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[Aramane] Letters to a King

Yvan, unbeknown to himself, had made a fatal error in entering the grasslands, made all the more deadly on the account of the season he had chosen in which to do so. Blaze in Emanys saw the Ontari people camp closer to the western shore, putting them in direct conflict with Yvan’s chosen path. Had t...

[Aramane] Letters to a King

“You fool,” Yvan said, “you always were reckless and now it has cost someone else’s life.” He let go of Elyna’s shoulder and grabbed her by her mane, pulling her to her feet with a painful yank. “I didn’t want to have to cross the grasslands but you’ve gone and left me no choice. We will need to mov...

World Events of Bloom 0021

Bloom Year 0021 in the Age of Kings The World Calendar for the Bloom Season lists potentially minor and/or major events happening throughout Noar. These events may be soloed or selected by staff to run as moderated threads, depending on player interest. As well as current events, this section will ...

Ryshaeri Approval

Hey Ry,

Character Sheet looks good. Just move Magic comment from Notes to Magic tab and you're all approved.

☙ Approved ❧

NPC Approval

☙ Approved ❧


<r><ALIGN align="center"><s>[align=center]</s><SIZE size="200"><s>[size=200]</s><B><s>[b]</s><GOOGLEFONT googlefont="Satisfy"><s>[googlefont=Satisfy]</s>☙ Approved ❧</GOOGLEFONT><e>[/b]</e></B><GOOGLEFONT googlefont="Satisfy"><br/> <e>[/googlefont]</e></GOOGLEFONT><e>[/size]</e></SIZE><e>[/align]</e...

NPC Approval

☙ Approved ❧

Oliver Hartwick Approval

☙ Character Sheet Approved ❧ Hi! Character Sheet looks really good. Apologise about the lack of Magic information (spells specifically). We had it all typed up months ago, but coding it and making it pretty has tak...

Rathos Overview As a free city, the inhabitants of Rathos are ever-changing. It is a seasonal stop-over for most, at best, and a poor, frightful place to live at worst. Rathos is a lawless land rife with civil unrest....

Spelling Errors

Crowns Krowns

We've decided we are going to call gold coins Krowns instead of the original 'Crowns' to navigate our way around using a word that already exists for another purpose. If you see it spelled 'Crowns' anywhere, let us know and I'll make sure it gets edited.

Site Announcements [/float] 『 Starting Package 』 Please note that there have been some changes made to the Starting Package Guide. Players used to be able to start with a cat, dog, horse, donkey or camel. This has since been amended ...


Noble Houses Updated as of Frost 24 Each region (known as a duchy) in Renmere is governed by a Duke or Duchess, who oversees all of the dealings that go on in and around the outpost. These Dukes and Duchesses are summoned to Andaris City to sit in court at Andar Castle, sending a representative (Ba...

Site Announcements 『 Travel Times 』 Ever wondered how long it takes to sail the seas of Noar? Me neither, but just in case you ever do, here they are! More details can be found in the Pathfinder's Guide on the Forum Home Page or by f...

Site Announcements 『 Portal Gates 』 Have you always wanted to teleport? Well, now you can, once a season... for the cost of all your Esen... and soul (just kidding!... mostly!). Information on the write up for Portal Gates and where ...

Site Announcements 『 Announcement! 』 So very excited to announce that the Magic write up is complete and ready to go! It can be found in the Pathfinder's Guide on the Forum Home Page or by following this link ! Woot! 『 oia team 』

Site Announcements 『 Announcement! 』 I've finally edited and posted a guide for our Seasons, Date Stamps, Memory Threads, Suns, and Moons of Noar. It can be found in the Pathfinder's Guide on the Forum Home Page or by following this ...

Aramane Overview The country of Aramane is made up of five regions named after the five families that led the original ships that landed on the broken shore and, the capital city, Aramane itself. The five regions are o...


Overview Blackbrine was the name of the original ship and home to a crew of pirates who were barred from entering all ports across Noar, the El'Jihai (forsaken of earth) decided to form their own city which would later be known as, Blackbrine, the City that Sailed. Blackbrine is a gathering of ship...

Crixus [/align] Overview [/float]Settled by a large clan of Ecrede during the Age of Defiance, the people of Crixus no longer lo...

Emanys [/align] Overview Life in Emanys can be summed up in one simple word, free. The freedom to come and go from this moving city of tents and gers is a large part of its beauty for the Ontari people. The is order, ...

Nejem Overview Being the oldest city in Noar, the people of Nejem see themselves as focused and wise beings. Their gifts of sight have proved useful throughout the ages, though disparity still exists within the walls...

Renmere [/align] Overview Despite its geographical size, Renmere is one of the more densely populated continents, ruled by a King and Queen, and governed by the Dukes and Duchesses of each of its seven regions, Andaris...

NPC Approval

Hey, Pix!

@Elyna All good with these NPCs, the only edit you need to make is Wind Magic should be Air Magic. Otherwise these two Story NPCs are approved.
oia team

Events ☙ Events ❧ Welcome to the Events Forum. Every six months the OIA Team plan and run a World Event. These events have the capacity to involve every character on site, as they unfold across the World of Noar. During t...

Awards ☙ Awards ❧ Its our joy and privilege to be able to recognise and award the incredibly talented members of our writing community for consistent and outstanding works of literature. Here at OIA we like to celebrate t...

Frequently Asked Questions ☙ Frequently Asked Questions ❧ The following is a list of Frequently Asked Questions, compiled in alphabetical order to help you find the answer to your question (use Ctrl+f for key-word searches). If your question...

The Help Desk

☙ Questions & Answers ❧ Hello and welcome to the Help Desk forum. Here you can ask questions regarding anything you may be having difficulty understanding, whether is be lore, processes, where to post, or what ...

Help Desk

☙ The Help Desk ❧ Hello and welcome to the Requests and Consent forum. Here you can post a link or the relevant information for anything that needs approval by an OIA Moderator. Our level 3 Storytellers also help w...

Welcome to Omens in Ashes ☙ Welcome to Omens in Ashes ❧ This site was developed by two very passionate people, myself and Spire, with a little help and encouragement from our friends along the way. We worked hard for about a year behind the...

Site Rules

Non Playable Characters Non Playable Character (NPC), also known as a Non Player Character, is a fictional character portrayed by a player to add flavour to a story. An NPC should be thought of as a ‘supporting role,’ like an extra on a television show. Their key role is to help the main character ...

Spelling Errors

Spelling Eero Errors Hi team. We have written a lot of information in a relatively short time to get everything up and running ASAP for you to enjoy the site. Of course, we are only human and, being human, we make mistakes from time to time. If you spot a spelling error you think we've missed, plea...

Site Rules

Rules of Magic Magic is exciting, allowing us to write experiences for our characters we can only dream of. However, not everyone shares such enthusiasm for Magic, which is why the OIA Team have also created an Anti-Magic called Rune Magic. All magic spells have descriptions that inform the player ...

Site Rules

Role-play Rewards Play by Post (PBP), is a collaborative form of writing that allows two or more players to write a story together, post by post. Players take turns posting and establish an order when writing with more than one other people. The OIA Team love collaborative storytelling, which is re...

Site Rules

Active Accounts Active: To be considered an Active Member, you must complete a minimum of 3 threads a season or 1 thread every month. A thread is a solo story of at least 1000 words, or a story told with another player, where each writes 5 posts with a minimum of 200 words per post. Inactive: An ac...

Site Rules

Post Templates Box Codes The use of Box Codes is strictly forbidden. They are often poorly coloured, boast pictures that slow the site down and distract the reader from the writing which, in our opinion, should speak for itself. Text Colours Font Fonts can be difficult to read, especially when play...

Site Rules

Role-playing Plagiarism noun the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and passing them off as one's own. The Moderators on OIA take plagiarism very seriously and understand that all players maintain the right to have their work (published on this site) recognised as their own whether the...

Site Rules

Forum Rules No Persons Under the Age of 18 Omens in Ashes (OIA) is an Adults Only forum which isn’t suitable and doesn’t accept members under the age of 18. Please be responsible and bookmark our site for a later date if you’re not quite old enough to join yet. Accounts created by anyone found to b...

Site Announcements


This is our first official announcement. After months of hard work and years of planning, Omens in Ashes is live!
oia team

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