Lore & Systems Suggestions

Have a system change suggestion? Want to see a special race added? Post it here!

Lore & Systems Suggestions

We're happy to take suggestions from the community to better our overall story and site. However, there are a few things we, as the Administrators, need to make sure everyone understands before posting to this thread.

Comments & Behavior
  • As of 2020, Omens in Ashes is in its Alpha Testing phase. This means there will be changes happening for much of the year to see what works and what doesn't. Players should expect this when operating on the site during this time.
  • This thread is NOT for bashing players or staff over systems and suggestions made. Anything posted with the intent to criticize something or someone, without a constructive resolution, will be deleted with consequences dealt.
  • Mature behavior is a must. We cannot stress this enough. We're all here to have fun building a story together. We have no sympathy for those who want to act like dicks because they don't get their way. That's the bare bones truth of it. We're all mirrors. Give what you want to get.

  • Make sure your suggestion isn't already in the lore somewhere. Check this thread to see if one of your other community members suggested your idea already. We would like to limit duplicates as much as possible.
  • You can add your constructive criticism to an idea already posted if it's to enhance, help, or better shape the suggestion.
  • There is nothing wrong with suggesting something that you would like your own character to have or be apart of. Some of the best ideas are born that way.
  • Take time to think on your suggestions. Why do you want this implemented? How would it affect the community/story? How do you see it functioning? Why do you feel like your suggestion is better over what's in place, if applicable? Be detailed with your response. There is no right or wrong way to pitch an idea, but the more information it has, the better its odds are to see fruition on the site or in the lore.
  • Some things on the site will never be fully replaced, only updated. Depending on what it is, an admin will contact you with clarification as to why.

Before the end of our Alpha Testing phase, the Administrators will collect all suggestions made here and make final decisions as to what will be implemented and what won't. There will be no actions taken on any suggestions, nor any promises given to players, until senior staff has unanimously agreed to make them apart of the site. So be patient when awaiting the decision.

Collection Deadline: Dec. 1st, 2020
Deliberation Deadline: Jan. 1st, 2021

Suggestions made after the Collection Deadline will be put off for the next one. After Admin discussions, a thread will be posted with everyone's suggestions, whether they will or won't be implemented, and the reasoning behind them.

If your suggestion isn't implemented, do not throw a tantrum about it and do not harass staff or players. This is absolutely not tolerated and we will take extreme action if it is necessary.

Administrators reserve the right to tweak suggestions to suit the role-play and/or community as a whole. Players WILL be created properly for the idea, regardless of whether they are active, inactive, or become inactive in the future.