
Noble Houses

Updated as of Frost 22

Each region (known as a duchy) in Renmere is governed by a Duke or Duchess, who oversees all of the dealings that go on in and around the outpost. These Dukes and Duchesses are summoned to Andaris City to sit in court at Andar Castle, sending a representative (Baron or Baroness) in their place if they cannot attend. It is a Duke’s job to advise the king and keep him informed as to the happenings in each region. Dukes are treated like generals and have their own forces and personal guard to command, ensuring that their assigned region is kept trouble free. A Duke of Duchess is a very powerful position to be in as these fourteen people help guide the King and Queen in all matters concerning the Kingdom of Renmere.

The children of a Duke and Duchess claim the title of Baron or Baroness. They oversee large areas of land (barony) within the region and settle disputes, land claims, bylaws, and help their parents keep the region (duchy) in order.

The children of a Baron or Baroness are called Lord or Lady. They have no real power but are the next in line to claim power should their parents or grandparents pass away. The oldest Lord and Lady in a line, for example, would become the Baron and Baroness of that line if their parents were to meet an untimely end.

King and Queen: The rulers of Renmere, an inherited title passed on from one generation to the next.
To be addressed as: "Your Royal Majesty" and thereafter "Your Majesty"

Crown Prince and Princess: Future rulers of Renmere, inherited through the bloodlines of royal families.
To be addressed as: "Your Royal Highness" and thereafter "Your Highness"

Prince and Princess Consort: The spouse of a crown prince or princess.
To be addressed as: "Your Highness"

Duke and Duchess: A keeper of a duchy and their spouse - also the leader of a Great House.
To be addressed as: "Your Grace"

Baron and Baroness: The holder of a large farmstead or tract of land, their spouse, or the offspring of a duke and duchess.
To be addressed as: "My Lord / Lady.”

♚ = King
♛ = Queen
♔ = Duke/Duchess
✤ = Baron/Baroness

House Andaris


Members of the Andaris House are proud, arrogant, and wealthy. They usually run businesses near the ports or in the top tier of the city. They have a history of getting what they want and when it comes to advising the king, they are trusted for their sound battle tactics and skills in politics and negotiation.

♔ Thomas Andaris (67, Human)
m. Hellen Andaris (nee Sands, 64, Human)
✤ Lily Andaris (47, Human)
m. Hector Andaris (nee Tyde, 49, Human male)
✤ Penelope Andaris (23, Human)
m. Edmund Burhan
—Camille Burhan (b. Frost 22)
✤ __________ (Human)
✤ __________ (Human)

✤ Benji Andaris (46, Human)
m. Mary Andaris (nee Grigori, 50, Human, deceased)
- __________ (Human)
- __________ (Human)
- __________ (Human)
- __________ (Human)

✤ Gavin Andaris (44, Human)
m. Rah'lyn Andaris (nee Valley, 46, Ecrede)
- __________ (Mixed Blood)
- __________ (Mixed Blood)
- __________ (Mixed Blood)

House Burhan


A seafaring, spirited people known for their lavish parties and great sense of humour, House Burhan are navigational experts, brilliant sailors, designers, and merchants. They are not afraid to travel, love wholeheartedly, and enjoy nothing more than a good story.

♔ Baako Burhan (72, Human)
m. Paige Burhan (nee Howard, 70, Human)
✤ Pavoo Burhan (54, Human)
m. Caelan Burhan (nee Reyes, 50, Human)
- Edmund Burhan (23, Human)
m. Penelope Andaris
—Camille Burhan (b. Frost 22)
- Elyna Burhan (18, Human)
m. Malcolm Krome
—Elsie Krome (b. Blaze 22)
—Luke Krome (b. Blaze 22)
✤ Octavia Burhan (49, Ecrede)
m. Gaius Burhan (nee Lael, 51, Ecrede)
- ________ Burhan (24, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Burhan (24, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Burhan (21, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Burhan (19, Mixed Blood)
✤ Naoko Burhan (45, Human)
m. Unn Burhan (nee Val, 47, Human)
- ________ Burhan (23, Human)
- ________ Burhan (21, Human)
- ________ Burhan (20, Human)
✤ Raakel Burhan (43, Human)
m. Jalen Burhan (nee Wayne, 47, Ecrede)
- Valeria Burhan (22, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Burhan (20, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Burhan (18, Mixed Blood)
✤ Keiyiri Burhan (39, Human)
m. Overyn Burhan (nee Kithlan, 41, Ecrede)
- ________ Burhan (17, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Burhan (17, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Burhan (15, Mixed Blood)
✤ Veljorn Burhan (37, Human - Deceased)
m. Leila Burhan (nee Ithera, 34, Human)
- ________ Burhan (17, Human)

House Endor


The noble men and women of Endor are business experts and are often put in charge of setting up trading alliances across Renmere and around the world of Noar. Known as 'the children of the dragon' for their underground dwellings and secretive ways. House Endor is perhaps the most mysterious of them all, underestimated and often forgotten, these people are hard to silence.

♔ Cage Endor (88, N’jiin)
m. Tanya Endor (nee kelp, 84, Human)
✤ Ted Endor, (59, Mixed Blood)
m. Kee Endor (nee greene, 58, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Endor (31, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Endor (28, Mixed Blood)
✤ Cameron Endor, (57, Mixed Blood)
m. Maderson Endor (nee Cymelle, 59, N’jiin)
- Nathaniel Endor (30, Mixed Blood)
✤ Caleb Endor, (55, Mixed Blood)
m. Hannah Endor (nee Song, 52, Human)
- ________ Endor (26, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Endor (24, Mixed blood)
- ________ Endor (22, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Endor (21, Mixed Blood)

House Gwayne


Perhaps the most humble noble house, the people of Gawyne's line are historians, philosophers, poets, and mathematicians. They enjoy studying the stars and have been called 'the fortune-tellers of the north'. House Gawyne are most akin to House Warrick, the two usually forming strong alliances.

♔ Jason Gawyne (70, N’jiin)
m. Hope Gawyne (nee Serf, 68, N’jiin)
✤ Fredrick Gawyne (44, N’jiin)
m. Jade Gawyne (nee Tide, 45, N’jiin)
- ________ Gawyne (26, N’jiin)
- ________ Gawyne (23, N’jiin)
- ________ Gawyne (20, N’jiin)
- ________ Gawyne (19, N’jiin)
- ________ Gawyne (17, N’jiin)
- ________ Gawyne (15, N’jiin)
✤ Ryan Gawyne (41, N’jiin)
m. Sonnet Gawyne (nee Venora, 48, Human)
- ________ Gawyne (21, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Gawyne (20, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Gawyne (19, Mixed Blood)
✤ Snow Gawyne (39, N’jiin)
m. Jenson Gawyne (nee Pact, 42, Ecrede)
- ________ Gawyne (18, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Gawyne (16, Mixed Blood)
✤ Heath Gawyne (31, N’jiin)
m. Laura Gawyne (nee Kode, 28, Human)
- ________ Gawyne (8, Mixed Blood)

House Krome


The men and women of Krome are brash and unrefined. They enjoy fighting for sport and make fearsome opponents on the battlefield. House Krome is one of the richest houses in all of Renmere and don't tend to spend their coin on flashy clothes or items. Non-materialistic and lovers of the land, those with Krome blood in their veins are difficult to buy, fool or persuade, and are never trusted to keep their word.

✤ Atler Krome (69, Human - Deceased)
✤ m. Emma Krome (nee Ander, 67, Human)
✤ Vanessa Krome, (Human - Deceased)
m. Malcolm Krome (nee Bennett, Human)
- Marcus Krome (Human - Deceased)
- Vaughn Krome (b. Frost 12, Human, 11 years)
♔ Sophia Krome, (33, Human)
♔ m. Andre Krome (nee Fisher, 47, Human)
- David Krome (18, Human)
- William Krome (17, Human)
- Emerson Krome (b. Blaze 33, Human, 14 years)
✤ Journey Krome, (31, Human)
m. Gordon Krome (nee Sethon, 28, Human)
- ________ Krome (14, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Krome (13, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Krome (11, Mixed Blood)

House Venora


Members of the garden region, the Venora line produces some of the most beautiful people in all of Renmere. Known for their striking looks and graceful exchanges, House Venora is famous for its beauty, musical and artistic talents, and skills in persuasion.

♔ Willow Venora (71, Human)
m. Kaleb Venora (nee Fate, 68, Human)
✤ Hunter Venora, (45, Human)
m. Nina Venora (nee Sage, 41, Human)
- Delilah Venora (20, Human)
- ________ Venora (19, Human)
- ________ Venora (17, Human)
✤ Kalani Venora (49, Human)
m. Manu Venora (nee Talon, 53, Ecrede)
- ________ Venora (30, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Venora (22, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Venora (21, Mixed Blood)
✤ Noah Venora (47, Human)
m. Shannon Venora (nee Meadow, 54, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Venora (21, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Venora (19, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Venora (18, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Venora (17, Mixed Blood)

House Warrick


Twins are common in this bloodline, and those of this house are known for their fertility. Warricks come from a long, proud line of hunters, farmers, and skyriders. They are a hardy people who know the land better than most and seldom die young. Warricks are famous for their bravery, trustworthiness, and wisdom. They know The Burning Mountains better than any and often use this to their advantage.

♔ Alston Warrick (74, Human - Deceased)
m. Isabel Warrick (nee Howard, 63, Human)
Jared Warrick (36, Human)
m. Sa’ra Warrick (nee Ashan, 29, Ecrede)
- Lazuli Warrick (b. 47 Blaze 12, Mixed Blood)
- Laura Warrick (Deceased)
✤ Victor Warrick (35, Human)
m. Alice Warrick (nee Wade, 33, Human)
- ________ Warrick (13, Human)
- ________ Warrick (11, Human)
- ________ Warrick (9, Human)
✤ Wren Warrick (34, Human)
m. Garrett Warrick (nee Pace, 44, Ecrede)
- ________ Warrick (15, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Warrick (13, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Warrick (13, Mixed Blood)
- ________ Warrick (10, Mixed Blood)
✤ Ned Warrick (31, Human)
m. Ray Warrick (nee Black, 28, Human)
- ________ Warrick (8, Human)
- ________ Warrick (7, Human)
- ________ Warrick (6, Human)
- ________ Warrick (4, Human)