Search found 6 matches

A Dance in the Snow

Malcolm spoke quickly, in a context that she didn’t fully know how to comprehend but she tried her best to pick up what she could. “Bind” was where the cross bit was, he said something along the lines of “Pommel” and “Crossguard,” Ryshaeri pointedly looked at the sword perplexed with confusion. Why ...

A Dance in the Snow

Introductions were as quick as they were painless, something that Ryshaeri was grateful for. The long lines of foreign titles had been difficult for her to initially pick up, though she was grasping them slowly. Ryshaeri’s eyes studied the man more closely now, as he in turn did the same to her. Sur...

A Dance in the Snow

Adorned in little more than a uniform, Ryshaeri had returned to the barracks after a summons from her superior to join the knights for combat training after her long night on patrol. Though it was not normal protocol for skyriders to train with the knights, Ryshaeri’s fighting style was too wild for...

Ryshaeri NPC Approval

Hello ^^ Here are my free NPCs from my CS to be approved. <3 Thomas Cooke Race: Human Age: 67 Relationship: Ryshaeri's Father Magic: Runas Background: Thomas Cooke is a man who was known for his skill in battle until his hand got cut off during a mission where he was captured. In his early days he t...

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