment: Elyna has a one-track mind when it comes to getting something done, and is not easily persuaded. She also struggles to learn from books and lectures and will take longer to memorize information this way. If forced to, under pressure she will become flustered and learn even less.
Body: 10
Speed: 25
Fortitude: 20
Casting: 5
Mind: 15
Esen: 10
Starting points: 40
Racial bonus: 15
Total to spend: 55
Body -5
Speed -20
Fortitude -15
Mind -10
Esen -5
Total to spend: 0
Name: Elyna Reyes Burhan
Race: Human
Age: 18
Birthday: 1st Day of Bloom
Born: K01
Height: 5’5
Weight: 126lbs
Hair: Long, dark brown hair with touches of bronze where the sun has caught it. Frequently braided to stay out of her way.
Eyes: Wide, doe-like, warm brown eyes that tend to remain a consistent colour.
Complexion: Elyna has the kind of flawless complexion that only money can buy. Having received the best medicine and care as a child, her features don’t show any signs of scarring. Her skin ranges from a soft creamy colour in Frost, to a warm fawn during the height of Blaze when it has been exposed to the sun. Her hands and arms are generally darker then the rest of her body as she frequently rolls up her sleeves. Her hands are rough from working with a sword and bow for long hours, calloused across the palm.
Build: Although physically fit and in perfect health, Elyna is well aware that she cannot rival many of her male counterparts with physical prowess and so hasn't tried to overly develop her natural muscle mass. Her shape is softer and more rounded but tell her that and you'll likely to find yourself eating dirt.
Identifying Marks: Perhaps the most tell-tale sign of her heritage, Elyna has no visible scars.
Facial Features: She has a straight nose and full lips set in an oval face. Despite her determined nature her chin is softly rounded and would suggest that she is more suited to a quieter life of sewing and dancing, rather than her preferred warrior’s pursuits.
Scent: Elyna likes to keep clean when it’s practical and enjoys a good bath. She likes to use a homemade blend of oil in her hair to soften it, which often leaves her smelling of vanilla and roses.
Physical Impairment: For someone who has chosen to live the life of a warrior, Elyna has a petite build which is often a disadvantage in her line of work.
Back Story: As a noble daughter of Burhan, Elyna has lived a sheltered life. Her mother, an ambitious commoner who married well, has high hopes for Elyna despite being disappointed by her determination to become a Skyrider. Caelin Burhan would have raised a princess, is fastidious about appearance, manners and correct behaviour for a noblewoman. Elyna however, has different ideals and interests and after an intervention from her Father, was permitted to train as a Squire within Burhan.
Once Elyna earnt her shield, Caelin agreed that Elyna could travel to Andaris and continue her training as a Skyrider, but only under the guise of Elyna Reyes to protect her noble house from the embarrassment of having a daughter that is Knight. The agreement was made under the condition that Caelin could begin searching for a suitable husband for her daughter; without Elyna making any objections to a match once found. Elyna was also forbidden from revealing her identity, in case there was any risk to her reputation and her mother’s efforts. She is known only as Elyna Reyes amongst the Iron Hand.
Elyna was often a solitary child, Cealin did not approve of any friendships formed with commoner children and there were few Burhan cousins in the region that were considered an appropriate playmate. However, Elyna grew close to the daughter of one of Caelin’s handmaidens a girl by the name of Emily who shared her dream of being a Skyrider. Emily is one of two people within the Iron Hand who knows Elyna’s true name.
The second person to know who Elyna is, is Yvan Yilmaz who was tasked by the Burhan’s to deliver Elyna safely to the capital. However, as the seasons progressed, Yvan found himself entranced by the girl and determined to claim her as his own. An innocent, Elyna was easily seduced by the Captain and fell head over heels in love with the man.
Mannerisms: A natural shyness, coupled with her Mother’s desire for perfection, has caused Elyna to be an awkward individual. Often afraid to say the wrong thing, or draw attention to herself, Elyna is quiet. Although she is polite and friendly she’s often lost in her own thoughts which gives the impression that she’s perhaps a bit slow. Between trying to appear normal and anxiety that everyone will see right through her, she can come across as being distracted and clumsy. When under pressure, Elyna will stammer before speaking in a rush of words that can be confusing to people who don’t know her. Always in motion, Elyna is a tactile person and enjoys touching the world around her. She has several nervous habits such as straightening her clothes and hair or running her hands over the nearest surface as an attempt to ground herself and bring her thoughts back to the present. She has a guarded-sense of self which makes it difficult for people to know her.
Education: Elyna was educated with other noble children in Burhan until the age of 15. She can read and write and carry out basic mathematics, although is by no means a scholar. In modern understanding, Elyna would be considered as dyslexic. For Elyna, this means that she someone who learns by action and visually. She struggles to concentrate for long periods of time, unless it’s a subject that she is passionate about.
Career: Elyna joined the Iron Hand as a Squire at the age of sixteen. However, she was the squire to a Knight Master, Ser Farn. This meant that she travelled as the Knight’s companion throughout Burhan and learnt all she needed from him directly. Having achieved the required skills to become a Knight, Elyna went to Andaris to finish her training and joined the Skyriders. However, within a few seasons transferred back to the Knights of the Iron Hand in order to work beneath the jealous gaze of her lover, Captain Yilmaz.
Religion: Elyna has been raised as a devout follower of the Creed of Silence. However, she is open minded and accepts that there are many things that she does not know. She would love to learn more about the gods that are native to Noar, although other than passing folk tales and rumours hasn’t had much opportunity.
Crimes: None.
Deeds: Elyna is one to stick up for the underdog, as she often feels like one herself. Elyna risked her life to save Emily’s cat from a well, and the girl has been forever grateful since.
Father: Baron Pavoo Burhan - the first born son of the Duke Bakoo, Pavoo is known as the Judge. A fair and honourable man he works as a law keeper within Andaris. He represents Burhan on behalf of his father, Bakoo who is enjoying semi-retirement with his much loved wife, Erelda. Pavoo loves his daughter very much, and is able to recognise that Caelin’s ambition has caused Elyna considerable pain over the years.
Mother: Baroness Caelin Burhan nee Reyes - born the daughter of a wealthy merchant. A beautiful woman she caught the attention of the local lord and the pair fell genuinely in love. Although Pavoo and Caelin have very different temperaments they remain fiercely loyal to one another and have a good relationship. Elyna however, causes them to regularly disagree. Caelin loves her daughter and wants the very best for Elyna. Her demand for perfection has caused a shy girl to feel that she is simply not good enough for her mother, and a poor noble.
Brother: Lord Edmund Burhan - Elyna’s older brother and only sibling. Elyna idolizes her older brother and the pair are good friends. When Edmund joined the Iron Hand with the intention of becoming a sailor, it only determined her own desire to join the ‘Hand herself and prove herself as a Skyrider. Edmund is a firm supporter of his little sister, especially when it comes to standing up to their mother. Caelin adores her son and will usually grant him anything he desires.
Enemies: None that she is aware of.
Friends: Emily Le’Sark
Lovers: Captain Yvan Yilmaz
Strongest Traits: (loyal, brave, honest, etc) All of the above. Elyna is loyal to a fault, brave to the point of recklessness and has a unique way of packaging the truth. Elyna will not willingly tell lies, however her interpretation of events might be different to others.
Determined and sincere are two of Elyna's positive character traits, however she has been accused of callousness because of her single-minded focus on doing the right thing, sometimes at the expense of a more emotive route. Those who consider her to be cold-hearted have failed to look beyond the professional and direct persona of the woman before them. With her family and the people she trusts, she is warm, friendly and can be as easily entertained and charming as any; however it takes a great deal for her guard to be lowered. Elyna takes honor and privilege very seriously.
Weakest Traits: A crippling lack of self-confidence. Elyna believes that as a noble, her only value is as the bride of someone her Mother chooses. With her recent lack of innocence, Elyna understands that she has lost that value, betrayed the hopes of her family and the promises she made to her Mother.
Ambitions: Elyna is a kind soul. She wants to help those less fortunate then her and believes that the best way to do this, is to put her natural talents to use. Although she's not a scholar, or a very good noblewoman, she is skilled with a bow, athletic and agile. Her deepest desire is to explore the world and see so much more then the forest of Burhan where she was raised and spent the majority of her childhood.
Hobbies: Her favorite way to waste time is working out her frustrations in the practice courts. On occasion, when they can drag her away from her duties, her friend, Emily will pull her into the city for a drink and a dance. What she would never admit, is that she also enjoys quiet days sewing fine embroidery onto clothes.
Fears: Elyna is afraid of being lonely, that nothing she does and no rank she achieves will ever be enough to prove her worth to her family.
Mental Impairment: Elyna has a one-track mind when it comes to getting something done, and is not easily persuaded. She also struggles to learn from books and lectures and will take longer to memorize information this way. If forced to, under pressure she will become flustered and learn even less.
Body: 10
Speed: 25
Fortitude: 20
Casting: 5
Mind: 15
Esen: 10
Starting points: 40
Racial bonus: 15
Total to spend: 55
Body -5
Speed -20
Fortitude -15
Mind -10
Esen -5
Total to spend: 0
Rune Magic: Elyna has not yet learnt how to use Rune Magic, but intends to sign up to a University course in order to learn this.
Rune Magic: Elyna has not yet learnt how to use Rune Magic, but intends to sign up to a University course in order to learn this.
Tunic - a light weight tunic in soft spun cotton. Fawn in colour.
Trousers - light weight woollen trousers. Russet in colour.
Undergarments - Fawn.
Leather Belt - Brown.
Boots - well used leather boots, cracked and worn. Weathered at the toes and in need of some care.
Cloak - A deep navy blue.
A small living room
A small bedroom
A small bathroom
Land within the city
Elyna owns a small suite of rooms within the city of Renmere, within an area popular with the Iron Hand. Close to a market place and the barracks, but on the road out towards the docks.
Buckler (poor)
Food staples
Leather bag
Coin purse and 300 Krowns
Additional Items:
Short bow (Poor Quality)
Necklace (Heirloom)
Untrained bird
Tunic - a light weight tunic in soft spun cotton. Fawn in colour.
Trousers - light weight woollen trousers. Russet in colour.
Undergarments - Fawn.
Leather Belt - Brown.
Boots - well used leather boots, cracked and worn. Weathered at the toes and in need of some care.
Cloak - A deep navy blue.
A small living room
A small bedroom
A small bathroom
Land within the city
Elyna owns a small suite of rooms within the city of Renmere, within an area popular with the Iron Hand. Close to a market place and the barracks, but on the road out towards the docks.
Buckler (poor)
Food staples
Leather bag
Coin purse and 300 Krowns
Additional Items:
Short bow (Poor Quality)
Necklace (Heirloom)
Untrained bird
Name: Ser Alexis Fern
Age: 54
Appearance: A tall, slender man Alexis is just under six feet in height. Age causes him to stoop, shoulders hunched by years of hard work. He has narrow shoulders and hips but walks with confidence. More at home in the wilds of Burhan then in the cities, he is a man of few words. He has thinning grey hair swept back from his head. Cut close to his crown it sticks up in spiky tufts. A tattoo of a swallow marks the back of his left hand. He has steely grey eyes that are quick to observe.
Relationship to Elyna: Training Master
Background Information: Alexis grew up in Burhan. Much of his childhood was spent with Pavoo Burhan, the pair of boys getting into untold trouble and scrape before Alexis joined the Iron Hand as a squire at twelve. The boys would often write to one another, and remained friends as he served the country of Renmere for the best part of forty years, travelling around the country and working wherever his duties took him.
Although Alexis married young, his wife Lessie never bore children. In K10, Alexis requested to serve the region of Burhan, where his beloved wife had lived all of her life. Although the pair were happy enough, it was clear that Lessie suffered from a wasting sickness and she passed in K11. Alexis remained in Burhan, a respected and well considered knight. When Pavoo’s daughter, Elyna showed all the signs of wanting to be a Knight, Pavoo convinced his friend Alexis to take on the girl, and her friend Emily as Squires in K14.
Emily and Elyna outgrew the tutelage that Alexis was able to provided and left for Andaris in Frost of K18. Alexis returned to serving the barracks in Burhan as a training master, having enjoyed having squires to pass his knowledge onto, even if he would never admit as much out loud.
Magic Class: Rune Magic
Stats: Story NPC
Name: Ser Emily Le'Sark
Age: 21
Appearance: Emily has a small stature at five feet and three inches. A petite woman she has pale yellow hair that is kept in a bun at the back of her head. She has dark brown eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across her face. Although she tries to keep her appearance neat and tidy, her clothes often show signs of wear as she spends the majority of her time in the stables and mews of the Iron Hand.
Relationship to Elyna: Friend
Background Information: Emily is the daughter of Adrianne and Colin Le’Sark. Her father is a ship wright based in Burhan and Adrianne found employment at a young age working as an assistant to Caelin Burhan. A gentle soul, Adrianne works well with the Baroness, and pays no attention to any snide comments or sudden changes in temper. Born a year before Elyna, Emily was considered one of the few appropriate friends for the young noblewoman. It was fortunate that the pair have always been close and shared so many interests. Both girls were keen to persue a career in the Iron Hand, Emily has always loved horses, where Elyna has a tendency to collect a variety of strays. However, whenever Elyna rescued a small bird or rabbit, it was always Emily who had to take over their care.
A light-hearted individual, Emily was delighted that she was able to train as a Squire with Elyna and Ser Fern. Once old enough to gain her shield, Emily waited for Elyna before making the journey to Andaris to finish her training.
Magic Class: Air Magic which is so far undeveloped, as magic is forbidden in Renmere.
Stats: Story NPC
Name: Ser Alexis Fern
Age: 54
Appearance: A tall, slender man Alexis is just under six feet in height. Age causes him to stoop, shoulders hunched by years of hard work. He has narrow shoulders and hips but walks with confidence. More at home in the wilds of Burhan then in the cities, he is a man of few words. He has thinning grey hair swept back from his head. Cut close to his crown it sticks up in spiky tufts. A tattoo of a swallow marks the back of his left hand. He has steely grey eyes that are quick to observe.
Relationship to Elyna: Training Master
Background Information: Alexis grew up in Burhan. Much of his childhood was spent with Pavoo Burhan, the pair of boys getting into untold trouble and scrape before Alexis joined the Iron Hand as a squire at twelve. The boys would often write to one another, and remained friends as he served the country of Renmere for the best part of forty years, travelling around the country and working wherever his duties took him.
Although Alexis married young, his wife Lessie never bore children. In K10, Alexis requested to serve the region of Burhan, where his beloved wife had lived all of her life. Although the pair were happy enough, it was clear that Lessie suffered from a wasting sickness and she passed in K11. Alexis remained in Burhan, a respected and well considered knight. When Pavoo’s daughter, Elyna showed all the signs of wanting to be a Knight, Pavoo convinced his friend Alexis to take on the girl, and her friend Emily as Squires in K14.
Emily and Elyna outgrew the tutelage that Alexis was able to provided and left for Andaris in Frost of K18. Alexis returned to serving the barracks in Burhan as a training master, having enjoyed having squires to pass his knowledge onto, even if he would never admit as much out loud.
Magic Class: Rune Magic
Stats: Story NPC
Name: Ser Emily Le'Sark
Age: 21
Appearance: Emily has a small stature at five feet and three inches. A petite woman she has pale yellow hair that is kept in a bun at the back of her head. She has dark brown eyes and a sprinkling of freckles across her face. Although she tries to keep her appearance neat and tidy, her clothes often show signs of wear as she spends the majority of her time in the stables and mews of the Iron Hand.
Relationship to Elyna: Friend
Background Information: Emily is the daughter of Adrianne and Colin Le’Sark. Her father is a ship wright based in Burhan and Adrianne found employment at a young age working as an assistant to Caelin Burhan. A gentle soul, Adrianne works well with the Baroness, and pays no attention to any snide comments or sudden changes in temper. Born a year before Elyna, Emily was considered one of the few appropriate friends for the young noblewoman. It was fortunate that the pair have always been close and shared so many interests. Both girls were keen to persue a career in the Iron Hand, Emily has always loved horses, where Elyna has a tendency to collect a variety of strays. However, whenever Elyna rescued a small bird or rabbit, it was always Emily who had to take over their care.
A light-hearted individual, Emily was delighted that she was able to train as a Squire with Elyna and Ser Fern. Once old enough to gain her shield, Emily waited for Elyna before making the journey to Andaris to finish her training.
Magic Class: Air Magic which is so far undeveloped, as magic is forbidden in Renmere.
Stats: Story NPC
Starting Package- city dweller